what are the baby essentials?

Posted by Fruitjuice 17 yrs ago
Hi everyone,

After several trips to Mothercare and B2B to try and get the ball rolling with buying baby things, I've decided we need help! We seem to end up just staring blankly at the huge variety of sterilisers/breast pumps/strollers etc and feeling like we have no idea what half the things do ro which things we need, let alone which type is best. So, I was just wondering if anyone who has already had a baby could tell me what are the absolute essential items you need from the very beginning? I've got some lists from the shops, but think they may be a little too thorough (for example, we're not going to get a special baby bath as I was bathed in the kitchen sink when I was a baby and am none the worse for it!).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, then hopefully we can leave next time with some bags of shopping rather than just a slight feeling of confusion!



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specks 17 yrs ago
Totally agree with cara on the breastfeeding. Don't buy the bottles and everything until you know you don't want to or can't breastfeed anymore. Chances are you will know in good time if you can't breasfeed and then it's just a matter of going to the shops, ie., mothercare or bumps2babes and buying bottles and sterilising kits. if you need to, then go with the well known brands because then at least you know you can buy the replacements parts anywhere in the world!

I found buying a few muslin wraps were essential. Most newborns want to be wrapped and feel secure. You can use a baby blanket, but I found the muslins (very lightweight almost sheer) fantastic. If it's cool, then an extra blanket over bub does the trip. It's also good for summer as they don't sweat with the muslin either (essential in this country!).

Definately agree with cara on the pillow. i breastfed our daughter and the pillow was great. I just used a boomerang pillow which sadly i can't find here for our next one coming along and i refuse to pay the huge amounts they are asking for here just because it says "baby feeding pillow" on it, when I can get one at the local store for $30 Aussie dollars back home instead of $140 Aussie over here!

If you go for the disposable nappie, don't buy mega bulk for newborn as you don't know how big he/she is going to be and newborn size may be too small then you have wasted your money. Just one pack should suffice until you work out what best size is and as cara said they grow so fast, it really is incredible. Also I would go for the more expensive brand for nighttime as they will be so heavy by morning and may leak which is a pain having to change sheets every day. Throughout the day I put mine in cheaper nappies, because they go through so many.

I had a bouncer which was great as it's handy if you need to move from room to room to do things and baby is awake and wants to be with you, then most are content to just lay there an watch (although that will probably be a couple of months away). I had a bassinet, but I borrowed one and my daughter only last a month or so and went straight into the cot, so personally given the size issue of apartments in HK, I reckon they are a bit of a waste. Sounds romantic having baby in the bassinet next to the bed, but in all honesty, I found it more difficult to sleep, with a snorning husband one size and a grunting baby the other!

Baby wipes will become your best friend (we use Johnston's) and even 5 years we still use them. Cream like Bepanthen or Curash or even a bit of powder for bottoms. I also used to use a drop or a squeeze of the baby bath at bathtimes. Bibs are essential also, regugitating milk really smells on the clothes when it dries!

Lastly, Nappy Bag to put nappies, wipes and disposable nappy bags for dirty nappies when you are out.

Good luck.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
I made a list a while ago. It's not supposed to be completely exhaustive. Just some thoughts. Also, it was written when we lived in Connecticut so the focus is not quite Hong Kong. You can probably skip some of the winter items. Strollers listed are perhaps a bit large for many areas of HK. http://www.rosboch.net/babygear.htm.

"we bought a cheap second hand baby bath as our sink was just too small to bathe baby. if you have a big kitchen sink, go for it!"

IKEA has a very nice and cheap blue tub.

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ldsllvn 17 yrs ago
our babies were bathed in the sink for the first month or two and then in the molded seats (link attached) that just simply go into the bathtub - they are v cheap - B2B has them and will last you for months - and not as bulky as baby bath tub.

Another thing - do not buy a basinet! Waste of money - babies in it only for something like 6 wks or so and then they are too big. Just use the cot straight away.


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Rames 17 yrs ago
Keep life simple. Keep it simple. best advise mum will always aadvise. Look at your budget and look at what you need not everything under the sun. Follow how you are brought up.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"Another thing - do not buy a basinet!"

Yes and no. I would agree about the bassinet but a moses basket is quite useful for the first few weeks since you can move it around from the side of the bed to the kitchen table to the bathroom to the living room.

Also the big cot can be a bit unsettling for some kids. Certainly was for our #1. She hated not feeling both edges.

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bluetapestries 17 yrs ago
Particularly with newborns, onesies where you have to pull over the baby's head are really cumbersome. I found (for a lack of a better term) crossover tie robes and onesies that button all the way down much easier for me and the baby. Also, invest in some cotton handkerchiefs (you can also use muslin) for wiping up spit. Babies don't need bibs until they're starting to sit up.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"Babies don't need bibs until they're starting to sit up."

Depends on the baby actually. Both ours needed bibs from about 1-2 months. Drool drool drool.

I don't mean to diss anyone's advice, but every baby is different. In this case, though, you'll need bibs anyway so you might as well get them.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
I noticed the link wasn't working in the post above: http://www.rosboch.net/babygear.htm

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bluetapestries 17 yrs ago
Thanks cara! That's what they're called in Chinese, but I wasn't sure if they translated that way in English.

You'll need bibs eventually, but since your newborn will be laying down most of the time and the baby ideally shouldn't wear a bib while sleeping, just slip a handkerchief underneath the chin to wipe up any drool or spit up. You can buy them at Mannings or any department store (Suzuran is a good brand).

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Fruitjuice 17 yrs ago
Wow - thank you so much everyone for your advice - I really appreciate it! Great to hear from parents what is actually needed rather than shops telling me which of their products I 'need' to buy. In light of all your comments I think we'll buy very little until the baby arrives (except for the absolute essentials) and see how we go from there. I had a feeling that these days people can over-complicate the whole process, and you've confirmed what I thought!

Again, thanks a million - you've all been a great help.

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