Hi JHI & Poseidon
Sorry for the delay in replying I am not often on the boards.
All I remember is that I wrote his name down after reading elsewhere that he was the expert here in HK. What a pity! I guess then the best way to find someone else is to look for an endocrinologist and hope he knows more or is more open minded?!?
I've heard Catherine Choi/Choy is good with PCOS patients for fertility treatment.
Since there is no definate test for PCOS or PCOS-like symptoms you can always find two docs that disagree. I read in a medical paper that PCOS patients might have a good results in the 3 hours GTT but that only after the 4th or 5th hour do they start to display PCOS symptoms. Not sure if this relates to your situation or not.
The sites are:
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They are very informative.
Metformin is taken to regulate glucose intolerance in those with PCOS or PCOS like symptoms with fertility problems. It helps egg quality and prevention of miscarriage (PCOSers have a higher rate of m/c).
The minimum dose is 1500mg daily.
And for minimum 3 months to have an effect on the egg development.