IUI with Dr. Ho

Posted by linktany 15 yrs ago
I suggest you to pray lord shiva, based in India.

If you worship lord shiva shankar, you will sure get a baby.


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Havefaith 15 yrs ago

I highly recommend Dr. Ho. He is very professional and knowledgeable. We have a 9 month old daughter - thanks to Dr. Ho. Kelly is god's sent. I cant compare Dr. Ho with other RE in Hong Kong because once we found Dr. Ho we stayed with him.

TTC is very emotional. For us it was like a roller coaster, I had 3 m/cs over a period of 3 years before I gave birth to our daughter.

Take care + lots of baby dust to you.


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Havefaith 15 yrs ago

Yes, we are very blessed with our daughter - she is happy and healthy. It makes the last 3 years worthwhile. She is everything we had ever hoped for and more.

I picked the name "Havefaith" after my first m/c in Oct 2006 - by that time we had been TTCing for several months. I needed to pick a name that would give me strength. Faith will get you there - you also need to be patient and relax - the relaxing part is easier said than done.

Lots of baby dust to you and everyone on this forum.


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oripori 15 yrs ago
Can any of you give the address for DR. Ho or how can i find him? !!!!!!!!!!!

thank you

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Havefaith 15 yrs ago
Dr. Ho's no. is 2899-2293. His clinic is on 7th Floor above the Coach store on Queens Road Central

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Angsana 15 yrs ago
I have 2 sons conceived via IUI. The first was conceived on the first round of IUI and the second was conceived on the 5th round of IUI.

Unfortunately you will always come across people who bingo on the first go. That's their life and I am sure that they have other issues to deal with in their lives.

The way I look at it is that my sons are WAY cuter than everyone elses and that I had to work harder to have this extra special gift!

Good luck, keep our eye on the ball and be good to yourself.

Baby dust XXXX

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