Worried, no pregnancy 'symptoms' yet!!!!

Posted by Sarsky 17 yrs ago
Hi, I'm nearly 7 weeks pregnant. It's was confirmed by an initial scan last week, so everythings in place but I'm getting worried because aside from having bigger, sore boobs, I don't seem to have any other symptoms of being pregnant.

I'm not especially tired, I can't smell anything (have bad sense of smell anyway), no sickness..nothing.No pains, or cramps either.

Should I be worried or think myself lucky?

Maybe it sounds stupid but i can't help but worry that maybe the embryo has stopped growing.Although I haven't had any bleeding.

Can somebody please share their views with me.

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specks 17 yrs ago
REJOICE in feeling great! It is completely normal. The only symptons I had when I was pregnant were huge, sore boobs and even the initial soreness settled down after a while. I felt a tiny bit queazy at the beginning for about 2 weeks. I think sometimes there is information overload when it comes to be pregnant and going through labour. Stop reading into what might be wrong and be happy that you are pregnant and are going to become a mum!

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starworld 17 yrs ago
You're very lucky! I eat everything except bread and i like sharing food with my son (who is 16 years old), i always feel sick but trying not to because i hate it and always feel so tired specially in the morning.

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Sarsky 17 yrs ago
Thanks. I think that I am a bit of a victim of the info overload you mention Specks. I read a comment someone had written on another pregnancy discussion board......along the lines of ...if you stop feeling 'symptoms' then maybe you've miscarried!!!

I'm 38 and worried I'm not ever going to have kids if I miscarry. I have numerous friends who have been trying for ages . We were trying for 6 months but I alays felt such a failure whenever I got my period!

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Aussierules 17 yrs ago
Hi Sarsky,

I am 6 weeks and 2 days and like you I have been feeling no symptoms but sore boobs. Went to the obs to check out the light brown spotting and he said in actual fact my baby is only about 5 weeks becos my cycle is 33 days, not 28 or 30 days. So, that means, my baby was actually conceived later in the cycle (as I also ovulate later in the cycle as compared to other women whose cycles are only 28-30 days). Does it make sense? Anyhow, if you are worried (like I was), strongly suggest you have an ultrasound done. It will put all guess work to bed. Good luck.

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specks 17 yrs ago
Hi Sarsky

My husband and I have been trying for baby no. 2 for a number of months (I am 36 very soon) and I too am a little worried about what is happening with my body given i'm getting older (it only took 3 months to conceive last time) and how the pregnancy will go if I am in fact blessed with the gift. I started reading the Pregnancy thread and like you started getting worried, in fact paranoid comes to mind!! I know I am a complete hypocrite saying this, but maybe we shouldn't read some of the things on here, because it just plants things into our minds. My mum told me the only reason she was positive she was pregnant is because of the size of her belly. She had no symptons at all! I brought a great reference book over to HK with me called "What to Expect when You're Expecting" - Eisenberg, Murkoff and Hathaway, and it was a fantastic book with practical information and is broken down into month chapters from conception to birth. I also invested afterwards in "What to Expect: The First Year" and again, had all the answers when a question or doubt popped into my head. I bought it at Dymocks in Australia, but I am certain I saw them at the IFC Dymocks just a few weeks ago. btw: who is your obs?

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Sarsky 17 yrs ago
Cara, I'm so sorry to hear you've changed plans to have a third because of your awful experiewnce in pregnancy. I know I should stop worrying and see things as a positive but I just don't feel pregnant. My partenr thinks I'm just getting paranoid.

I can't imagine how things must've been for you! I guess the consolation is having your children arrive healthy.

I do feel a bit of a whinger it's just i have no friends in HK who have had kids and it's such a whole new world to me , i only have my own head space to bounce off. I work in an all chinese environment where they my colleagues don't really mix socially with me and culturally have such different expectations too.

Specks, I had an ultrasound last week, saw the sack and was told it was actually 5 w 5days....so actually in real terms further on than I wouldve thought...even though I was 6w and 2 days since last period. So I guess i conceived immediately after my last period!! I was initailly releived to know that my pregnancy wasn't ectopic but my head has now moved on to new paranoias.

Fingers crossed, I have another scan and blood test results next Thursday.

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specks 17 yrs ago
Oh cara, that sounds terrible. I had a friend who was on medication for nusea throughout her pregnancy and lost lots of weight also. I am very lucky that I did not suffer morning sickness, however i did suffer from pubic symphysis (where the pubic bone separates) from about the 4 month. By the 8th month, I couldn't even lift my leg off the floor for the pain, something similar to a sledgehammer being smashed into my pubic bone! My husband had to help me dress, get out of the bath and bed. Sorry Sarsky, I didn't really want to tell you that bit:(, I believe that was from a previous car accident many years ago. BUT, if i didn't suffer from that condition, I would have had a completely blissful pregnancy. Maybe we need to start up a "Positive Pregnancy Thread"! Don't feel bad whinging at all, this is a great outlet and at the end of the day, even though our experiences are different, we are all going through the same emotions. I'm in the opposite realm to you, all my friends have finished having babies and we (mainly I) have just recently come around to wanting another and "the clock is ticking", so that is why I am getting paranoid. I'm also scared I won't be able to cope with another baby because I don't have the support network I had back home and I suffered post natal depression with our first. I'm trying not to think of that and remain positive, but it always lingers there in the back of my mind.

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purplelady 17 yrs ago
Count yourself and myself lucky!

I was also full of energy, going on business trip all over the world

till about 5 months, took it a little easy, but still working and always on the move.

Eat whenever I like but cut down on the refined sugar. Had 2 normal delivery. My first born was a girl at 3.8kg and my second was a boy at 4.5 kg.

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specks 17 yrs ago
OUCH!!!! I thought mine was big at 4.0kg, but I tell you I would have felt the extra .5!! I pray if we are blessed with another, that the labour be quick and the bub be just a lovely 3kilos.

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specks 17 yrs ago
I hear you cara!! I had 16 hours of HELL!! I was induced, then finally went the labout started in earnet, I had six topups of my epidural and I still felt the whole thing. Eventually our daughter's heart stopped, and my ob didn't waste any time, she grabbed the forceps, look at me and apologised for what was to come and the whole hospital plus surrounding suburbs heard the screams I'm sure. Funnily enough, if we have another baby I still want to go natural again and I'm definately looking into hypnobirthing this time though....oh and lots of drugs again! But look what we get out of it all, beautiful babies... who keep you up all night, make your boobs sag, bags under your eyes...... Having said that, I wouldn't change it for the world:)

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starworld 17 yrs ago
Foolonahill, we feel same, there's a time that i don't feel like i am pregnant so to make myself satisfied i took HPT everytime ii don't feel preggy anymore and that's make me feel better i know it sound funny but it helps me a lot. i am now 7 weeks preg.

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Sarsky 17 yrs ago
Hi, I'm the original poster of this thread. I'm afraid that in my case the lack of 'symptoms' did turn out to be unlucky. Three days ago I had a miscarriage. Apparently, it was nothing I did, it was completely unavoidable and purely 'one of those things'. My very kind and sensitive obstetrician explained to me that the embryo has simply stopped growing and hadn't developed a heartbeat. It's most likely it was a chromosonal disorder that simply wouldn't continue to full term.Of course, we are devastated as we'd been trying to get pregnant for some time.

My only comfort is that at least now we know we are capable of conceiving.

My very best to all of you out there that may be expereiencing similar worries. I wish you all the absolute best pregnancies and hope to be in a similar way soon myself.

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specks 17 yrs ago
Oh Sarsky, I'm so very sorry, my heart goes out to you and your husband. I guess it's just a matter of trying to stay positive and I wish you all the best of luck and health.

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Havefaith 17 yrs ago

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is a tough time for you and your DH. I had a bligted ovum last Sept. I know what you are going thru - do be strong and try to stay positive. It is a testing time - but lets all pass the test together.


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starworld 17 yrs ago
Sarsky, So sorry to hear your loss.stay positive and wish you luck.

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