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18 yrs ago
Should you go into labour pre term, what is the earliest the Adventist / Matilda will accept you. I thought I read somewhere that you must be at least 36 weeks, however I know of someone who delivered at the Adventist at 35 weeks.
Should you go into early labour and end up at the QMH, generally would your nominated OB /GYN be able to provide a history? Am considered high risk pregnancy and am told that I have no choice but to have a C section due to previous surgery on cervix and previous c sect. However if I presented in labour would they expect you to trial it...???
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I would think it would be more a question if the hospital can support the baby. 36 weeks is considered term, and earlier, the baby could have some issues and may need additional support. I know that NICU at QMH is excellent - so if you're really early, then you may want to go there.
you may need to talk to your doctor about this. He may be able to apprise you of the necessary details of what you need to do should this scenario arise.
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