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18 yrs ago
I have read alot of posts about people going to Matilda and The Adventist to have their babies but i am still a little clueless about the actual total cost. I have approx 30K in total as maternity benefits, this is for everything, scans etc. Is this sufficient? I have heard figures from 20K to 100K! Any idea of figures would be much appreciated.
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18 yrs ago
I don't think 30K is going to be enough for either of those 2 hospitals. Certainly our total cost at Matilda (private room) last June was just in excess of 100K. Incidentally I think Matilda's website has the hospital charges (but not those of the O/G) posted. I think the Adventist website is somewhat lacking in a lot of areas.
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As a rough guide, a friend has just been to Matilda in Dec and spent $96K on the birth alone (normal delivery) excluding all the pre-natal scans and specialist visits (assuming that it was a private room). Another friend had hers at Adventist in Dec and spent $75K for the birth (excluding pre-natal) for an elective c-section.
I am in the same boat and have a limit on my insurance cover so will have to top up ourselves. The Matilda website is good for hospital costs but need to add on specialist costs (we are seeing Dr Dawkins and I think he ranges between $18K and $30K for the delivery) and anaesthetist. Not sure how much the pre-natal will end up costing with him as only just 19 weeks along myself. Visits so far have ranged between $800 for a standard consult to $3500 for the big scan consult at 12 weeks. I expect that there will be a few more expensive ones as we go along and am seeing him once a month at the moment and will go once a week at 8 months onwards. I would recommend him.
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Starbucks 2 - I too have been seeing Dr Dawkins you should only have one more big scan at 20 weeks after that costs are just the $800 per visit. Not sure if he charges for the glucose test as I decided not to have it done.
Jackpotter - Re : Hospital costs - we too only have 35k to cover everything and it won't by a long way. For a delivery at Matilda with Dr Dawkins - normal delivery no epidural ward room - it should cost around 50k. We have based this on costs given to us by Dr Dawkins and the hospital. If you have epidural the cost would probably go up to nearer 60k. The matilda also charge extra for the delivery room if you go in one day and deliver the next.
We are still deciding what to do but have registered with Queen Mary and may continue seeing Dr Dawkins but deliver at QMH. Interestingly our insurance is designed so that if I had an elective c sect I can go to Matilda and it should'nt cost me very much!!
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Hi there, I too saw Dr Dawkins for my ante-natal care and he delivered me at the Matilda. I had all the standard ante-natal visits and scans including the glucose test (which is an extra charge by the way but I don't remember it being all that much...relatively!!!). I had the standard 3 day stay after a normal delivery in a semi-private room and had an epidural during my labour. I also had some complications following delivery which resulted in me having to have a general anaesthetic and further procedure carried out post delivery and my total costs including absolutely everything from the first 6 week visit with Dr D to walking out of Matilda with my baby came to 84K.
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Wow! Thanks for all the feedback everyone. It seems that i was completely underestimating the cost. I stayed at the Canossa for an infection before and loved the hospital. Might look up the prices there. Thanks again!
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The maternity package at Canossa is 28K. Think that seems like a good option. Just wanted to let those people with less coverage know!
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check the small print - i thinkg 28000 includes most stuff but not all - i dont think it includes the hospital stay charges and a few other bits...check it out as hospital stay might be something like 3000 a day - can you let us know ! epidural is more too..
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Starbucks : 3500 for the big scan at 12weeks is serious ripoff. It should cost between 1000-2000hkd at the most.
30,000HKD is nowhere near enough if you go private in Hong Kong.
A friend of mine went to United Hospital in Taiwai and they have packages from 16k up for delivery exluding doctors fees.
she said the staff were really friendly and was quite happy with the service. But the problem is that it's far from the island.
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Thanks goddess. It was quite a long appointment at the 12 week one for the nuchal fold test as well as blood tests so maybe that meant it was more expensive. It is all new to me and all seems expensive anyway that I didn't even flinch!
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yes i know - i got the blood tests and the nuchal thickness measured too. The bill still came to only 2k.
Anyways - i think doctors tend to take a bit of advantage - and onviously one doesn't want to shop around cos you want the best for the baby.
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