Chlomid and IUI

Posted by Angsana 17 yrs ago
This thread has not been started because of the new today, it has been on my mind for a while now.

I have one child successfully conceived the first try with IUI and injectables. This only happened however after I changed OB's twice and went thru 6 months of taking chlomid with a big fat zero. I am now in my 9th month of seeing an OB/ specialist in a new country. I've just completed 6 months of chlomid (at his insistence) with 2 IUI's. Again, a bit fat zero.

He has just asked me to take both chlomid (I tablet days 2-6) and injectables (days 6-8) plus IUI. I am happy about the injections and IUI but seriously in my heart think that chlomid is a pile of cr@p (well in my case anyway) and am feeling frustrated that he wants me to take it. I feel like I am wasting my "go's" at IUI by using chlomid when in the past it only took 1 go and I feel like I am knocking at IVF's door when I do not think I need it but will have no choice if 6 IUI's fail.

Anyone with success stories with this combination? Or anyone who can share with me why this combination works? I would change my OB but apparently he's the best there is in my new country.

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kiwimmc 17 yrs ago
i did clomid one session and was due to have IUI but my husband was travelling and we managed to get pregnant that month without the IUI. I consulted with 2 fertility doctors during that month and one was pro clomid, the other was not.

Even though the current doctor you are consulting is the best, do you think it is worth having a second consultation with someone else? You may find that the best doctor is not necessarily the best for you.

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chotai 17 yrs ago
don't rely much on clomid, rather don't take much. it makes your uterus lining thinner.

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UK1971 17 yrs ago

Firstly I think there is no magic solution to suceed with IUI I think it is all about timing. Sometimes the timing is exact and you have success and sometimes it is out and you suffer failure.

I have had 3 iui's and am now pregnant with Twins. First time I had one egg and no success , second time two eggs and no success and third time two eggs and now twins. I do believe it is timing rather than anything else. I think we all expect too much and apply too much pressure on our selves to suceed and then blame everything when we are not successful. Patience is really the answer. I know this is tough, as the minute you start focusing on the growth of your eggs it is hard to relax and not apply so much pressure on a procedure which offeres you a 1 in 4 chance.

I think it is easy to blame the Dr and change Oby because you have not had success. At the end of the day Oby can assist with fertility only so much and the rest is down to NATURE and we cannot change this no matter what!!! Every cycle is different unfortunatly, so what worked first time is not going to be the same next time. You were incredibly lucky to conceive first time ad I think this is why you are so disappointed in it not being so easy the second time round. The second time round is more realistc and this is generally the norm for most people. I suggest after your next IUI put your feet up and take it easy for the first week as I do believe this helps. I honestly believe you have as much chance with this Oby as the next and really all it is boils down to is Exact timing which unfortunaly is a guessing game but at some stage the guess will be exact.

Have you tried accupuncture ,this can help increase the flow of blood to help produce better quality eggs. Sorry I do not have an answer for you but it all boils down to is the nature of the beast and thisis something NO ONE can control.

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Angsana 17 yrs ago
Hi there UK1971

I just wanted to say thx as your post really pressed a few buttons for me. I've had 2 IUI's on chlomid with zero results and after a 3 month break I am now just about to do an IUI having taken a low dose of chlomid Puregon. Unfortunately we only got one egg when we were aiming for 2, but here's hoping anyway. My doc said if it doesn't work then we'll up the dosage to try and get 2 eggs. Anyway I just wanted to say thanks as your post made me see things more clearly. I now realise that it may take some goes and I need to be patient. I also need to take a chill pill over the whole thing and not get stressed which is not helping I'm sure. I just hope it works eventually as I really do not want to do IVF.

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UK1971 17 yrs ago

you are most welcome. I am hoping all goes well and please let us know on this page if you are successful. I only ever had Puregon and had on egg first time as they are never sure how you wil react on it. Second time they increased the dose and I had two eggs. I had an even higher dose the third time and again produced two eggs. Here's wishing you all the luck and remeber feet up for the week after.

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Angsana 16 yrs ago
Hi there UK1971

Well you can give yourself a big pat on the back and look in the mirror and say to yourself that you made a difference in someone's life. After the advise you gave me above, I printed off your response and looked at it when I wanted to throw in the towel (especially the bit about being lucky first time round, sticking with the Doc and putting my feet up). Well, guess what, great news. My 5th IUI worked - yippee. I am now 6 weeks pregnant.

Thanks so much again. If I lived in HK I'd buy you a beer, I mean a Cranberry juice.

For those of you doing IUI. I hope the above stories give you hope that it can work. For me it has worked twice now. Give it a good go if you have the time.

Take care.

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UK1971 16 yrs ago
Congratulations I am so happy for you, have you had your first scan yet? I am glad you persevered and it payed off and I gave you hope to carry on with what you believed in. I would happily accept your drink shame about the countries though. Keep us posted on how it is going.

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lolo32 16 yrs ago
Hi Angsana,

Congratulations, it is great to hear you are success with 2 times in your life, among those IUIs. I am trying my 3rd attemp IVF, as i hope it will bring higher success rate. But it will be nice to hear IUI also give such a good rate. If 5 times can give out one chance, it is still good. But may i know how old are you? as i am 40 now. I wonder if IUI only good for younger ones.



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