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18 yrs ago
Hi trying,
One of my friend has endometriosis. She started her treatments at the age of 33, but as her condition was quite severe (got chocolate cysts and very bad cramps before and during menstruation) Sorry to let you know that she had tried 3 IVF in Prince Wales without luck. She only had 1 egg retrieved at a time.... but she told me cause Prince Wales is super a busy place, that might be one of the reasons that no one was really looking after her reaction towards the drugs.
But as the condition varies case by case, please do not be discouraged and try whathever you can. And as I saw many women in this forum tried 3, 4, even 7 times and got preg. You are not along, as I am also on the way of my 1st IVF treatment, eventhough i am in the "unexplained" category, i am trying to get ready to fight this battle. i hope you are too.
Lets cheer up and be brave!
I was diagnosed with endometriosis. We tried IVF and retrieved 9 eggs. I became pregnant and delivered a very healthy boy! The best part is that pregnancy seems to have mostly rid my body of the endometriosis.
Hi trying, we will keep our fingers crossed for you. Pls keep us updated how you are doing.
18 yrs ago
Hi trying, I posted on another thread to say that i only had 4 eggs retrieved but went on to have one healthy baby. I have a long history of endometriosis and multiple laparoscopies, which is likely the reason for so few eggs as the endo had damaged one of my ovaries, but the IVF worked for me.
I have a friend who was only able to retrieve 1 egg in IVF and she went on to have a beautiful baby girl with the one shot!!!!
Oh you poor possum, I know that waiting for the 2 weeks is just a nightmare. I never felt any different to my normal pre mensruation and so was certain I wasn't pregnant. What you need to concenrate on is filling the 2 weeks up before you get the results. I know that is really difficult but mopping around will just make the days drag. Make a list of things to do every day and scratch them off. Open your diary and call your mates to meet for a drink (juice!). Plan a few evenings out with husband. Clean out those drawers. Take care of yourself - go for a facial. Fill those days up so you are not thinking about it!!!
Keep us posted!
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