10 weeks pregnant: Down test

Posted by suem 19 yrs ago
I'm 10 wks pregnant and next saturday I have the down syndrome test: can anyone explain what's this and if it hurts?

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TC 19 yrs ago
It's an early test to detect the presence of Down's Syndrome attributes. It's usually performed by ultrasound and is entirely non-invasive and there's no pain at all. Sounds like you might need to invest in a good book on what to expect through your pregnancy. Good luck.

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hkchoichoi 19 yrs ago
did they call it "nuchal translucency test"? Then it's done by ultrasound with a follow up blood test. It's more a "screening" and if anything abnormal shows up, then you will have additional follow up tests. Not painful...the only test that really hurts in a normal pregnancy - is the test of LABOR!

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
make sure that you know what the screening test is about - it's to avoid unnecessary stress for you.

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Vanille 18 yrs ago
Does anyone know how much a down syndrome test cost?


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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
depends on what kind of test you're talking about.

Some docs measure NT and do a blood test,

which is just for screening - the other options are amniocentesis and cv sampling.

Prices vary depending on whether you go public or private as well.

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Vanille 18 yrs ago
I do not have any ID card so private or public won't make any difference for me.

My doc send me to have a Oscar Test which include a scan in 3D, a blood test (+consultation). Seems it will cost HK$1,700 I was asking around to know a normal cost just to check (as some docs are more expensive than others).

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itoogood2005 18 yrs ago
I currently live in Dalian. I am looking for a very good obs/gyn who speaks english and also somewhere I could do an Amniocentesis test. Antwhere in Asia!!

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Poseidon 18 yrs ago
hi itoogood2005,

any good doctor for PCOS pregnancy that you know in asia or singapore ?

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