Government Hospitals New territories

Posted by Vanille 18 yrs ago

Does anyone know which Government Hospitals are very good for delivering babies, near by Shatin (New Territories)?

Thanks for your advices.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
I've heard very good things about Prince of Wales hospital. There are always going to be mixed reviews - and generally speaking the government hosptials aren't posh, but they will get the job done, although you may not always love the service. I went public, and don't regret it (an extra $100,000 for my daughers education.) I had an amazing birth experience and loved my midwives.

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Vanille 18 yrs ago
Thanks a lot for sharing your experience. May I ask you in which hospital you delivered?

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cync 18 yrs ago
i think it will hv to be prince of wales.a friend of mine had her baby girl delivered there...had a good experience.i've been to union hospital too,it's a pte one at tai wai but maternity package is fairly lower than most hk island hospitals.they hv a panel of obgyn to choose too

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
I delivered at Queen Mary.

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