depressed and pregnant

Posted by 73 18 yrs ago
we have just moved from HongKong where we lived for less than a year as my husband's company offered him to run the singapore office and i found out i am pregnant.

and i feel depressed because i just want to be "home" and i didnt feel it for sometime already. I have a year old daughter who, thank God, keeps me sane but i still find myself brooding all day and just feeling blue. my husband is my best friend but i dont want to nag him about my emotions anymore as he is very busy at work...allthough i cant help it sometimes.

i may have a job in two month's time and it is something i am looking forward too allthough, i know my heart will break when i will have to leave my daughter with the maid.

i havent made any friends and dont have the urge..probably its part of feeling blue and the pregnancy..its just a terible feeling! I want to get away from here! Help!

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
dear 73,

don't be depressed.

i am having a rough patch with my 2nd pregnancy too. after being a stay home mum for 13 months or so, we are pregnant with #2. i had some spotting which required bedrest and even though the doc has given the all-clear about the spotting, i am saddled with nasty morning sickness which leaves me with no appetite and just exhausted. i can't even look after my child properly, which has resulted in us hiring a part-time nanny for the mornings until he is ready for playschool in october. I am now 10 weeks pregnant and my toddler is 15 months old....and there are days when i feel completely useless because i can't bear the smell of cooking, hubby and i survive on takeout and my son's main diet seems to be grilled cheese sandwiches or fish fingers because we've run out of his food in the freezer. we have stopped our regular playgroups for the time being because i can't even move in the afternoons sometimes.

it's hard being pregnant with a toddler in a new country. i am local but my hubby is british so in a way, i am lucky to have friends and family here. but even then, i am the first among my friends to have a baby - most of them are still unattached and single!

i can make some suggestions:

1) look up the new mother's support group. depending on where you stay, they can match you to other mums to form playgroups with.

2) join a babygym like gymboree and jwt or swim class for your toddler - that'll help you get out fo the house and give you some fresh air.

good luck and don't worry, you are not alone!

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73 18 yrs ago
Dear Wheelymate,

Thanks for sharing your experience. I am flying to my hometown to be with my parents and I just cant wait. I guess my husband saw how miserable Im becoming. I really hope that this will pass specially when I'm back from the trip.

Take care of yourself and I do hope that soon things will get better for you as well.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
fabulous, 73...i hope your visit home will help you feel heaps better.

and when you return, do try out some of my suggestions...get to know singapore, the heat aside, it is a generally easy place to have children.

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one8y 18 yrs ago
Annerley child and health lyndhurst terrace have an australian nurse working with them who specialises in emotional well being ante natal and post natal

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crj 18 yrs ago
Check out this thread - you won't feel so alone!


It does get better, I promise (see above post)

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73 18 yrs ago
Dear All, I am back from the trip and I had a wonderful time wth my parents. I feel much better but I dont eat as well because I crave for my mother's cooking. I also have been sick so my focus went to getting better rather than feeling miserable.

Also, i think i lost the job offered to me because of my condition and allthough it was disappointing, i didnt let it affect me for a long time because i was just thiking about my baby.

Hmmmm....I am hanging in here...hanging in as strong as i can...thanks all for your contribution and crj, i read the post and it helped me feel better. thank you too.

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