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19 yrs ago
Hi, we are considering going the public route with baby #2 and are considering giving birth at the Pamela Youde Hospital. Anybody here has given birth there and what had been your experiences? Is hubby allowed to be in labor room with you? Are they pro-b'feeding? etc., etc. Thanks!
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I am having check up in Pamela Youde apart from my regular ones with private obst & Gyn. Am not considering giving birth there but I know for sure they allow hubby to be in labour room with you (they have a poster there promoting the benefits of having involving hubby in labour process). They are pro-breastfeeding too (last time during my check up they played us a video about BF and the nurse highly recommended BF).
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See my answer in Moms and Dads.
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19 yrs ago
Phoenix / Nicher --thank you both for your replies. That's certainly reassuring that they're pro-b'feeding.
Phoenix --Could you request for the Private Room (#7)? Is that on a first-come, first-served or could you pre-book? I'm assuming that's going to cost a bit more...?
Nicher --Regarding having your check-up at Pamela Youde... Do you do it at their Family Clinic? How much is per consultation and do you get a fixed doctor for your consultations there or is it whoever it is that's on duty at the time?
Thanks again!
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No, you cannot book the private room, its first come. You do not have to pay any extra, it is just another room. Sorry if it read like there was a private room available to choose- there is not, its the luck of the draw. All I did was ask if I could have 7 if it was free, and after a bit of whispering, they cleaned it up for me.
RE; check -ups- they are free. You have to register first, have a check up, and then they give you monthly/2 weekly apptms. A tip- if you decide to do this, take a book. If your appointment is at 9.30, it means you are one of maybe 30, with the same appointment time. Get there at 8.30, as soon as your slip is handed back in with your blood pressure/urine results etc. ( from the nurses) then you are in the queue. I have waited anything from 1-3 hours . They do not scan either, unless you are at a crucial time. I knew all this beforehand from a friend, so chose to go with a private doctor for my 9 months, and registered at 34 weeks at PY. I still had to go often, but cut out 8 months of waiting around. You do not get the same Doc every time, but the Doc's are very good.
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Hi Kwis,
I am HK Citizen, so every check up is free of charge. I registered at Pamela Youde when I first knew about being pregnant. Based on your due date, they will arrange a time for you to have your first check up at the hospital. This would involve urine test, blood test etc. You only get the first ultrasound scan and doctor consultation (not the same doctor every time) at around week20 (during the 2nd/ 3rd check up). If everything's fine, they will transfer your record to their affliated family health clinic. From then on you'll have your check up at the family clinic instead of the hospital. I am going for my 2nd check up at the family clinic next week.
Before Week 28: 1 check up per month
After Week 28: 1 check up every two weeks
Every check up is scheduled on weekdays. And Phoenix is right. It takes you around 2 hours or so queueing + check up, so make sure you are perpared to take a half day leave.
Scanning will be done at Week 20 and towards the later stage. Other than that, nurse/ doctor will just let you listen to baby's heartbeat and 'measure' the size of your belly to make sure baby's growing on size.
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18 yrs ago
Does anyone know if you can get photos of the ultrasound scans when they do them at Pamela Youde? How far in advance do you have to tell them and how much does it cost? Thanks!
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you can get photos at the public hospitals - they just make you pay a lot for them - in comparison to the cost of the actual ultrasound. you just tell them the day of - and they will do it for you.
my memory - around $480 for a set.
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18 yrs ago
Thanks! Around how many photos to a set --do you remember?
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