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16 yrs ago
My doctor has told me that if this months treatment does not work then I need to consider IVF for my second child. I can get over all the emotions and the stress but what I am having a hard time dealing with is the drugs I have to put into my body. I am very much a person who eats real, organic food and is very conscious about chemicals etc. but then I have to go and load up on fertility drugs ever month!! I do not even take a panadol if I have a headache. I did take fertility drugs for my first child, but it worked 1st time.
Anyway my Q is (albeit a controversial one) - what are the risks of doing IVF? My previous doc and current doc say "none" or "if you have too many hormones you'll hyperstimulate" but yeah, I know that already. What I want to know are - what are the real risks. I hear a broad range of views from zero to disturbing opinions of what these drugs do to you. I'd just like to be able to weigh up my decision with all the facts, but getting an OB who makes millions a year by treating people to tell you the real facts is quite hard.
I'd like to hear from other women who have thought long and hard about the decision and how they came to their decision either to proceed or not.
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I have been very healthy all my life. Most of the time, I dont take anything for colds and headaches. I dont drink and eat organic.
However, when it comes to fertillity I did not hesitate. My fertility doctor has also advised me that the fertility drugs do not have any side effects. I have tried IVF once (last May). If you are concerned with the fertility drugs, have you considered natural cycle IUI or IVF? I have not done natural cycle IVF but have done several natural cycles IUI.
You did not mention what treatments you are on this month. However, the other option may be traditional chinese meds.
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I had done IVF 3 years ago. During the treatment cycle - I gained weight, mood swing....but those are just temporary side effects. But I never hesitated in doing it, since it is our only option to have a baby. You will be given a seminar and they will discuss the possible side effects of IVF. They will still give you a chance to proceed or not.
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