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19 yrs ago
Has anyone colored their hair while pregnant? If so, did you wait until after the first trimester? I really want to color my hair to cover the gray, but my doctor advises against it. However, the pregnancy books and resources online say it is ok.
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I coloured my hair throughout my pregnancy (the first time when I was only 8 weeks). Everything turned out fine for me and my little boy but you should do whatever you feel comfortable and confident with.
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There is a hairdresser called Douglas who posts responses (with Ed's ok) on the Women Only section. Send him a PM as he will know the safety of hair colouring.
It could your doctor is erring on the side of caution as he/she doesn't know how safe the ingredients of hair dyes are these days.
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I have had my hair highlighted throughout my pregnancy and spoke to a lot of my friends who are mums about this.
I think in the past there was a concern about the chemicals used during colouring being absorbed through the scalp. However, haircare has improved greatly since then and there are always natural henna options if you wish to be a bit more circumspect.
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There is a lot of talk that highlighting is safer than single process (whole head) color, as with highlights, the color is brushed onto the hair with space left at the scalp rather than being worked into the scalp and left while the color processes.
Still, I think most doctors, websources (as well as my own hairdresser, who studied these chemicals pretty extensively) would say to certainly avoid the first trimester. The trouble is there've been no proper studies, so no one can say with confidence that it truly is safe for the baby--at any point in the pregnancy. The first trimester is the most critical though, all basic organ formation etc occurs during these early weeks, so that would be the most important time to avoid.
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19 yrs ago
I had heard the same thing about highlights, that they may be safer than single process coloring. I wish I could to that instead, but I have way too much gray that it won't work for me.
I have made an appointment to do the coloring when I am 14 weeks, so that should be safely in the second trimester. I still am hestitant, but I really can't stand all this gray hair!
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Tough having grey hair - but neat thing about being pregnant, you'll keep a lot of it. Something about being pregnant and having beautiful luxuriant hair - so that's nice. Maybe you won't notice the grey as much? After you have the baby, you're going to lose a lot of hair as well - so maybe all of your grey will fall out? (I went bald in the front - very unattractive. Looked like I had a receding hairline. The hair has started growing back now but it's all these short little stubbs that just stick straight UP into the air.)
My father is an OB. I asked him. He recommended not to. He said better to be safe that sorry. He's also a man, and so not particularly sympathetic to the female whims and our focus on our beauty. He said that more people will be staring at your belly and that no one looks at the mother anyways. (very sensitive I know - how he is a successful OB I'll never know.)
The plus side - you're going to be glowing, and you're going to be radiant so maybe that grey isn't so noticeable?
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19 yrs ago
Hmm, well maybe I should talk to my hairdresser and see if ther is a way we can do highlighting...
HKCC- I wish the gray hair wasn't noticeable, unfortunately it isn't like most people and sprinkled throughout the hair, but in large patches. My husband keeps commenting on it, he never realized how much gray hair I have!
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My colourist was careful to avoid colouring my hair right to the scalp. She always left a 2mm gap, which meant that it took ages and does not last as long as a normal touch up but it is safer than having the dye absorbed into your scalp.
Also, perhaps you can talk to your hairdresser about using an organic semi-permanent dye? I used Naturtint which was very gentle, yet still managed to cover all my grey hairs.
Good luck!
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Also try the Aveda salon in Central as I believe their products are natural based. I used them in my first pregnancy when i waa about six months pregnant.
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In the meantime, maybe you can try a grey hair cover-up stick like "Cover Gray"? I bought Cover Gray in the U.S. and it is made by a U.S. company called Fiske Industries. It looks like a lipstick and you apply it directly to the grey hair/roots. I have one in a Mahogany color and it has been a HUGE help - you can't even tell that I have tons of grey roots. It also washes out when you shampoo your hair. It is the best thing ever and I highly recommend it!
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