Posted by
18 yrs ago
I am doing IVF in Peace maternity in Shanghai with Dr Sun. I have done 1 IVF ISCI and 1 FET and I am about to do the 2nd FET.
I would like to share it with you.
Anybody is doing IVF in Shanghai ?
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My wife and I are considering our next try in Shanghai - maybe September. We have tried twice in Canada and no luck. She has talked to a Dr at Ji Ai Fert Clinic earlier and is returning to Shanghai next week to start researching more about which hospital/Dr to try. She is hoping to meet people there in same situation to discuss. I think she is need of support. The 2nd failure was quite hard to take. We would like to here your experiences and others.
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18 yrs ago
I will be happy to meet her to give her some more information. I have been to JI AI in January but it was impossible to communicate, the service was very bad so we decide to Change.
I new a french doctor in Peace Hospital and she advice me to go there.
The second try for me was also very hard to handle.
If she want we can meet to discuss it.
I will go in holiday next thursday back to France for 2 weeks.
She can send me email if she want.
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She is arriving the day you leave - I have passed on your email - thank you
It is interesting that her experience at Ji Ai was exact opposite. She got immediate service and said the Dr had lots of time for her. I think if you are a local (Shanghai native) you can find short cuts through the bureacracy. Anyway - she will email. Thanks for your posting
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18 yrs ago
If your wife is chinese, I think this hospital can be good for her, everybody say it is the best hospital for IVF but you must speak chinese.
I remenber to see the Dr Hua Chen and I really don t like her. Each time you have to wait 2 hours to get your turn. the waiting list for IVF is also a bit long, we went on january and she told us we could do IVF in march / april. In my hospital I start IVF right away.
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Hi Bailun, I will start my IVF next cycle in Jiai, if your wife is going with Jiai, feel free to write me at We may exchange experience.
You dont need to be local to find short cuts through bureaucracy. It very depends on the doctor you are seeing whether or not he/she lets you do it as soon as you are ready with all the pre-eliminary tests or he/she puts you in queue. I see dr Dong. So far, I find she is okay, she speaks some English but most of foreigner are recommended to dr Chen coz she is the only one speaks fluent English, unless you choose other dr.
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Hi Wishmeluck, My husband, Bailun forwarded your post to me. I will Email you later to exchange more information, however, just want to send a quick note to let you know that the Dr. I went to see is Dr. Peng, a very knowledgable and experienced doctor with great patience. He is also the chief person responsible for retrieval and transfer. Take care. LL
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18 yrs ago
Hi Wishmeluck,
I have seen in previous forum that you had a bad experience in Peace maternity with DR Sun, As I am doing IVF with him, Could you please tell me more about it ?
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Hi Jul79
Are you French? I might have seen you at Peace Maternity a few times. Are you seeing Dr SUN and how soon did Dr Sun allow you to do your IVF right away?
They must have shifted to the Guangyuan Hospital on 14 Jul, hv they?
If you're leaving for France on Thurs, you should meet the rest of us tomorrow Tues 31 Jul. You can email wishmeluck for more details.
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18 yrs ago
Hello Baby Dust,
Yes I am from France, where are you from ?
At what time and where are you meeting today ?
The hospital have moved middle of July, the new hospital is very nice and much more convenient.
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Hello Jul79,
Sorry I missed your posting. The meeting was yesterday. Like I said, you can contact wishmeluck for more details. It's an informal IVF support group formed by expat ladies who are trying to conceive in SH.
I've already been to the new IVF hospital at Guangyuan Rd. It's acceptable to me as I live near Xujiahui. I want to know more about this Dr Sun. I'd added you to my MSN. Please check. Thanks!
Btw, I'm Asian :-)
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18 yrs ago
Hello Babydust,
Wishmeluck calls me yesterday but I am working full time so it was impossible for me to come. May be next time at lunch if you make it in Puxi, I will be abble to join.
I don t see you in my msn. Please send me email with your adress.
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Please can someone give me the address and contact details for the JiAi clinic? I have been searching I can only find what seems like an old number.
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Hi Nuria,
Jiai Clinic contact details: 588 Fang Xie Road, near Lu Jia Bang Rd., Tel. 63459977, 63455468.
Good luck!
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To Nuria ( Liz )
Hi, I am considering visiting JI AI for my first ICSI shortly. We could probably come together or just get in touch to share experience. My email is
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Hi, i am also looking for IVF i just want to know what is the first test that the DR. will do? and also how much it will cost.....??
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Princess4u, the initial test consists of chromosome test (take 6 weeks to get the result), HIV, lever function, etc, Costs some hundred rmb. I did my IVF at Jiai last year and now I'm pregnant at my 6th month. I'll be glad to share about Jiai. Good luck!
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Hi Wishmeluck
Would it be possible to exchange with you? I would like to know more about JI AI and the procedures. Please drop a line for me to catch your email address;-)
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Hi Wishmeluck, saw you in different forum pages, and congratulations for the coming baby!! Can you share with me your experience with Peace and Jiai? I am English and Mandarin speaking, so language shouldn't be a barrier for me, but I would prepfer a neat and tidy hospital with international standard, which one would you recommend?
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Flyfive, thks. My case in Peace IVF clinic was a long terrible story and complicated one, until now I dont understand why it could happen, but honestly I was very disappointed with the response from the dr.
I'm quite happy with Jiai. If you can accept the 'chinese style' service, a long queue to wait, Jiai can be a choice since they are very experienced in IVF.
If you need more information, feel free to drop me an email at Good luck!
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17 yrs ago
I am planning to do an IVF in Shanghai. Does anybody have an experience with Worldlink ? I have recently read an ad regarding the possibilities they offer for IVF. However, it seems they work with RUIDONG Hospital ... and I had a very bad experience when making infertility exams in this hospital (the hysterosalpingography I did was extremely painful but worse not accurate ... the exam and the results were totally different when I did a second hysterosalpingography in France). Therefore, I am looking for a place where I could trust the doctors and where I could do a safe IVF.
Do you have any suggestions ?
Thanks ahead for your help.
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Dear Nat,
Are you from France by anychance? Me too (d'origine thailandaise - my husband's french). We've relocated from Bordeaux late last year. Anyway, I had the same painful experience with the HSG test at American-Sino hospital and now that you mentioned your experience and the inaccurate result, I'm doubting mine!!
I'm looking to start IVF here in Shanghai as well. And I've made an appointment at Ruijin hospital with "Dr. Huang" who apparently speaks French! I'll definitely let you know how it goes. This is a first time for me so I'm starting from zero as I haven't a clue of how to go about and which hospital would be best. I've made friends with "wishmeluck" who had her IVF done at Ji ai hospital where you would need a lot of patience and putting up with the chinese way of service. More importantly, you would need a chinese translator. As for Worldlink, people told me that they'd end up transferring you to Ruidong Hospital (part of "ruijin" but located in Pudong). I also heard that the IVF treatments are done in Puxi which Ruijin hospital anyway. Having said that, these are just things I heard, not sure if they are correct info. I'll find out more from Dr. Huang during my appointment this afternoon.
If you wish to get in touch, you can email me at
pennydelpech at yahoo dot com
best wishes
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17 yrs ago
Dear Penny,
Thanks a lot for your reply. I will contact you at your e-mail address, if you don't mind ! By the way, I confirm you that I'm French.
I'm quite new on this forum ... it seems according to your reply that a club "Wishmeluck" exists. I would be interested to know more about this club as well and to meet other persons, who are facing the same situation. Support is always appreciated, isn't it ?
Talk to you soon.
Best wishes
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Dear Nat37,
There is no club called "wishmeluck", but there is an informal support group in Shanghai where we meet, share information, and support each other. However, recently most of the ladies are busy with work, ivf, ongoing pregnancy, travelling etc so we havent met for some time. If you are interested, we can put you into the group. Just PM me your email address.
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