Posted by
18 yrs ago
Hi There,
I am having difficulty in getting pregnant, I went to see a Dr, he has done all the tests and gave me folic acid, it has been 6 months and still nothing, I have been for that ink test and everything there is okay, I just feel something is wrong with my body inside, my periods can be extremely heavy sometimes and sometimes dare not even leave the house, they can also be 1 week early sometimes. I just feel like I am hitting a brick wall, should I go for a second opinion or any suggestions?
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What did your Dr say about your irregular periods? I would think it would be a little hard to jugde your ovulation day if your periods are irregular, have you been using any ovulation sticks? There have been some great Dr's recommended on this site not sure if your seeing one of them but if not you made want to consider changing or getting a second opinion. 6mths isn't that long to be trying but when your keen i can appericate it seems like a life time.
Not sure if i've been any help, good luck though and PM me if you need to.
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Hi Geav,
My mother and grandmother both had really heavy periods - it turned out to be cysts on the ovaries. I know that is a scary thought, and I am in NO WAY trying to scare you, however perhaps it would be worth getting it looked at.
Best of luck.
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18 yrs ago
Thanxs guys, I have just been to My GP and he has referred me to a Gyno for a second opinion, I see him Monday morning, you know when you know something is wrong with you?
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heavy periods are NOT ALWAYS a sign of cysts.
I have frequent heavey periods (I also have two beautiful baby girls.) Sometimes if you have a longer cycle (30+ days) or you have a delay in your ovulation, you will have a heavier period. It's not anything to get too worried about. I was really worried about it as well - and turned out it was nothing.
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geay, heavy period doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. i have very heavy period, so bad that i always stained my skirt and trousers when my period come, and my cycle is always more than 30 days. but i have one boy now, i lost my second baby at 5 month gestation but now i just found out that i am pregnant again. dont give up, just keep trying. use an ovulation kit if you can. they can be quite a huge investment but doing it at the right time is very important. pm me if you need more help.
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Hi Geav,
I've been trying to get pregnant myself, and I think you just need to relax and not get too stress about it. Your mood could affect your period too. I'm a regular, but the min that I started to closely monitor my period, it either came a week earlier or later. I'm in no position to give you any advise, but just take it easy and relax, go on holiday if you need to. Good luck!
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