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18 yrs ago
I am writing because i just found out yesterday i am pregnant.I am happy and scared. I guess it is because it is my first time and don't know what to expect.
I went to the gyno today and he told me that i need a blood test urgently because he could not see anything on the ultra sound machine and he thinks my baby is not in the uterus. I am so scared and started to cry. He wants me to go to the hospital because he says i can die.
I have no pain nor bleeding and i am only 3 or 4 weeks pregnant.
Please advice
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if it is ectopic, it is good to find out early. In case the baby grows in the fallopian tubes, you could rupture and possibly lose one fallopian tube and ovary as well. SO early detection is good and important.
now - you've taken the pregnancy test - and you found out the results in under 10 minutes. (after 10 minutes, tests results are no longer valid.) the blood test would be to ensure that you are ACTUALLY pregnant, and if so, then the next step is locating where the embryo is if it's not in the uterus as the doctor cannot see it.
Try not to worry at this point -take it slowly. There are many women who have ectopic pregnancies and soon after have a normal non ectopic pregnancy.
here is a site with some basic information. The next step is figuring out if the doctor is correct in his suspicion - I'm surprised he didn't try doing an ultrasound vaginally (did he) to see if he could possibly get a better view of the baby. DId he try a vaginal ultrasound to see the baby in the uterus?
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Thanks hkchoichoi for your quick reply. Yes, he did do a vaginal ultrasound but the doctor could not see anything. I thought maybe 3 weeks is too soon to tell.
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18 yrs ago
I last week have also just found out that i was 5 weeks pregnant. The doctor at Mathilda didn';t want to do an ultrasound because he said that in the first few weeks, they won't be able to see anything anyway. He asked me to come back next week for the ultrasound in order to check the baby's heartbeat.
I hope you and your baby turns out OK. Good luck.
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Thanks for your reply. I will wait a few weeks and do another ultrasound and see what happens then. I also wish you the best of luck.
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araceli, keep an open mind. The blood test will test the beta HCG levels. The absolute result is not as important as the pattern of increase or decrease. Any decrease is bad, but as a broad rule of thumb, levels should increase every 2 to 3 days, as far as I remember. Your doctor will probably do 2 or 3 tests to establish a pattern before doing another scan.
With this pregnancy, my doctor saw nothing by u/s at 5 weeks. However, the blood tests showed a promising pattern and at 6.5 weeks detected a heartbeat. I am now 5 months and keeping my fingers crossed.
It is encouraging that he is checking it out at this early stage, because as mentioned above, if it is ectopic, the sooner it is detected the better. There is also the unfortunate possibility that the pregnancy was not viable and just never developed, inspite of the positive HPT - been there too. All the best, keeping my fingers crossed for you.
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18 yrs ago
I had an extopic and never knew a thing. Knew i was pregnant, Doc checked with ultrasound (i was 8 weeks and ok) however told her that i was having a few light cramps, did an HCG test (that was down) and before i knew it i was at the Matilda as i was having an ectopic pregnancy.
Luckily i was fine and now have two gorgeous girls.
I also had 4 other miscarriages in between so have felt all the emotions you will and do feel. It doesn't help when people tell you 'it happened for a reason' )and if it is an ectopic because we don't know yet) take your time, don't rush into getting pregnant and focus on something ahead (like a majpor holiday). I found as soon as my mind was preoccupied with something other than getting pregnant, bingo, i fell.
Thinking of you araceli. xxx
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