
Posted by izaafaisal 17 yrs ago
Hi i am a mother of a 2yr old boy and now thinking of having the next one. I have alwaysssss fancied having twins but considering my family background with no twins at all i think it'll be impossible to conceive them naturally.

Can anyone advice if i can get those fertility things to increase my chances of having twins....???? i basically have no idea how the fertility thing works, where and for how much ($) can i get it and even if im eligible for it or not, so any advice/suggestion would be reallly appreciated.

thanks a million....!!!!!

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izaafaisal 17 yrs ago
hey cara....thanks for your msg...

wish i had a family history as yours just to promote my chances.....!

i know its not gonna be easy tackling the twins as i already have tough time with my 2yr old but i cant seem to let go of my crazy fantasy.....hopefully someone would be able to help me.

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kiwimmc 17 yrs ago
I would suggest you discuss with your doctor - none of us here is able to comment on whether fertility treatment is right for your medical history. One thing to consider is that fertility treatment is usually expensive and time consuming but you may still only get a single baby. You might want to question if you are willing to go thru a potentially invasive process but still not get what you dream of. If you want to find out more on the various fertility options then you can simply search on the web - there is a lot of info out there on something like etc but you would have to speak to someone locally to find out costings or maybe there are already comments on this website.

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Sashimi Girl 17 yrs ago
really? is there an ethical issue here? i don't know... just wondering. i wouldn't mind a set of twins myself. made naturally!

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sarah jane jj 17 yrs ago
Speaking with having 2 sets of twins is certainely no fantasy,nice for people to smile at ,behind the scenes is another story.....I can get to our local hospital in under 10 mins.Now the boys are getting older their personalities are shining through,youngest are 2 oldest will be 4 in November.Its a joy to watch them play together and upsetting when they fight.Your chances are higher with family history and age,has your getting older you release more eggs towards the demise of your reproductive cycle and if you have had singleton births.I have a boy 15.8 years and a girl 11.4years.I'm an only child myself,my maternal Grandadfather was a twin with 2 more sets of twins and 7 singletons brothers and sisters,I guess I would have had more but sent Hubby for snip the latter 4 not planned (with new Hubby)and was still breastfeeding when fell pregnant with latter2.If it was going to happen it would have to be me!Good luck in your quest, and on the odd occassion (usually at Disney)if you see a Western woman with4 small boys in tow its me.Usually having her caffine fix:)

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sarah jane jj 17 yrs ago
We have 2 helpers but still manic :)

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izaafaisal 17 yrs ago
i didnt know the cons i just went for the fantasy.....its good to hear so many different stories though many trying to frighten me but amazingly the fantasy is still keep your thoughts and opinions coming.........thanks to you all!!!!

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izaafaisal 17 yrs ago

thanks for your thoughts.....good luck for your fertility treatment...wat sort are you taking by the way? and from who? can u recomend the doctor and how much does it cost?

I understand y gynaes wont recomend fertility drugs but if i cant have twins naturaly y cant i get help....right? And do you (or anyone) knows much about that drug 'Clomid' much? is it reliable/good?


i'm not getting scared but all these views are actually helping me realize and accept the reality....!!!!!

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ldsllvn 17 yrs ago
i have identical twins (which indeed as Cara says is a freak of nature, nobody know what causes it - we certainly did not see it coming!). anyway - I could not deal with the idea when we were told first time that we are having twins, now, of course, i would not have it any other way. They are starting to play together and entertain each other, same age, same interest, works out great.

In HK twins club we do an adult twins lunch once a year where adult twins talk about their experience of growing up as a twin - and apart from one, everyone else LOVED it! Their relationship is so speacial with their twin, it is quite amazing really...

And as for 2 sets of twins, honestly, I cant imagine! but SaraJane is the 3rd person I have come across in HK with 2 sets of twins! More common than you think!

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abitnaive 17 yrs ago
hi izaafaisal

would you be willing to share a bit about your fantasy?

what about having twins appeals to you?

if you would rather, you can pm me your answers.

i have multiples and would be happy to share my reality, i just need to get your perspective.

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ldsllvn 17 yrs ago
Hi abitnaive!! good to hear from you! you are right - none of us actually mentioned what bloody hard work it actually is!!! :)

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TMP 17 yrs ago
Hi there,

I have 8 month old identical twin boys (and a 2 year old boy too!) and had no fertility treatment and twins (until now of course) did not run in my family. Your chances of having twins does increase with age especially if you are a tall, caucasian woman (don't ask me why??). 3 under 2 is hard work particulary as my oldest is extremely jealous that HIS mummy spends time with his brothers! And it's never easy when they all want your attention and you only have one pair of hands! That said it is exremely rewarding as time goes on and quite wonderful to see their own unique personalities shine through. I'm an older mum and to have two babies in one go was great as I now have the family unit I wanted without having to endure another pregnancy (I suffered with debillitating morning sickness which was no fun at all!) With best wishes TMP

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ldsllvn 17 yrs ago
it is indeed hard work but I always thought about it this way:

- 2 kids in on pregancy - done!

- all difficult bits like lack of sleep, weaning, potty training etc, etc - in one go!

- and then they always have a friend to play with!


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