Have you been denied fertility treatment?

Posted by Hack 19 yrs ago
Am interested to know if anyone has been denied fertility treatment in Hong Kong and what were the reasons. Is marriage a pre-requisite? Is there anyone who is unmarried and wants this treatment but can't get it?

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Aussierules 19 yrs ago
Hi Hack

What kind of treatment are you referring to - ICI/IUI/IVF? if so, pls refer to my response to Blankety Blank's tread. I checked with the govt and marriage is a prerequisite.

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Hack 19 yrs ago
Hi Aussierules - I guess I am referring to all or any of them, to be honest with you. Do you know of anyone who has been denied treatment or has had to get married in order to receive it?

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Aussierules 19 yrs ago
Hi Hack,

I am not married, but was interested in having a baby. Don't want to sleep around becos of the associated risks (e.g STDs). Written to the govt before and was eventually advised by the Council on Human Reproductive Technology that the Council has issued Code of Conduct to medical practitioners for compliance not to perform 'human reproduction' to unmarried individuals. If you'd like to read more, pls refer to http://www.hwfb.gov.hk/en/press_and_publications/otherinfo/index.html.

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Hack 19 yrs ago
Thanks for this Aussierules - out of interest have you taken this up with the Equal Opportunities Commission?

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Aussierules 19 yrs ago
Do you I'd have a case? Frankly it'd be easy to get it done in the US

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Hack 19 yrs ago
Well technically, under the Sexual Discrimination Ordinance, you cannot be denied any products or services or provisions based on marital status.

"The SDO is an anti-discrimination law passed in 1995. Discrimination on the basis of sex, marital status and pregnancy, and sexual harassment are made unlawful under this law. These protections are in seven different fields. The law applies to both males and females.

The SDO also provides for the establishment of the Equal Opportunities Commission to work towards the elimination of discrimination and harassment as well as to promote equal opportunity between men and women.

Q: In what areas am I protected?

A: You are protected in the following areas:

-- employment

-- education

-- provision of goods, facilities or services

-- disposal or management of premises

-- eligibility to vote for and to be elected or appointed to advisory bodies

-- participation in clubs

-- activities of Government"

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Hack 19 yrs ago
Aussierules - you can probably guess from my ID that I am a journalist - I would be interested to hear your thoughts for a story I am writing and you can talk anonymously if it makes you feel more comfortable about this. If you are game drop me a line at hiddenfeature@hotmail.com and I can give you more info. Cheers Hack.

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Aussierules 19 yrs ago
Hi Hack,

I am not surprised and thank you for your information. I am in fact speaking with my gyne tomorrow for more information. All things failed, I will pursue my case with EOC.

However, going down the path of using fertility treatment is an extremely private matter (esp for an unmarried person). With this in mind, I'm gonna have to decline your invitation. I am sure you'd understand.

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Hack 19 yrs ago
I totally understand, though as I said before you can talk to me on the condition of anonymity. Absolutely no problem if you don't want to. Good luck with everything in the future, hope it works out for you. Hack

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flower 19 yrs ago

Yes we heard about that too. We are not married but still going through all the treatments and it was never asked. One friend is pregnant at the moment after IVF treatment here and she isn't married either. They ask you to fill in a form that says you are married but don't seem to ask for proof. One doctor mentioned that there is a proposal to no allow unmarried couples to have IVF but that this proposal has not yet been approved/passed the council..

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Aussierules 19 yrs ago
Hi Flower,

This is encouraging news, please could you advise doctor's name so I can speak with him/ her in confidence. Also, I intend to order sperm from a cyrobank in US, and not sure that could create a problem? I wrote to a clinic in Aust and they refused to handle anonymous sperm...

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Aussierules 19 yrs ago
Dear Hack & Flower,

I have just spoken with someone from the Equal Oppt Commission. Apparently according to Cap 480 S56B, doctors can deny you of IUI (or other fertility treatment) if you are unmarried. Altho it's not the law, it's included in the code of practice issued by Dept of Health. No doctor would want to breach that as it can damage their chance of renewing their professional licence. This is really bad news for me!

Please could you send me details of the doctor who doesn't seem to mind? My email address is aussierules00@hotmail.com. Thank you so much.

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Scuba chick 19 yrs ago
Hi all,

I am unmarried, have lived in Hong Kong for 13 years. Had a baby through IUI last year. My sweetie is now 8 months. My Dr never even questioned or mentioned that it wasn't possible.

I used one of the top fertility Dr in HK and he was wonderful.

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Aussierules 19 yrs ago
Hi Scuba chick,

Do you mind advising 2 things -

1) Did you use donor insemination? Or did your partner offer his semen (sorry, it is a little personal, but it makes the difference as i may need to import donor sperm from US)? This is a hurdle on its own

2) Do you mind advising doctor's name? FYI, I have been denied of the treatment subsequent to the message above by 3 additional doctors. I would genuinely like to have a baby. Thank you

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Scuba chick 19 yrs ago
Hi, I used Dr. Philip Ho. I used IUI with donor sperm. Got on line from www.fairfaxcryobank.com or you could check out California Sperm Bank. They are the two recommended by Dr Ho. They are registered with the lab he uses. This is a must for import issues.

Call up Kelly, Dr Ho's office manager (excellent and very nice) He had me preggers within 3 weeks of first visit.

Good luck. I didn't even realise when I went and did this that there would be issues.

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buz 19 yrs ago
Hey guys...seems that there's a couple of you are not married but have gone thru IUI/IVF. I'm currently going thru an IVF cycle (private at HK$80,000+). I'm not married and they have asked to see our marriage cert (at the lab). Hmmm what to do? Any suggestions? If I tell the truth will they stop my treatment???!

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rose1234 19 yrs ago

What lab/hospital are you using. I recently did a ivf cycle at sanatorium and although the forms have a space for you to enter your marriage certificate number it is not expected unless you are "carrying" it with you. It wasn't an issue for us but they certainly gave the impression that they turn a bind eye.

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buz 19 yrs ago
Hi Rose1234

The lab is Victory Art, they keep ringing me to bring it in! Don't quite know what to do!!!

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rose1234 19 yrs ago
Thats realy hard buz, maybe you should talk to your doctor maybe he/she can suggest an alternative lab. I am assuming they are asking for this prior to egg collection. I know the truth is supposed to be the best policy but you don't want to risk them stopping the treatment and by HK law you are supposed to be married. If you were not married in Hk they would surely not be checking the validity of any certificate you produced?

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my thoughts 19 yrs ago
scuba chick--

you might want to edit out the details of your notes above and move the discussions offline (hate for there to be any sanctions as a result of your dreams coming true...)

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