AMNIO and Dr Ho

Posted by LS4 18 yrs ago
Hi Ladies

Just wanted to know if anyone has had an amnio with Dr Philip Ho. I'm scheduled for one next week, but freaking out about the pain involved. I have asked whether I could put a topical aneasthetic cream on my tummy first to numb the area, but kelly says its difficult to predict where the needle goes as its dependant on the baby on the US.

Any personal experiences are really welcomed. I've checked the other threads and people have recommended Dr Wan for amnio, but I want to stick with Dr Ho...


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bbvv 18 yrs ago
I had one last year with Dr. Ho and it was fairly quick. When the needle went in, it felt like a prick but it hurt abit when he was moving the needle about as my baby was moving abit. I was pretty nervous (my hands were sweating) but not at the pain but where the needle was going in as I was worried that it will prick my baby. Afterwards, Dr Ho scanned me to show the baby's hearbeat and I rested as long as I wanted. You will feel a slight cramp like periods pain for a day or two. I went back to work the next day but made sure that I was not lift anything heavy.

Good luck and don't worry. Dr Ho is popular with Amino as a lot of his patients are westernised and over 35 years old.

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Mrs Miggins 18 yrs ago
The aprehension of having an amnio is much worse than the actual procedure itself. Dr. Ho is a very good Doc and so you are in good hands.

If you STRESS over the procedure it is going to hurt. Just like any injection, if you tense your arm before a jab, it hurts right? I know someone who went in with a very negative frame of mind over this and suffered through it. Personally I found the procedure slightly uncomfortable but no worse than an internal scan. I didn't look at the needle. I stayed very still and I had a good magazine on hand. I did yogic breathing (pranayama) - in through the nose (count 1,2,3,4), out through the mouth (1,2,3,4,5). Whilst doing this I read an interesting article. I didn't get through the first half page as the Doc finished really quickly. It went so well that the Doc said he was going to recommend it to his other patients!!!! The only down side was to rest up and take it easy over the 24 ours following the procedure. A great way to relax and make husband wait on you hand and foot.

Good luck!!

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