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17 yrs ago
My baby has been kicking or moving quite a bit every night after I have dinner around 8 or 9, then right before I go to bed around midnight, but last night she's been really quiet. Is it normal for a baby to stay quiet for a few days? Or should I be worried? I am 32 weeks. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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I am 31 weeks and i get the same. Lots of movement when i settle down for dinner and quite predictable but sometimes hardly any movement, then i get really worried. Doc told me that this is normal, babies have their active/not so active days. I get quite worried when this happens so when it does, i always drink something fizzy (lucozade is my thing at the moment) preferably cold and then lie down on my left side with something under my belly to prop it up. My little girl usually starts moving on the side i prop her up and then i can feel at ease. I try to breathe normally and relax and wait for at least ten minutes. When i was in hospital, they divided it into night and day...movement in the morning and movement in the afternoon/ evening/ night. Supposedly, you should feel at least 10 kicks during both periods of time. I read that you should feel ten kicks in ten minutes but my doc told me that it's 10 kicks in first half of the day, 10 kicks in the second half. If you really don't feel anything, call your doc, it's nerve-wracking enough with birth round the corner and coming so far without the extra worry but you're not alone, i am also constantly worrying about my one's kicking and then the next day she is doing somersaults.
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Thanks for sharing. I actually went to see the doctor yesterday. She said the heart beat sounded fine and suggested the same thing that you mentioned (drink some cold orange juice and lie on the side). Yes, I agree it's nerve wrecking. When my baby kicks too much, I can't sleep but when she is quiet, i get worried. I guess this is only the beginning of motherhood. Good luck!
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