Hi all, I have been keeping track of the threads on this part of the site for a while and finally decided to register. I thought of initiating a thread for those who are trying for their very first time. I have been trying since last March and I have tried it all - taking it easy, going on a vaccation, clomid, tests, you name it. Every month just revolves around timing, testing, getting down to business, waiting and being disappointed. Hope is such a good thing and see it destroyed, so very devastating. Seeing children in prams, friends who tell me their unplanned 'accidents', and all those yearnings to be a mother... I think all those who have been there will understand. And yet, what is worse is you have to go about being brave about it and except for waiting for your turn to come, there is no other answer to it. Just wanted to meet all those who are in the same boat as I am. Ho hum!!!
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Hi SF07,
I regularly follow the inputs from the other ladies on TTC#2 and the IVF thread.I am so dissapointed as we started trying 7 months back and every month has been one dissapointment after another.I always thought getting pregnant would be the easiest thing of all.....ha!.Well!!!!happy to have someone on TTC#1,happy to have inputs from the ladies on TTC#2as well as i have followed their advice on Korean Red Ginseng Tea(for DH),Robutissin(for me),etc...
I am currently on the last few days before AF arrives.No symptoms.And we did miss my O day ,only doing the BD before and after.2wice in all ,so not sure if if it was right.
Good luck 2 u as well.All i can say is ,you are not alone.Now,suddenly i am finding happiness and being less stressed about the baby making duties as i figure GOD HAS a plan for us and we just have to wait for that.So keep the hopes up and most imptly have fun!!!
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Hi Lovechild, so nice to meet you online. Wish you the very best and fingers crossed for success this time. That two week wait is killing isn't it, especially at the time one nears AF's visit. My mind for one can't stop thinking. I work full time and even then I can't help thinking. Imagine being preoccupied with this for the last 17 months. I just don't recognise myself anymore - I feel like a woman possessed. Are you on clomid as well? Can you share your experiences with it such as CM, PCOS or any symptoms, period cycles etc? Signing off with many best wishes. sunflower
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Hi SF07,
Bad news already.I did have some spotting already and it's only day 25,but i'm sure the full on AF will arrive by 2mrrw or so.I'm very regular with my cycle(28 days),but since we started trying my cycle has been anything from 25 day-29day cycle.The doc said it was ok.
I do have 5 fibroids(some q.big)but as of now the doc said it's ok to continue trying naturally for a few more months and then we'll see.I usually rely on the OPK's as suggested by the other ladies,it is a bit expensive ,but then it's a sure (sort of)way of knowing.I am not on Clomid yet.
Well!i'm already gearing up for the next cycle.
nice having some release online with other nice people like you who are in the same boat.lots and lots of baby dust to you.
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18 yrs ago
I'm so glad this thread got started! I have been reading the other ones for so long too.
We have been trying for about a year and I completely understand what you mean about the disappointment each month and hating seeing babies and learning about friends' 'accidents'. :(
SF07, can you tell me more about clomid? When did you start it? I am thinking about going back to the Dr after this month's AF (so sure it will come!), so want to know the facts.
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Hiya Lovechild, Hiya Petie, I feel so nice to know you and share my experiences and frustrations with you both. So sorry to hear about the onset of your next cycle Lovechild. The cycles have been wierd with me as well dear, so I just tell myself, nature is doing something for me. I too have a fibroid and a chocolate cyst and it bothers me more than the docs. They say many get pregnant with them. Petie clomid helped me get pregnant a few months ago which led to miscarriage. This is my second cycle. I started last Sep for four times before getting pregnant. This is my 4th cycle once again. The problem with clomid is you get so damn dry. I will be seeing the doc to do something about it. Thank you both so much for logging on. It is so nice to have company and feel you are not alone. Lots of best wishes to you both as well. SF
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Hiyah ladies. I am a TTC1'er as well but have been contributing more to the TTC2 thread. Having had some trauma with the last pregnancy (and I know I am not alone here) I am pleased to confirm that I tested positive over the weekend so hope this little one sticks around with no complications (although very early days). Good luck to all those TTC'ing this month or in the 2 week wait. I know how frustrating and anxious that period of time can be.
Best wishes
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Dear All,
I am also a TTC 1'er. I have been on the TTC 2 (and others). It's a great idea to start a TTC thread.
Take care + lots of babydust to you all!
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Congratulations Starbucks and the very best with your pregnancy. I have been pregnant as well before and lost it after 2 months. I am so glad for you. Will you be able to tell me how far apart was your m/c and the recent good news? I know it may not be the same for me, but it will still give me some hope.
Havefaith, your pseudonym already gives me hope. How long have you been trying? Gotta have faith hey? There is no other answer to what we are trying to achieve. I fervently hope that you are successful soon. SF
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Thank you - that's very kind of you. I did come up with my pseudonym to give myself and others hope.
We started trying about 1.5 years ago - got pregnant last July and then had a m/c (blighted ovum) last Sept. Been seeing Dr. Ho since Feb this year.
Someone once told me that TTC is like being on a plane full of people that got stranded somewhere -as each flight leaves they manage to get a few people on the plane from the stranded flight - you just dont know when it will be your turn - you just keep on waiting. You just dont want to be the last one left.
Take care! Lets pray for each other and everyone else who is TTC.
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Hi Sunflower and thanks for the kind wishes. We lost a baby at 20 weeks along. I was at the quietly confident stage having made it past the 12 week mark so was even more of a shock being told of the news at the 20 weeks scan. We had only just started to feel her kick. That was in February this year and took my body a few months to recover. This was the third month of trying again so I think that we are very lucky. I am of course worried sick about the next 16 weeks to reach my (new) psychological goal of 20 weeks but as all on this forum say, I am trying to keep positive and allow myself a little excitement
All the best and lots of baby dust to you, Havefaith and all others who are trying
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Hey havefaith, I too had a blighted ovum and yours and my journey seems similar in some way. I do hope that you get on that flight ahead of me as I feel you deserve to. Will pray for you and will continue to have faith.
SB2, I don't even know what to say to you. It must have been so gutting. I hope it all goes well for you. Why such things ever occur and why it is you to face that and what you are ever meant to realise in the long run - god only knows. But my! when such things happen, it is such a severe blow. I am happy your recent pregnancy occured quite quickly. Our best wishes are with you. SF
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Thank you for your really kind wish. When I had the blighted ovum last year - I cried really hard but told myself that may be someone else wants a baby more than me and her baby took my baby's chance - which was OK with me. When I told my OB that - she thought I was nuts.
I hope we get on the flight together and have seats next to each other.
Take care,
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Oooh even better! Will change my prayers for that then.
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Please save me a seat on that flight too!!
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Yes, ofcourse. We will save a seat for Linlin as well. HF
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18 yrs ago
Thanks for the info SF07. I think we will be heading back to the dr after this cycle (I am CD 19 at the moment) so will ask him to put me on clomid. Is it pills?
Has any tried preseed? I don't think we can buy it here, looks like it is mail order only, might be worth a try!
Looking forward to us all being in first class on that flight off the island!
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Hi babybemine, nice to meet you too. We are setting ourselves for some fancy journey I say! Better still if it is first class as Petie mentions. I am actually going away on a vaccation on Thursday. So looking forward to it. A good way to forget the two week wait.
Hey Petie, Clomid is pills and you take it from day 2 - 6. I have used KY, but it still hurts :( When you say you are CD 19, what do you mean by that? Good luck with Clomid. Some fall pregnant in the very first cycle. Hope it happens to you.
Hey Havefaith, thinking of you... SF
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How long are you going away for? Have a good vacation! I fly out next Wed and will be gone for 2 weeks - really looking forward to it.
First class would be nice! Any class on the earliest flight out would be fine with me.
Thanks for thinking about me - I am also including you in my prayers!
Take care, HF
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Hi Havefaith,
Thank you for saving me a seat! This brand new thread looks very delightful and interesting. Wish you have nice trip next week and I hope every one of us in TTC will find our happiness soon after all the hardworks.
Lots of baby dusts to all
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Lots of sticky baby dust to you and everyone!
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18 yrs ago
Hi All:
Jumping on the bandwagon too!! Have been trying for a while. Its really wonderful to have support and companions through this journey.
SF07, my obgyn in nyc told me not to use ky because it can change the pH. Haven't used preseed but was told to use egg whites.
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hi all!
have been ttc'in for a while too. Hoping to start on a new cycle of IVF soon after my body recovers from my miscarriage recently.
Like 788.. its good to know there is support out there even though its in cyber-form.
wish everyone well with extra sticky baby dust.
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Ladies -
I'm jumping in from TTC#2 thread - in case you're not checking that one - some foods to avoid while TTC and in the early months of pregnancy -
any foods with nitrates or nitrates in them as preservative. Most people think it's blowing it out of proportion as nitrates are often naturally occur in fruits and veggies - but there is a school of thought that believes them to be potentially harmful to fetal health.
this is a story which discounts the danger of nitrates - and keeps things with perspective. No need to be crazy intense about it - but you know, if you can avoid, why not.
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Havefaith & SF, hope you get pg on holiday. You always hear stories about that happening so there must be some truth in it.
I'll be going to the docs soon to try a medicated IUI. Waiting for AF to arrive (any time now, so am feeling down in the dumps). SF, the routine you mentioned in your first post is becoming so familiar. The two week wait is just awful especially the last few days of it. Its hard to concentrate at work. This time last year, I didn't know anything about two week waits, OPKs or BBTs. And now I'm obsessed! I've stopped taking my temp everyday as it just seems to make me more worked up but still do it once in a while. It was useful to do it properly for a few months though and don't want to put others off. Doc told me the OPK is enough.
Enough griping. Got to stay positive.
Babydust to all.
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Oh yes, congrats SB2. Just great to hear your news!
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18 yrs ago
hi all,
It is so great to feel like I have people to 'talk' to about this. Only one friend knows we are TTC so it felt really lonely before.
CD19 means cycle day 19 - 8 to go until D-day!
Pinklotus - so sorry to hear about your miscarriage, that must be heartbreaking. Fingers crossed for the future.
What does everyone else think about egg whites? Seems a bit messy to me! I have heard that you shouldn't use KY though. Doesn't grapefruit juice give you more CM?
Babydust to all
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Hi 788, thanks for letting me know about KY, supported by Petie about its negative effects. Good to know. It is funny though that you take clomid to enhance egg size and then the hostile mucus will not allow the swimmers to reach the egg.
I can't help feeling glad that there are so many 1st timers. In a world of easy babies, at least there is some bonhomie between the sufferers. This way it doesn't seem so bad hey?
Hey babybemine, thanks for your good wishes. I have been on at least 5 vaccations since I have been TTC and here I am singing my saga! It helps though and any good wishes always are always welcome. So thank you very much for that. I too was non-chalant and ate what I wanted, did what I felt like, didn't wait so anxiously and now that I know nature's games, I have become so damn obsessed. Sure ignorance is bliss!
Pink Lotus, I remember you from before. I am so sorry to hear of your miscarriage. How far along were you?
Good luck with your FET trying. What cycle are you on? Keep us informed for us to rejoice in your success. It is such a blissful thing to see that plus sign on the pee stick.
Oh! and we have the pleasure of HKchoichoi! yipeee....
Hey havefaith, I am going away to the UK, to Bath and Cornwall - my first time. I come back in a week's time and then you will be gone. Have a fantastic trip and eat loads of yummies and think of me - will ya?
Leaving on a jet plane...
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I have you in my prayers - no worries. I love Bath - have fun and speak to you soon!
Take care + loads of babydust to you!
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18 yrs ago
You are welcome, sf07. Have a great time in UK. Petie, Egg whites turned out not to be too messy because you don't need much(or as messy as anything else) but it is certainly not romantic. In throes of passion, you say- Honey, get the eggs:) It really does sound as bad and you have to prepare a bit earlier. But you've gotta do what you've gotta do!
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hi ladies
thanks Petie and SF07 for your wishes. I was 7 weeks into pregnancy when the doc did an ultrasound and found no heartbeat. The AF came couple of days later.. now.. i am just waiting for my body to readjust. Heading back to see Dr Ho this monday to have chat and see what my next steps will be.
For those going for holidays.. have loads of fun.. 2 of my sisters managed to conceive during their vacations before they were seriously thinking of embarking in the IVF route. So..its definitely possible to get preggo then.
Trying - how is your 2ww wait? I know its super hard and how anxious one can get. keep us posted.
as for egg white..i have never tried it..but heck.. its worth a go!
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Trying - if it helps at all I had NO symptoms this time. Last pregnancy (which didn't go to full term) I was really tired and sore breasts (which could have been from pre-period anyway) but this time nothing. Funny thing though, as soon as I found out (last Saturday), I am now exhausted all the time!! Still waiting for the morning sickness that I had last time but kind of hoping that it doesn't arrive! Best of luck for the next week of waiting.
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trying... hang in there...its normal(?) to second guess every little symptoms or no symptoms as a sign of pregnancy or not a pregnancy. I think women on 2ww have this ability to drive themselves crazy..
i wish calmness..
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hi all
i have been a reader of the fertility threads for a while. glad to see that someone is picking up this subject again. i think some of you have not tried for as long as me. its been 2 years. it has also been an emotional rollercoaster ride and a lonely journey. sucks that i am surrounded by so many pregnant women too. each time in a social gathering the question is always "so when will be your turn?" i am tired of just addressing that question. i have been told that stress plays a huge part in stopping one from conceiving. i don't know if anyone has this problem here but its definitely mine. anyway, sorry that i don't sound very cheerful. but i do wish everyone here to get what they want in the end.
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18 yrs ago
trying, I think you've just taken the words out of my mouth. I'm also in the dreaded 2ww, except I now have 4 days more to go.
I'm driving myself nuts. I mean, I don't know why I get so worked up about it when I haven't been successful month after month anyway.....
I do not have any pregnancy symptoms either. Sometimes I think I see increased cervical mucus which is meant to be a sign of pregnancy but I had that last month and the month before and I wasn't pregnant. So....
Anyway I think I'm going crazy....
Good luck.
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18 yrs ago
I'm in the TWW club as well and agree that it is horrible! Everytime I feel sick or tired or have different CM... I get excited, only to be upset again at the end of it all. I have no symptoms at all so am really not holding out any hope. 1 more week to go. I am going on holiday at the end of August so hopefully that will help with our stress levels.
Espresso, I know what you mean about people always asking when it will be your turn. I was at a party the other weekend and actually had someone take me aside and lecture me that I really should start trying soon otherwise I'll regret not having children when I'm older. I could have punched her!!
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espresso.. i am sorry that you feel this way but you are not alone. I too have been TTCing for about 2 years. It is very frustrating. I feel obsessed, depressed, happy, sad,up and down all within one second. It also does not help that Discovery Channel or Nat Geog showed documentaries on "in the womb series
" etc. I still whince and switch channel when that programme is on.
All i can say to myself that the situation could be worse (and perhaps we have been thru the worst) and if I just hang on a little longer something good will turn up.
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i think the answer is yes to the extent that it will make it easier on the kid in the long run. that way, at least you can choose to keep it a private matter within your family. and the kid can grow up not thinking that he/she is different from everyone. but it would seem that there are a lot of other issues to consider. good luck with that.
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Petie, Trying, MayC, do try and think lots of positive thoughts for now, however hard that is. Very best wishes.
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Hi trying,
Same here, I have been thinking about adoptions or just giving up this whole " baby making project" during my time of depression.
I found myself easier by telling myself and others about giving up the plan, rather than having an adoption. For me, having & raising a child is not an easy thing... there will be a "big package" of responsibilities to bear thru our lifetime. so I am not ready to adopt but prefer to have my own one if possible, or just forget about the whole ttc.
I know it's very hard for you while trying your second attempt of IVF. You have such encouragement to go thru the process again with lots of emotional & financial contributions. As Havefaith said, after all the hardworks, please try to be calm. cause you already have gone this far, so please don't give up! The chinese dr told me that any stress and anxiety will affect directly to the ttc result (blood flow will diminishes to uterus and the muscles will be tighten, bad for conception & implantation)... so pleeeeeaaase relax during your 2ww and for sure you will give us great news soon!
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Trying - you are absolutely right. I have been ttc for 3 years and just had a miscarriage at 7 weeks, 3 weeks ago after 2nd ivf attempt. In the process of getting my body right for transfer # 3! It is exhausting at times, but while we still have 5 frozen embryos there is still hope for us to keep trying.
Hope and faith to everyone out there!
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18 yrs ago
Trying, there is no shame about adoption. Why do you have to move to a new place etc???
I know what you are going through. I was trying for 3 years to get pregnant, finally we
decided to adopt and now my son is 10 years old.
I also wanted to give ivf one go (I have endometriosis) and we were very lucky, we put in three embroys and one stuck. My daughter is now seven years old.
I think one of the reason the ivf was successful was that I wasn't very stressed. If the ivf hadn't worked I wouldn't have been devastated as I had my son already.
I love both of my kids very much, to me (and to their father) there is no difference between them. They are our children regardless of one being adopted and the other biological.
I wish you good luck in whatever you decide to do.
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Pauline, sorry to hear about your miscarriage after all you have gone through. So glad that you have frozen embryos and hope you find the right solution to putting them back in.
As for me, I'm starting the Robitussin, thinking positive thoughts and aim to avoid all types of stress as we prepare to BD like there is no tommorrow?!? Hee Hee...
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hi Pauleen
sorry to hear abt the miscarriage ..it must had been very agonizing then. i wish you well and hope that the embies will find a safe and happy route back to HK and to you.
babybemine - good on you!
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18 yrs ago
Pauleen, I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Fingers crossed, I hope it's third time lucky for you.
Trying, I think for me, if would make the decision to adopt easier if I was moving where no one knew about it. If people knew, I would worry not so much about what people would say to me but to my child. I'd rather such news stay within our family. Trying, good luck for tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Petie, good luck too. I think you will be testing soon, right? ;-)
Babybemine, your plan sounds like a very good one. Have fun BD-ing.
Pinklotus, how did your appointment with Dr Ho go?
Espresso, I hope you are feeling much better this week. This whole TTC thing is quite depressing.... we get hopeful each month only to be crushed again. It's okay when you're only at it for a few months... but then when it's bad news month after month, it is VERY hard to keep strong. But a woman's body is complicated and very different internally from one another. You just never know. When I had my first, I didn't believe I could carry a baby inside me until she came out and I saw her for myself. The working of a woman's body is truly a miracle!
Now where am I up to? Well, I tested yesterday, a day before my expected AF and I got a negative. Then I went out to buy myself a BBT. I tested at 3am this morning and the reading was 36.53 Celcius. It's quite low and I'm not surprised if AF is around the corner. How do I read it anyway? I'll probably get it later today or tomorrow.
The HK heat is killing me. Is it me or is this the hottest summer we've had for a long time? Well, in the six years I've been here anyway ;-)
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pauleen-sorry for your loss. getting your health back is absolutely top priority now!
mayC- thats why i say its a test of faith and perseverence! sometimes i ask myself, how far am i willing to go? quit my job? stay home? move away?
trying- thanks for your message as it really helped. right now all of us are just so focussed on having a baby and naturally you just let it run your life. unfortunately you don't have ultimate control whether you want to be a mother or not.
KAT8- i hear you when you say that it helped you to conceive when you were not stressed. i am seriously convinced that my stress is killing me & stopping me from having a baby. i think i am approaching a crossroad where i have to choose between a career and a baby.
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good luck with the test tomorrow..wish you all the best.
MayC- Dr Ho recommended me to have a fresh cycle of IVF instead fo IUI with meds. Thus - i will be resting this cycle but continuing with TCM. Fingers cross- i will be proceed with IVF next month or so.
good luck everyone
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trying - good luck testing today. whatever happens,we are always here to lend an ear. as for me, DH and I have had a chat about the situation already. we are trying to put a time line to TTC and i am contemplating quitting my job early next year if i still don't get pregnant by end of year. just to see if a change in lifestyle may help. i haven't made up my mind yet though. but does that sound crazy at all?
pinklotus - i have not started with TCM but i may do for future reference. i know it has been said that TCM may help to boost fertility and same with accupunture. DH is against accupuncture so i most likely won't be doing it. for now anyway.
my official 2WW started today after my IUI.
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MayC, 36.5 seems a bit low but a single temperature does not mean much plus you did it at 3am.
Tips on BBT: do it as soon as you wake up every morning, preferably around the same time. The temps after ovulation are all generally higher but you still may get the odd temp drop after ovulating but don't panic. If the pattern is low in the first half and high in the second half, then you are ovulating. Sometimes the temps are still a little high in the first couple of days of AF. Higher temps or gradually rising temps a few days before the end of your cycle don't always mean you are PG. I've noticed i usually get a bit of a decline the day before expected AF. I know then that I'm probably not PG but I did it for a few months in a row so got to know my usual temp ranges. A glass of wine the evening before can give you a high temp.
Really hope AF doesn't show up for you. Fingers crossed.
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18 yrs ago
Thanks for the BBT tips, babybemine. Problem is, I know they say I need at least 3 hours of sleep before taking the temperature. However, I get up automatically around 3am (sometimes 4am) and I don't usually sleep well until 7.30am (the time I'm supposed to wake up each morning). So can I go by my temp at 3am if I take it around that time daily?
I'm not so hopeful this cycle because my BBT seems low and I got a negative on my HPT. However, today's the day AFTER I got my period and it still hasn't shown!!! Could this cycle be it? Or is it false alarm? I may have miscalculated my dates too because I only mentally took notes of it (eg. I think I said I was supposed to "O" on the 2nd and period 15 days later) but I'm not too sure.
I've lost count of the number of times I've been to the loo just to see if AF is here. My emotions are just going everywhere now.... but if I'm not successful, I would be crushed. Then again, it's not like the first time I've been disappointed so I don't know why I'm so worked up over it....
It's just that this time, it's a day late or whatever and it would have given me a false hope that I may not be able to deal with....
I'm wearing a pantyliner and I have my panadols on my desk in front of me... just in case I get hit with awful period cramps from my endometriosis.
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Oooh, MayC....really hope this is it for you...One BBT reading at 3am means nothing. Sadly, I have no experience with pregnancy tests....
I think most of us would be going crazy so its not just you. Hang in there. Maybe you could test tomorrow if AF doesn't show?
Tons of babydust...
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18 yrs ago
Pinklotus, good luck in your ivf next month okay? Now's the best time to get your body ready for it. If you read my posts on TTC #2, I have listed some ideas on how to improve our health. Flaxseed, evening primrose oil, grapefruit juice.....
trying, have you tested yet?
espresso and trying, I find it REALLY hard to concentrate on work also. I've been spending a lot of time reading up on a book hkchoichoi recommended. It's called, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". I think that book's great. It's a very difficult book to read but anytime I need answers, I just have to flip the book and I'll get my answers. It tells me so much about my body that I didn't know....
So if this cycle doesn't work for me, I will attempt charting my BBT, buy myself evening primrose (pre-ovulation use) + flaxseed (post-ovulation use) and I will go visit a Chinese dr for some herbs. I will need to purchase an OPK again because if I get my period this cycle, it means I've stuffed up my calculation. Much to my hubby's dismay, he's going to have to start drinking Korean Red Ginseng again to improve HIS fertility ;-)
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18 yrs ago
Thanks, babybemine for your baby dusts.. Please keep your fingers and toes crossed for me. I shall be forever grateful :-)
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Dear All,
I have often heard our experience here is a bit like a rollercoaster ride. I have really experienced that in the past 5 days. On Sat morning (Day 29 of the cycle), I went to the doc's clinic for a pregnancy test with full expectation of a -ve. However, in order to prepare for a two-week holiday I needed to know for sure - before I had sushi, hot yoga, facials, hair perm, etc. I found out Sat afternoon afternoon that it was a +ve. However, it was low beta count. I was advised that because the pregnancy resulted from a natural IUI cycle low beta is not uncommon but the real test would be the second test to see whether it was raising. Yesterday afternoon, I found out that my Beta level has fallen and doc's prediction is that my AF will come in the next couple of days.
I am waiting for takeoff (for our two weeks vacation) at the lounge and just had a BIG plate of smoked salmon.
Good luck to everyone who is in the 2ww. Lots of baby dust to you.
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Hi Havefaith,
Sorry to hear about the low beta count,but i have a feeling that you are close to getting a +ve.So go on your holiday without any worries as your circle of friends will be here praying for you and hearing you outjust as you provide support to all of us.I myself just got back from 2 weeks out and the first thing i get to know is that one of my colleagues is pregnant.It was very hard for me ,after some tears and talking to my best friend in the US ,i feel a lot better.
And as someone mentioned earlier on your Acronym(havefaith)already gives faith.....I hope you have a grat time and most importantly enjoy yourself.I just got back from visiting my sister and her 1 year old daughter and got a good wake up call in how much work is involved in raising a child.Not that i would have it or not have it any other way.What i'm saying is enjoy THIS moment and time as it won't come back.
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18 yrs ago
Oh Havefaith, I'm so sooooooo sorry. I've been following your story and to hear such news really breaks my heart.
Lovechild is right... enjoy your holiday now because when you come back and when you succeed in your pregnancy (which I'm sure you will), you won't have time.
We'll be here waiting for you to write...
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Havefaith - poor you having positive news and then negative. This is such the way of TTC'ing - the ups and downs of it all. As LC says, we will all be hoping that you have a fab time away and try and relax.
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Havefaith, my heart is breaking for you too, but I'm also convinced you're going to hit the jackpot soon. Lots of hugs to you.
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havefaith - sad to hear the news but i hope you can stay strong. i am trying to stay strong too. remember that this can be a long journey. most importantly, you owe to yourself the enjoyment of a good vacation right now!
lovechild - in the last month, i have learn that four people are pregnant. it surely gets unbearable at times. i am happy for them but at the same time sad for myself. you know, this morning when i had my IUI, i cant help but think a million things, like, is this meant to be? is it for me? or is my destiny calling for me to focus on other things in life other than being a mom? is God trying to send me a message?or like what is wrong with me?
obviously i did not have any answers to those questions. i suppose in due course what i need to know i will find out eventually.
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18 yrs ago
trying, trust me when I say nobody will think less of you should you decide to adopt one day.
espresso, I still remember when my best friend told me she was pregnant, I was devastated as she didn't even want kids at that time in her life. Like you I asked so many questions, to which there was no answer. However in life you dry your tears and get on with it.
Good luck to all the ladies in this thread on your journeys to becoming a mother.
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Hi All,
I've been following this thread and really feel for all of you. Whatever you do, don't lose hope. As I was told at one stage, every woman's body is created to carry a baby and your time will come.
Havefaith - I'm so sorry about the -ve beta but at least you can fly out of the HK heat! I have a feeling you're almost there. You'll come back rejuvenated and ready to go. Have a great time!
SB2 - Congrats to you and don't stress out. BTW, are you seeing Dr Ho? Coz I read on the TTC#2 thread that you said your doc was due to go on hols soon and I'm supposed to see him next week for my NT scan!
espresso - take it easy! Think positive images and thoughts. Try staying out of the heat and spend more time lying down for the next 3 days. I know zillions of questions will pass your mind but don't dwell on it too much coz you'll only stress yourself out.
I'm doing OK. Just went to Tsan Yuk today to register with the government hospital, recommended by a friend, to use their prenatal services etc. but there's a very slim chance I'll be giving birth there (unless DH goes bankrupt in the next 6mths). The heat here is really getting to me and I wish I could just hop on a plane and fly home to Sydney where it's 9 degs!!
Baby dust to you all and whatever stage you're at on this road, keep your chin up and be positive!
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Hi Havefaith, I am sorry about your test result, but hopefully there is a miracle happening to you during your happy holidays. Enjoy your time and keep us updated when you are back.
Blessed, so happy to hear from you again. From the news it seems not easy to book either private or public hospitals for delivery, is that true? I hope you could find the right hospital for you to deliver a healthy baby.
Trying, I totally understand your mix feelings in your 2ww. It's not a bad idea to start planning for adoption, but the planning should be helpful to your 2ww like a good distraction, not a bad one to make you even more stressful. Hopefully you can live one day at a time, nice and easy.
About me, I was thinking seriously whether I should start my 2nd IVF this month, after seeing dr Tay last week... I guess I am not yet recovered emotionally from the last failure. because I can cry easily anytime anywhere when seeing someone carrying nice beautiful "belly" , or just have a pretty little babies on hand. Wake up in the morning and find no meaning of living, etc. My stupid head is having so much negative feelings that I wanted to shut down myself from outside world.
Good thing my DH is trying to pull me back to reality and trying to keep me busy with functions and friends. I really hope I can have my inner part healling soon, so I can start everything all over again.
Wish you girls are strong and be positive. Good luck!
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kat8 - you are so right. we all just to have keep moving on. this is what life is about. my tears are dried now and i think i am getting better at taking pain/disappointment.
linlin-i know you are down in the dumps right now. look on the bright side - at least your DH is being supportive.
trying-there is no judging here! i would say just to do it again tomorrow, hoping for a clearer result. good luck.
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18 yrs ago
Hi Havefaith, So sorry to hear about your -ve beta testing. But look at the positive side- you got a +ve result with a natural IUI, thats certainly something to go hmmm... I wonder if that gives the doc any clues on what to do next time. For the time being- relax and enjoy your vacation.
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18 yrs ago
trying, that's excellent!! I hope your test tomorrow will confirm it for you. They do say a positive is a positive, no matter how faint the line is!!!
I haven't got my period yet, fingers crossed. However, I tested again last night and it was a negative. I tried to look at it at ALL angles and with different kinds of lights.. and had to admit to myself that it was a very clear negative.
So it's either I tested too early or I'm not pregnant. I'm a bit worried too because I have a dull ache in my stomach since 2 weeks ago. I pray that it's nothing.
You know, I've been pigging out on half cooked steaks so I'm a bit worried if I am pregnant. I spent far too long avoiding these foods so when I was diagnosed with endo, I kind of gave up a little and ate raw foods.
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trying, what a great news. As MayC said, a positive is a positive... hopefully everything works out for you this time.
espresso, thanks for your kind words. I guess I just have to learn how to appreciate who and what we have now, and not to force the unreachable.
MayC, I am also on my 2ww (natural cycle)and no sign of period yet. Tested this morning and it was -ve. As this is my 1st natural cycle after last ivf, it could be irregular due to the previous hormone shots. Anyway, I will continue the testing until AF comes. Good luck to your next testing.
As my inner condition is still very unstable, I just decided to apply some easy evening classes to keep me going. I hope I can be more happy by learning some new stuff besides purely ttc in my head.
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This is so nice that so many of us are either testing for answers or in the 2ww together.I am praying for all of us ,Trying,Linlin123,Mayc,and of cousre Dear Havefaith!Hang in there.As we always keep telling each other we are there to hear each other out.
Like Espresso said earlier,even if go through the pain and the tears dry out we seem to be ready again,That's the imp.thing.So baby dust to all !
I am currently ovulating so not in the waiting period ,yet.Hopefully ,a miracle happens to us soon!
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Hi all
Well, went to the specialist today (same one as last time) and was so so nervous. He was excited for me which was a good start. Had the ultrasound while I lay there tense as and he said he could see the pregnancy sack and a very small heart beat so I was very pleased for 5 and a half weeks along (had not expected to see a heart beat). Fingers crossed that the little mite stays in there safe and sound.
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trying - best of luck to you!!! i really hope that you get what you want!!!
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18 yrs ago
Hi all,
I'm at work to tie up some loose ends but will be heading home soon - sick leave.
But I just wanted to write to let you girls know that it wasn't meant to be.
Last night, while taking my daughter to Mannings, I felt something leak and knew instantly that my period had arrived (albeit 2 days late).
I did say that if it's going to arrive, better early than late so that I don't get my hopes up.
Surprisingly I took it really well.
It was too good to be true... but at least I had a day or two pretending to be pregnant eventhough I wasn't. Oh well.....back to the drawing board....
Trying, good luck. Hopefully you'll get better news than me....
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mayC - i am sorry. i know how it feels. hang in there. one way or the other, we will get there one of these days.
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Dear Dear Mayc,
Please don't feel bad,like so many of us go through there are so many solutions to every challenge one faces.And not that you need to be reminded you HAVE age ,your positive spirit,and NOTHING will come in the way of that.
So,just relax and enjoy the rest of the day off!!
Lots of love and hugs,
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18 yrs ago
MayC - So sorry, I only too well how you feel at the moment.
trying - my fingers and toes are crossed for you!
I got AF a couple of days ago so we are starting to think about plan B now. Think we will go to the Dr this cycle and see what we can do next.
Can anyone give me the costs of IVF and IUI? Would be good to start preparing for the shock!
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depending on where you go - i am sure the fees will vary. IUI-the procedure alone at dr ho's costs 6k. there are also other fees involved, for instance, the medication - one cycle of puregon is 3k. i needed two, so it was 6k total. yes the costs do add up. so you should do more research to see what other choices are out there. i am sure there are other drs who are also good but with more reasonable fees. i had IUI done with another dr (dr joseph chan - OB/GYN) but i liked dr ho better. good luck!
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MayC - sorry to hear that AF arrived. Please don't lose hope as we all have our fingers crossed for you and the other TTC'ers.
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18 yrs ago
Trying - congrats on the BFP! Fingers crossed for you that everything goes well now, don't get too stressed (not easy, I'm sure!). Keep us updated...you are the first one off the island!!
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I have my fingers crossed for you. Keep calm and dont worry too much!
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trying- i am keeping my fingers crossed for you too. by the way - what does a low beta number mean?
for me i am into my day 5 in the 2WW. nurse says that i can start doing preg test next sat. not entirely sure if i want to do it - after months of disappointment. i was also trying to do some research over the weekend to see if there are any recognised early pregnancy symptoms... guess i may be becoming a little obsessed!!
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18 yrs ago
Oh Trying, I am so sorry. What a horrible thing to happen. Try to be strong and keep this experience as a sign that you CAN get pregnant.
Hope everything goes ok at the doctor's abd they can give you more info about it.
espresso, how is everything feeling? This is an IUI cycle, right? I have an HSG this week, not looking forward to it, after that might do IUI.
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Dearest Trying
very sorry to hear what happened.Have a good cry if you need to and you are right to say that you would not let this cycle dampen your spirits! I wish you well.
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18 yrs ago
Oh Trying..... I'm so, so sorry....I am at a lost at why things like this happens. We've tried so hard and when we get a positive, we think, "This is it" and then it turns out not to be.... how can we be so close yet so far?
I don't get it though. I mean, do treatments increase the risks of miscarriage? Can someone enlighten me on this? Do the MAJORITY who succeed getting pregnant with treatment STAY pregnant all throughout? Please say yes because I'm in the brink of losing hope... with my emotions going everywhere. I was in tears last night too asking hubby to convince me that I will have a baby again.
You know, the 2 days my period was late, I was convinced I was pregnant so I went and bought myself a maternity top from Bossini. Then as I was walking home, I felt the "leak" and I knew it was the end of my dreams for the month. I didn't take it bad... perhaps I was trying to be strong until yesterday. I didn't tell hubby my period was late but he "knew" because I told him when I was expecting it a week ago. He was hopeful too but didn't tell me. When I told him my period had arrived, he was disappointed. I thought it a bit strange that his response was so sad compared to previously. Now I know it was because he had hoped the way I did.
A friend of ours has just given birth too. I've lost count at how many births we've had in our group of friends since last year.
Trying, I know it must be hard for you but have faith. Because this means that you're on the right track and you will get pregnant again.
At the moment, for me, I guess life goes on.... and another cycle to tackle.
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trying-i am so sorry. chin up and try to stay strong. as they say, "if there is a will there is a way..."
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petie- it is IUI. i have been feeling tired and last night i was supercranky. have been doing a lot of second guessing but are trying to stop. Good luck with your HSG and keep us posted.
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I experienced the same thing last week. A postive last Sat then by Tues my Beta has gone down. I got my period three days ago. I know what you are going thru. I felt like crying on Tuesday and Wed - but I feel better now. We are both close - please have faith and keep smiling!
This was your FET, right? Dont you have another 5 snow babies left?
Take care of yourself and DH,
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its good to know that you are feeling better now. I know its a crushing feeling for what you have gone thru .Hopefully - the holiday will help you recover quickly.
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Thank you for your kind thoughts. I was feeling quite down for a couple of days - thinking how unfair it is. However, I am feeling much better - just hanging out and relaxing - being good to myself and taking advantage of time off.
Hope all is well with you!
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There is light at the end of the tunnel - I truly believe there is. I dont see it yet - but dont lose faith or hope.
Keep well,
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18 yrs ago
Trying, it is so good to hear that you have a doctor who is really positive and who is working really hard with you in making things happen.
I too have endo and will need to have a laparoscopy either at the end of the year or early next year if I don't fall pregnant naturally. We've been trying too long and I'm losing hope with this "natural" path. I think we would have hit the jackpot by now if "natural" works. We've been having well-timed intercourse close to a year now and still nothing. Hopefully we'll both be able to tackle this endo "once and for all" as you say. It's a horrible, horrible condition to have. Not only do we have to deal with the emotional pain when we are unsuccessful month after month, but endo makes us double up in pain when we have our periods. You know, when I had my first baby via c-section, everyone thought I was crazy because I told them my period cramps were a hundred times worse. I think no one realises just how severe the pain of endo can be. At least even my mum knows now that when I used to scream in pain as a teenager, I wasn't making it up.
May I ask how much your dr charges for laparoscopy? I heard that this surgery is covered by insurance because sufferers are not just those who are trying to fall pregnant.
Havefaith, you're right .... although we don't see the light at the end of the tunnel, it doesn't mean it's not there. Maybe we chose the longest tunnel to walk on.
I pray that we will all be able to hold our bundle of joy soon be it #1, #2, #3 or more.
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18 yrs ago
We are all going through so much in this thread! We should publish it as a book!
How are you feeling Trying? Is it getting easier?
MayC, it must have been heartbreaking getting your period after 2 days of being late.
Espresso - is cranky and tired a good sign? When will you know the result of this cycle?
Thanks for the kind words, will let you know how the hsg goes, am starting to get v. nervous about it though...things we have to do...
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MayC- I understand the disappointment that you are feeling right now. It is hard and you wonder thousands of times when it will be your(our) turn to be pregnant.Petie is right to say that the things we have to do just to carry a bundle of joy. I just hope all our efforts will pay off.
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Petie-my 2ww officially ends on 1/8(w). but i have been there where there was a delay in getting AF while i thought i actually got pregnant. DH says he prefers not to do any home pregnancy tests anymore in case they lead to false hope. I tend to agree.
i have been struggling emotionally last and this week. i hadn't realised it at first. but i am starting to notice sudden wild swings of emotions - like this morning i experienced a sudden burst of anger/frustration. freaky!
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I look at the bright side of what just happened - we found out early which means we can start again sooner. Last year my blighted ovum episode lasted for 10+ weeks. This time the +ve test and the declining result and my AF all happened within one week. I have not lost any time this time round - and am ready to try again.
MayC, Be strong and I am sure we will get there.
Have faith and lots of baby dust to you!
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Trying & Havefaith,
I know it's heartbreaking to go thru this extreme high & low feelings. I am trying to look at the bright side too, as I also had blighted ovum in my last year IUI for 5+ weeks... no heartbeat. That's why I am willing to try IUI again although the dr Tay told me better go for IVF to save my time.
I am now seeing dr Tay for this iui cycle and having shots now.
Lets be strong, have "faith" and keep "trying".
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Is your doc of the view that you will have a better chance with IVF because the better quality embryo will be selected? I had one failed IVF attempt (no implantation) and got pregnant twice -once naturally (last year) and once last week (IUI natural cycle) - but I did not get that with my IUI with meds or my IVF. This is so strange. Anyway, when I get back I will go in and discuss this with Dr. Ho.
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Hi there, I am new here and I post a thread aiming to help others. Me and my husband were married since December and planning to have a baby. Then I have discovered this fertility friend which helped me a lot to get pregnant.The http://www.my-fertility.com/ helped me by such as increasing fertility in natural ways as well as tracing ideal time in my menstrual cycle to try. And also about daily food diet that can prevent infertility, everything was then ok and now I am 3 months pregnant. Maybe you should try it also.
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It's just with the matter of numbers... as both regular cycle & IUI can only deal with 1 - 3 eggs each month. But with IVF I will have more eggs to be chosen & fertilize within one cycle.
The doc said that both egg & sperm qualities are very important. Even with IVF, they cannot see the quality of sperm, only choose the high mobile ones, and no one knows if there is any chromosome issues inside the sperm. Of course, similar theory applies to the eggs. The quality can only be determined by fertilisation, cells growth, implantation, and of course the healthy fetus growth and so on.
The doc told me that he is trying not to be optimistic, but he just couldn't find anything wrong with me why I cann't preg... because we have been trying for over 3 yrs, he prefers not to wait any longer.
But based on what he said.... I had lowered the expectation toward IVF treatment, cause no one can actually find out the quality of my sperm/ eggs before hand. They just need lots and lots of eggs with many many IVFs and hope there is 1 good egg + 1 good sperm, becomes an embryo and then implant etc. And we are paying for all that trial and erros and hope one day to get what we want.
I might sound too pessimistic, but that's one of the reasons I go for another IUI ... which is less invasive.
Havefaith, are you saying that you didn't have any med shots, like Gonal-f or Progesterone during both IUI & IVF treatments? And how much did you pay for them?
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Havefaith, I guess no-one can predict what will really work. It all seems hit and miss. You may end up getting pg completely naturally after all this...
Espresso, I've become very short-tempered too, and I'm not even on any meds! I'm just very worried about all this so am just very irritable and nothing else seems very important. I'm deliberately trying not to take on too much stress at work, which I am getting away with for now. Maybe you could try to do the same.
Violet, congrats and thanks for the tips.
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18 yrs ago
Girls, I've found something that may help:-
Q - Why is IVF so much more successful than other infertility treatments?
A - The reason IVF is so much more successful has to do with a number of factors:
(1) IVF does not require ovulation. The eggs are removed from the ovaries before ovulation occurs.
(2) The fallopian tube is not part of the equation and the laboratory environment may be better than that in the tube in many cases.
(3) Fertilization is enhanced because eggs and sperm can be placed together in immediate proximity to one another in the petri dishes. This is very different than putting sperm in the upper uterine cavity as occurs with intrauterine insemination.
(4) We have the opportunity of inspecting the eggs for their quality and the thickness of their shells (zona pellucida). If the shells are very thick, then we have the opportunity of performing an assisted fertilization procedure (ICSI) at that time.
(5) During the days that follow the egg retrieval, we have the opportunity of observing the growth and development of the embryos and they are inspected and graded for quality. This allows us to choose the best embryos for transfer and gives us an opportunity (in selected cases) to perform a procedure known as assisted hatching just prior to the embryo transfer. By making a small hole (using a laser) in the shell, the embryo may have a better chance of hatching and then implanting in the uterine wall.
(6) Lastly, we deliver the embryos to a precise location in the upper uterine cavity and thus do not depend on the fallopian tube as is the case in a natural conception. Several embryos to the uterine cavity (2 to 6 depending on the woman's age and the quality of the embryos) thus increasing the odds for conception.
Treatment Type Percentage (%)
No Treatment 4%
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Alone 4%
Clomiphene Citrate (CC) Alone 6%
CC plus IUI 8%
Gonadotropins plus IUI 20%
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)* 50%
*IVF pregnancy rates may vary significantly among different centers. Pregnancies per Cycle
Source: http://www.ncfmc.com/faq.php#blast
Linlin has a good point though. Other treatments are less invasive and less painful emotionally and physically. Definitely discuss with Dr Ho about what method he thinks is best for you and most importantly WHY he feels it is better than the other less invasive treatments.
As for me, I REALLY don't know what's wrong with me. I think I'm freaking out because I'm so close to my recommended "surgery time". What if it doesn't work even after surgery? I mean, I am trying to stay positive but at the same time, I have all these doubts and fear at the back of my mind.
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BBM-isn't it just terrible the short temperness? it so happens that i have also taken the same approach - which is try not to take on too much work at work. yeah, i think(i hope!) that i am getting away with it for now. its back to that cycle again - we do - we wait - we try again.
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My IVF cycle in April was a normal IVF cycle with Gonal F. I paid about HK$80K (inclusive of Gonal F, hospital bills and scans).
I have since tried two natural cycle IUIs (without any meds, Gonal F, etc.) - just had to pay for sperm wash, scans and the insemination. It costs about HK$2,800 to HK$4,000 - depending how many scans you need. The actual procedure (for the insemination and the sperm wash) cost HK$2,800. For one of the two natural cycles I paid an extra HK$3,000 for the sperms to be frozen cos DH was travelling.
The month immediately after IVF I could not take any more drugs so I asked for a natural IUI cycle - I got pregnant (for 4 days) with the second IUI natural cycle. It is not a bad option for the months that DH is travelling and you want to take a break from the meds.
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Hi MayC, thanks for the valuable info. If I don't have any luck for this IUI cycle, I will for sure try IVF again.. when I am ready. BTW, please stay +++ for the laparoscopy, as it will help you to remove the obstacles to become preg.
Havefaith, I am much more + toward my current iui treatment because of your + experience. So we are able to conceive, but just the matter of time. So did your doc have ever recommended to try IVF again when you are ready?
My doc said he will only do IUI max 4 times for his patients... and I guess if I fail this time (my forth), I might go for IVF again if I am ready, or look for other doc help for IUI.
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Stay calm and be positive. You were pregnant last year from IUI - there is no reason why it cannot happen again and lead to a healthy baby.
I am not sure if 4 is a good cut off point. A friend of mine succeeded with her 10th IUI (the first 9 were with clomid and the last was with Gonal F). She is your age - 36.
I flew out the day after the HCG started dropping - so I have not had a chance to speak to doc yet. I will speak to him when I get back next week. We are trying it naturally this month - lots of BD.
Remember our date with our LOLs.
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Thanks Havefaith. I remember our promise and hope can see you soon. : )
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I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted. Is today Day 3?
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hi all
this 2ww i have been finding it v. difficult to focus at work at all. i don't have any notable symptoms apart from feeling lack of energy generally and unmotivated. tomorrow will be day 9 and the nurse has told me to test on saturday. i am getting restless. dr is not hopeful as i only had 1 mature egg this cycle.not really sure what to think. how is everyone else doing?
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Dont be too concerned - all we need is one egg and one sperm.
take care + lots of baby dust to you!
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18 yrs ago
Like Havefaith said, you only need one egg! Also, not everyone has symptoms, there is always hope. Keep us posted about Saturday.
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Espresso, hope you are doing fine whether you got lucky or not this month. Fingers crossed if you don't know yet.
I haven't been able to go forward with the IUI yet because of a cyst, plus it also seems to have messed up my cycle a bit. Very frustrating.
I know how it feels to be unmotivated -- I'm in the same boat.
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babybemine- will you be getting your cyst removed and when can you start IUI? i still don't know yet as the nurse told me to test only this friday. still no notable symptoms. the mood swings come and go. my cycle should be starting today so somehow if it doesn't happen this month i just hope for my period to come on time so that i can move on.
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Espresso, please stay positive. This could be your month. Its going to happen one of these months so why not this one? I don't need to have the cyst removed. It will just go away by itself after a couple of cycles. The only thing is that I can't take meds until it goes away but we can keep trying naturally in the meantime.
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18 yrs ago
Babybemine, I know how frustrating it is when your cycle is messed up. Mine was messed up last month too. But take heart, maybe you'll get pregnant with natural trying and you won't need to do IUI.
Espresso, good luck with your testing this Friday. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.
How's everyone else doing?
I should be "o-ing" in the next few days. Don't know when now because my late period stuffed up my cycle. I've been charting but that's proving REALLY hard. I'm a light sleeper and I get up to use the loo a few times and to cover my little girl with blanket so I can't actually take my temp after 3 hours of straight sleep. Oh well....
I've been feeling REALLY discouraged over this TTC thing.
My latest craze, hubby mentioned about the Chinese Eu Yan Sang "Bak Fung Yuen". Apparently it's meant to help. Has anyone tried them? You can get them from Mannings. I'm a bit unsure because it says not to be taken whilst pregnant so if we're trying to get pregnant, how do we know when to stop taking? Or should they be taken WHEN we have our period for 2 weeks (before we ovulate)?
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1. i have tried charting before as well and it also proved difficult for me. i guess, for some, charting is not always so easy.
2. if you are uncertain when you will O this month, there are ovulation predictor kits so that may help. 3.bak fung yuen-yeah i have heard of them but never tried them. i would check with the doc if anything... 4. i am feeling really discouraged about this TTC thing too. my period usually comes in the middle of the night so i am expecting either tonight or tomorrow night....becuase i really have NO NOTABLE SYMPTOMS!!!!
Babybemine-thanks for your encouragement. but i just really need a moment to let out my frustration right now. i promise i will be optimistic again after this episode....
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18 yrs ago
I hated charting, i could never get any real info from it and I seemed to get a bit obsessive looking at the results all the time trying to interpret them. I think the opks are defintely the way forward, we should have shares in clearblue we have used so many!!
We have decided to start IUI after the summer so I am starting to feel bit more positive about everything. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you MayC, remember that this is the place where you CAN let your frustration out and no-one minds (we understand more than most!)
babybemine - sorry to hear about the cyst, how frustrating for you.
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hi all-terrible sleep last night. keep waking up the whole night and thinking that AF would be here...-still waiting.... *argh* today will be a long day...
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18 yrs ago
Espresso, good luck okay? I didn't have any notable symptoms with my first either.
I pray that God will hear our desperate pleas.
I'm a bit lost with my cycle. I've been temping and I see a surge... from 36.2 to 36.5, not high enough, right? So have I or haven't I o'ed? I've noticed lots of EWCM yesterday (stringy). We did the baby dance the night before last night. Now hubby is away (last night and tonight) and won't be back till tomorrow night. I hope I haven't missed my window of opportunity. I thought that if OPKs usually show a positive after Day 15 for me, I should be ovulating from 4 August onwards (my period was on the 20th of July). It just doesn't make sense seeing stringy cervical mucus so early. I don't feel it today. I don't really "check" by insertion. I merely observe what comes out naturally. I sound so gross. Sorry.
I'm so furious with hubby that he is away during this crucial period. The next few months are important months for me because it means if we're successful, I avoid surgery. I've just said to him that I need him to be back for the next few days and he can be gone for the next 2-3 weeks after.
My TTCing reminds me of sitting for an exam. We prepare for it, do the exams (3-4 days) and then wait for the results.
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mayC - did you come to a mutual understanding that DH had to be in HK during that window? what me and DH do is if we are doing IUI for a given month we go over the key dates and make sure we set this as priority when my AF hits. and thanks for your prayer & well wishes. it has been so difficult for me to focus today at work. can't pick myself up, can't focus, can't do anything. and my boss is chasing for work to be done!!! all i can think about is is AF here? i have been on pins and needles all day. scatterbrain, too. oh well, if only i can hold on until friday...
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18 yrs ago
Espresso - any news? It is the worst time isn't it? You feel every tiny little twinge and ache. Keep us posted.
MayC - I tend to go with CM as I think it is my body saying it is time to babydance and then use the OPKs to back it up. Saying that, my theory hasn't worked so far has it?!
It is so frustrating when DHs have to be away. i get so cross, I suppose i think about it all month and plan the dates and get all worked up for it, he doesn't seem to have that same level of interest.
I know what you mean about the exams, I get all nervous and worried a few days before AF imagining all the possibilities.
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Just wanted to add that i had 'all the symptoms' then my AF would come. Then absolutely no symptoms when we fell pregnant, the wait is hard and i remembering wishing i could fast forward the days. Fingers crossed for you and lots of baby dust!
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Petie, MayC, Babeez - thanks for asking. today is judgment day! still nothing yet. its only early afternoon, so i still have until tomorrow morning to see if AF is here. nurse says i can test, but DH and I have decided not to; just let the result unfold naturally. false hope is worse. these days i keep rehearsing the line to myself that "...it will still be okay even if AF comes..." - hope you ladies are doing alright. i will keep you posted.
last night on NOW, there was an adoption program on home and discovery, which talked about a handicapped canadian couple adopting a baby girl. the program interviewed the couple and basically the process from zero until the little girl arrives. it was such a touching story that it brought me to tears. i guess adoption is a very meaningful thing, and it takes a lot of love and courage.
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18 yrs ago
Espresso, I know what you mean about not wanting to test too early. Good luck and lots and lots of baby dust your way.
Hubby came home early today. Wow, what a surprise!! (I'm so mean). Well anyway, I still have sticky discharge today so I'm hoping that I haven't ovulated yet.
I'm planning to take it easy for the first few days post ovulation. I've figured that if women are told to take it easy after assisted treatments, then why not take it easy for those who are trying naturally too?
I've been so stressed over this TTC thing and what's worse, my little girl has passed on the flu to me. Ahhh....
I haven't ruled out adoption - I would consider that if all else fails. I was reading an article on it too... an Aussie single parent adopting a child from Africa. People would ask her where his mother was and she'd reply, "I AM his mother. Do you mean his biological mother?" Her story was really touching too. I haven't ruled out adoption but I don't want to think that far ahead yet.... then again I usually do all that "I'm doomed" thinking when AF arrives... then closer to ovulation, I forget everything but the NEED to work hard. I thought I've lost all my courage since my last AF but suddenly when it's ovulation time, I'm starting to get hopeful again.
Babeez, thank you for your story. There have been too many months where I felt sure I was pregnant, only to discover that all those hopes were in vain. So that's why I know where Espresso is coming from when she says she doesn't want to test. When we're in the dreaded 2ww, we want time to go as quickly as possible... when it's "the day" to test, we freak....
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mayC-we have also been there before where we tried to do quick BD over lunch time although it was difficult technically because DH and i had to rush...
i also agree that when you are TTCing you should try to take it easy as much as you can. i am not counting those who had no problem TTCing before, but for couples who for one reason or another live hectic lives & busy schedules, sometimes its just better to let your body rest and prepare for child bearing. hk is not a particularly live-style friendly place. a lot of women or DHs work super hours and are stressed all the time. doesn't really help at all. i never used to think that it could affect me, but i am now convinced that stress and work does affect my fertility.
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hi girls - AF arrived today. took me a morning to get over it but i'm okay now. DH is supportive. will most likely follow on with another IUI cycle this month... hope you all are doing okay...
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I am sorry to hear about your AF. Stay strong and lots of baby dust to you.
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18 yrs ago
Oh, I am so sorry espresso, I really was thinking of you all weekend. Good idea to keep going with the IUI, it will happen soon.
Babydust all round.
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18 yrs ago
Oh Espresso, I'm soo soooooo sorry. I just hope that soon, we'll all congratulate each other instead of saying sorry... I'm sure that this day will come as long as we don't give up, hard as this may sound at this time. I was depressed too last month for a whole 2 weeks after AF visited. However, a new TTC cycle brought new hope... I guess it's going to be like this until I succeed.
Espresso, I'm like you in the sense that my life is quite stressful. Maybe stress DOES affect fertility. I haven't tried Traditional Chinese Medicine but I think if I fail this month, I will give it a go.
I don't think I could do acupuncture. That's just NOT me but drinking the chinese herbal medicine's meant to improve your immunity and your well being. Maybe it's worth trying. I don't mind drinking as long as they won't put tons of needles through me.
I've also started to eat healthily... meaning I eat mostly Chinese now and most of it is steamed. I hate tofu, it's so chewy but I try to make myself eat it. Now I'm eating steamed tofu, steamed egg, steamed fish and steamed pork. Sometimes we boil them too instead of frying. I've figured that even if these don't really help with fertility, at least it will make me healthy as a person. That can't be a bad thing.
TTC isn't easy.... but we're lucky that we have each other to talk to and to vent.
I bought myself a BBT this cycle and it's been good. At least I know I've ovulated. It really helps. I always get a positive on my OPK (day 15) but knowing that my temperature dips and then remains high after I've ovulated tells me that I am ovulating normally.
I got a number for a famous TCM doctor. Her name is Wong Ling from the Chinese Uni. Her number is 3411 2968/3411 2988. I got this from a friend. If I fail this month, I will go see her.
I've been trying lots of crazy things month after month with TTC. I'm hoping that one of them will work ;-) I think that's the thing with TTC. We shouldn't give up, there are so many other ways we have not tried to warrant giving up.
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Havefaith, MayC, Petie- thanks for your words of encouragement. mentally, it has been tough, swinging between hope and despair. but there really is nowhere else to go except forward. perseverence means a lot right now. we decided to take a break before moving to the next IUI cycle. in a way its a load off - so i guess we will be trying naturally this month. will see what happens. mayC- trying lots of different things is good, because it means that you are being resourceful in ways that can help you TTC. DH is not a big fan of needles either so he has asked me not to go down that route. good luck with everything.
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18 yrs ago
You are the same as me at the moment Espresso. We have taken 2 months off TTC (because of the HSG) before having IUI. It has actually been really good becuase the pressure has gone.
I have been thinking about TCM - I know acupuncture works for IVF but does it help for IUI as well? I'm willing to try anything!
Off for a holiday soon so hopefully stress levels will reduce and we might be lucky!
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Petie, make sure you do try naturally. The doctor showed me a study showing that alot of people get PG within 3 months of the HSG when the oil-based dye is used. So you may want to make the most of it.
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18 yrs ago
Thanks Babybemine. I had heard it helps as well, something about clearing the tubes (!) I will certainly make the most of it!!
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18 yrs ago
Hi, I'm just dropping in to see how everybody's doing.
Petie, have you been on your holiday yet? I'm thinking of Chinese Meds next week if my period shows. I'll let you know how it goes. I may be game enough to try acupuncture too... or may withhold that until I've tried the herbs.
Espresso, how are you feeling lately? I hope you're much better. It'll happen for you soon.
Havefaith, you've been quiet ;-) How's your "natural" trying going? Natural trying may end up being the best solution after all we've been through!!
Babybemine, I hope your cyst disappears soon.
So now, we're all on natural trying.. who knows, maybe this will REALLY work.
linlin, how are you? I hope things work out for you. Stay positive with all of us.
We all only know it too well how this whole TTC thing has given us false hopes, have killed us emotionally but deep inside us, we have this little voice that tells us not to give up. This is the voice of a true mummy-to-be.
I'm not giving up. I have another 5 more days before my expected period. If it comes, I'll be crushed and will feel low for 2 weeks, but comes ovulation, I know I'm back to being hopeful again. If I'm pregnant by next week, I will jump for joy (well, that's an understatement). If not, I will call a chinese dr and try that. I'm still a bit uncertain about my dr for my endometriosis surgery. I've got my regular dr at the Union Hospital who is supposed to do my surgery... and I've got Dr Phillip Ho who charges a fortune. I'm in NT so I'm thinking whether or not I should go for another dr with more accreditations from the Union.... eg. the directors of the reproductive technologies at the Union Hospital instead. I may offend my dr because she's also at the Union Hospital which is tough but then she's not interested in delivering babies now (she's the director of the cervical department) so.... why not a director of the reproductive technology? I've looked at at the stats of reproductive technology of the union hospital. They have a 30% success rates with their assisted reproductive technology program. I wonder if that's good or bad. They are cheaper than the Sanitarium, I would think. That's all from me.
I hope you are all well :-)
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I'm in the two week wait as well (from natural trying). I tend to get down when AF comes as well, but then get over it and get ready for the next try.
I don't know much about endo but if its a routine operation, maybe it doesn't matter where you do it.
Keep positive MayC. You've got pg before, you're still young, so it will happen again.
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Thanks for asking. I am doing OK - during my 2ww from lots and lots of BD.
As for the costs and success rate of Dr. Ho, I dont think he is cheap but his success rate is high. I think Kelly mentioned around 42% for IVF. I also like Dr. Ho - he is good and I feel he cares. I have (all my life) avoided male doctors esp OBs - I actually feel OK with Dr. Ho. My DH who is really fuzzy - about doctors and generally find doctors to be rather bad in HK - really like Dr. Ho.
Take care + lots of baby dust to you. I agree with Babybemine - you have done it before you can do it again - dont worry. Just relax and everything will be fine.
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I'm doing an IUI this month. Anyone else doing the same? I've been on gonalf injections for a week. Not too bad except for the hassle of having to go to the doc's clinic so often.
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18 yrs ago
Hi all,
I am back from hols and in the dreaded 2WW. IUI is next month so am appreciating all the info babybemine! Can you do the injections at home or do you have to go to the clinic?
Havefaith, any news?
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Petie, I've been going to the doc's clinic to do the injections but I work very close to the doctor's office so it was easy to slip out briefly. I did it myself on Sunday. It is not difficult so it is possible to do it at home.
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Like Babybemine says, it is possible to do it yourself - the doctor can give you a gun to make it easier. When I did mine, I went to the doctor's clinic Monday to Saturday and on Sunday I went to Canossa - only because I didnt want to do it myself.
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18 yrs ago
Girls, good luck with the IUI. Havefaith, I know what you mean about feeling more comfortable if someone else does the injection instead of you. I'm terrified of needles too.
As for me, I have a week before I ovulate. I'm hoping to see one more dr in the next few weeks (depending on her availability) to see if she could help perform my endo surgery. Dr Ho's great but he is very expensive.
I will also need to start seeing a TCM practitioner.
My parents are leaving tonight so I'll start calling around after.
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18 yrs ago
Thanks for the help, will have to force my husband to be brave and do it for me!
MayC, why will you go to a TCM doc?
It is all starting to get me down a bit this month, I guess the last month of au natural seems like a milestone. *sigh*
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Petie/MayC, the needle is really small so no need to worry. The ovulation shot is done by a nurse and is a bit more painful but not to worry about. For me, the difficult part about all of it has been the emotional side, the second guessing about process and timing, wondering if it will work, wondering if normal intercourse is good enough. My hubby is not too happy about my obsession with TTC so all this is also causing a strain. I know logically I should just pray and believe whatever will be will be, but it is so difficult. I just don't feel good unless I am proactive.
Petie, don't worry if you have to step things up as IUI is not too bad - at least so far - still haven't finished yet. Good luck this month.
MayC, hope you find the right endo doc. Do you know for sure that it is getting in the way of conceiving? Or is there no way to tell.
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18 yrs ago
Are you getting mood swings on the injections? Are there any other side effects? Starting to sink in now that this is all going to start very soon!
It is so easy to get obsessed with it all isn't it? I feel the same way. It affects so much that we do - food/drinking etc...
I just keep thinking that it WILL happen, it will just take time, and the longer it takes, the more we will appreciate the little ones when they come.
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Petie, I did not get mood swings although I've been moody these past 7-8 months anyway, worrying my way through this TTC journey. I did get some minor ache on both sides after about 4 days of injections which the nurse assured me was normal. With IUI they only want to get 2 - 3 eggs so I suspect the dosage must be much less than IVF. I had the shots for 8 days, then the ovulation shot, then the IUI 1.5 days later. Maybe others had different experiences? I'm in the two week wait now.
Make sure you go to the doc's office on day 2 or 3 of your cycle. That is important.
Please don't give up on this cycle yet but if you have to do an IUI, its not too bad. Lots of babydust.
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18 yrs ago
Babybemine, good luck with your IUI. I hope this is IT for you!! How can we help not being moody while TTC-ing, huh? I haven't stopped worrying for months too.
Babybemine, in answer to your question, we are only suspecting that I have endo. There's no way of confirming it other than surgery. We're just "assuming" I have it because I have a cyst and I have painful menstrual cramps. Plus I'm having issues with conceiving. Endo CAN interfere with pregnancy - for example, the endo scarring may block the path of the sperms in reaching the egg. If endo is found during my surgery, the dr can remove as much scarring as possible, in the hope that that will be enough for me to achieve pregnancy. If not, then I will need assistance in falling pregnant - IUI/IVF etc. I'm of course feeling discouraged because removing of the scars during surgery does not guarantee pregnancy.
It'll be unreal if I can fall pregnant naturally within the next few months. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
Petie, you're still in the dreaded 2ww, right? Good luck too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
As for me, I'm waiting to ovulate in a few days time. I'm already feeling the cervical mucus. Hubs will be back on Sunday morning so we're gonna have lots of BD that day and probably the few days after it. Then early next week, I will probably get him to do a sperm test.
Today, I'm gonna have to pick up the phone and call my friend's gynae. I need to be proactive to stop myself worrying but at the same time, this whole TTC thing is so overwhelming that sometimes I'm so unsure with what exactly I need to do.
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hi ladies
i am just dropping in to say hi and to say that i am back in the game. may C - thanks for thinking about me earlier last month. DH and i was off all treatments last month just so that we could take a break. in fact my mind was so far away from TTC that last month felt different for a change! but i have started another IUI cycle again this month. i am still on puregon (my 2nd day). hopefully we get lucky this month (thats what we always hope for). my dr says he will be re-adjusting the dosage of puregon that he is administering to me this month. hopefully that will be the thing that tips the scale.
babydust to everyone!
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Hi Espresso, hope you get lots of follicles this time. I'm in the waiting and obsessing zone....not fun.
MayC, have you done a dye test? Could it be useful if you are not ready for surgery?
Have a nice weekend.
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hi babybemine
how far are you in the wait? got much longer? i am seeing my dr again today to check on the follicles. after having tweaked the dosage, he says i should be getting more follicles this month. follicles may grow faster too as a result of the drug. its not confirmed yet whether i will do IUI this week but i am predicting either end of this week or early next week. babydust to you!
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I still need to wait about a week - I do not want the stress of a blood test so will just need to wait.
Still worried about the timing of it -- 36 hours after trigger. What if i ovulated earlier? Next month, hubby will be travelling so will waste that cycle. If we need to do this again, we may not abstain beforehand.
Good luck to you Espresso. I'm sure they will get the dosage right this time to get you more follicles.
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18 yrs ago
Hi all,
I'm back after the 2WW and now starting IUI :(
Espresso, I think we are matched in our timings as I am going to the dr tomorrow for another check before trying at the weekend! Good luck for your check.
Any tips on how to stay positive through all this? I am starting to feel very down, dreading each cycle end. It feels like it will never happen.
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18 yrs ago
Babybemine, I'm in the same boat as you. I have a week more to go before I test. Fingers crossed for the two of us!!! I'm just as worried with my timing. I was supposed to ovulate on the 4th but I was temping this month and I noticed the surge on Day 4 so I must have ovulated sometime between the morning of Day 3 and Day 4. We only got to BD late afternoon and again late at night. I hope I haven't missed it this month too. I agree that we should not abstain next time around. If we have to do it again, I will try to get him back 2-3 days earlier from my expected date of ovulation.
Babybemine, I have heard about the dye test (thank you for thinking of me) and it's something that I will definitely talk to my gynae about the next time I see her. Surgery is a big thing and at this stage, I don't think we've done enough testing.
Petie, I know it's REALLY hard... it's like we are walking on a very LONG path and we cannot see the "light" ahead. How far more do we have to "walk"? I wish I knew so that I can at least enjoy my "walk". I think the best tip, Petie, is to keep your mind off TTC as much as you can. Keep busy. That has helped me in the last 2 months. Time goes by quicker that way and makes the 2ww more bearable. My parents' visited last month anad this month I've filled my days with work and appointments with friends. It's really helping.
To date, I have NOT gone to see another potential dr for my endo surgery scheduled for next year. Hubby thinks that we should wait. He has not gone for a sperms test yet because he's wanting to wait until the end of this cycle (just in case). I've agreed. We have decided to withhold acupuncture until after he's got his sperms tested too. The whole TTC exercise is proving costly and we're trying to take it one step at a time (and trying to save up for whatever's coming next).
In a way, I can say that right now I've come to a stage where I am hopeful but understand that it may not happen as quickly as I would have liked.
On a lighter note, my dear daughter's turning 3 tomorrow and I've just hit the big 30!!! ;-)
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18 yrs ago
Espresso, good luck okay? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping that the dosage readjustment will do the trick for you!
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18 yrs ago
Thanks for the kind words of advice MayC, I know what you mean about keeping busy. I just try to think about it at the crucial dates. Happy Birthday to you and your daughter!
I went for another check yesterday and everything looks ok. Going on a different drug to increase uterus lining and then another check tomorrow. Espresso, are you all ready for the IUI? It should be this weekend right? Any more follicles? (I never thought I would ask anyone that question!)
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dear petie
sorry - i have not been checking the website as often these days. there are a number of reasons, really *sigh* but nevermind for the time being. i have in mind in particular your message 6 days ago about how to stay positive.
i have just gone through the IUI procedure last sat. this time, after having tweaked the dosage, i really did notice my body changed. i was getting A LOT of ewcm (just like back when i was a teenager! haha). the dr seemed satisfied with the procedure. i had 3 mature follicles this time around (all on the left side).
staying positive is a very difficult thing to do indeed. i am definitely not an optimistic person at heart, but the good thing is that DH is by nature. so i always look to him for guidance. i guess to make a point as concise as possible, the only way to stay positive is really to keep looking forward and focus at PRESENT. its like walking on a parallel beam when you do gymnastics, you can't look down and you can't look back because you will fall for sure. you just have to look forward and focus on what you can do at the present and do those things to the best ability you can. the rest, you will just have to leave to God. because we are only humans after all. i don't know if this is an encouraging message - but its my 2 cents...
hope this helps, petie.
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Espresso, I had lots of EWCM the days leading upto the IUI, so that could be a good sign, as I have just tested positive. On IUI day, I did not have much EWCM so I spent the whole two week wait worrying that the timing was wrong, and planning how we could do things differently the next time. A few days ago I suddenly became bloated, had bad aches and pains and could not sleep. The drugs in my system went into overdrive but ok now.
Petie, Espresso, its really early still but just want to give you some encouragement.
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17 yrs ago
Babybemine, are you saying what I think you're saying? Are you saying "positive" meaning you are pregnant? If so, let me be the first to congratulate you!! It's so exciting for us to know, so thank you so much for sharing.
Lots of EWCM is good. I've failed again this cycle and I must say that I didn't have much EWCM last cycle. Maybe I should take my cough syrup again next cycle. You're right, Espresso, we can only do so much and the rest rests in God's hands. I'm praying REALLY hard.
I've just made an appointment to see my friend's gynae at the Union. She'll fully booked until early Jan which is good timing for me. It means I'm still listening to Dr Ho and still giving myself another 3 months of trying naturally. I will however ask hubby to get himself tested this week and once we have the results, we will then decide whether or not I should go see a Chinese dr.
Petie and the other girls, how are you holding up?
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Congrats! That's great news - I am assuming the same as MayC.
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MayC, Havefaith, thanks for your good wishes. Yes, I am pregnant - on both the home test and the blood test! Its so early so I am trying not to get too excited. It feels good to have a seat on the flight, or at least a boarding pass, and praying all goes well, and you'll be joining soon.
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babybemine - i am so thrilled for you! you so deserve it!!!
anytime any of us can get a seat on the plane - its almost like i feel relieved - because i know someone is living out my dream! the day that i did my IUI, i was still getting a lot of ewcm. it carried until the next day pretty much. so i don't know if that's the right timing. the good sign is that i am finally getting lots of ewcm. i didn't realise how different i'd feel (or should i say i have forgotten how it feels!). DH's sperm condition is also slightly better than last time. so it looks like the stars are aligning better this time. don't know what will happen but i will try to sit tight and wait. so right now... i will try to keep walking on my own "parallel beam"...
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I've been reading these posts for a while but not wanted to write anything, however I was hoping all you experienced TTCers could give me some advice. I have endo and pcos, both fairly mild but enough to cause me problems, and incredibly painful periods. I had a laporoscopy a few weeks ago to confirm the endo, check my tubes etc and everything went well and the results are ok. Now my Dr wanted to start trying me with IUI but my DH is against the idea, he doesn't want to end up with multiples and I understand his concerns and certainly don't want to do anything either of us doesn't want but if we keep trying naturally, we are just coming up to 12 months of trying, and nothing happens am I wasting the precious few months after the surgery when everything is good and I have more chance or should I accept that this is what he wants and hope that all the planets align and we manage on our own. I don't know whether my endo will come back or how long before it does and the Dr can't say at the moment. I don't know what the stats are for multiples with IUI and having been through the surgery I don't want to waste it
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17 yrs ago
Babydreamer, welcome to the thread!!! I'm sorry to hear that you have both endo and pcos but at least you know that they are mild and by doing the surgery, you are already one step ahead. Usually, after a lap, the dr will want you to try naturally for 6 months and if nothing happens, they will recommend assisted technology. No one knows for sure when endo comes back, but I've read some websites that say a year. By recommending IUI, your dr is trying to take advantage of the time period that you are most fertile.
I'm scheduled for a lap in January. After that I will be asked to try naturally for 6 months and if nothing happens, will have to go for IUI, I'm sure. Maybe you could discuss with your dr if you should do this. The book says that if you are charting, it should take only 4 cycles before you either fall pregnant or know that you need further intervention.
IUI is a process where they inject your hubby's sperms closer to the egg so that fertilisation can take place easily. I'm not sure, but I don't think this will increase your chances of having multiples? In any case, you could discuss your concerns with your dr. It seems too risky to try naturally for 12 months in case you need another lap which will end up being more costly than IUI.
Babybemine, well done!! I'm soooo happy for you. Espresso, I think you're next on the flight. God willing, I hope I'll be joining you girls real soon too!!!
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babydreamer - if statistics mean anything, the chances of conception via IUI is about 15%, and you would get multiples if you are having multiple (mature) follicles and they are all fertilised at the same time.
cipherelle-thank you for sharing your story and congrats - best of luck to you for your journey to delivery.
mayC - thanks for your encouragement. i hope we both get on the same flight the same time!
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I thought that with IUI because they induce more follicles with medicine multiples were a risk. Sure my dr told me it was 50/50 for more than one - but it's so hard to keep up sometimes, he tells me so many things and I'm not convinced I always hear properly. I feel sometimes that I push my husband into making decisions quicker that he's ready too. I did the lap 3 months earlier than we agreed because I couldn't wait any more and I suffer very very badly every month and it really gets me down.
I feel a little bit overloaded with information at times and it's so difficult to be clear headed and make the right decisions. I'd love to be able to conceive naturally (sure we all would here) and my husband is clinging to the hope that we will eventually, I just don't share his optimism and I also hear my clock ticking.
My dr is monitoring me this month to check that I'm doing all the right things, so I suppose at the end of the month he'll have a very clear idea of what my new improved chances are. I need to learn patience but the further I go down this road the less patience I seem to have.
Congratulations and Good luck cipherelle, thanks for the words of support
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17 yrs ago
Oh dear, I didn't realise you could fall pregnant with multiples with IUI. My apologies. Thanks to all for the detailed explanation.
Espresso, thank you also for sharing the IUI stats. I read about it 2 months ago and while IUI is less invasive, you sometimes wonder if it's really worth doing. 15% is like if you put 100 women, only 15 of them will fall pregnant with IUI. That's awful so after 4 months of surgery, I only have like 15% chance of falling pregnant each cycle (for 6-8 months) before bearing the risk that my endo may return and another surgery is needed. If my lap costs HK$40k and IUI costs HK$6,500, wouldn't it be better to just go straight to IVF with a cost between HK$60-70k with more chances of success? I guess I'll deal with that question when the time comes.
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17 yrs ago
Babydreamer, has the lap helped with your cramps? I understand how you feel. When the dr told me that I may have endo, she told me to take 2 months to think about whether or not I'd like to do a lap surgery. I told her, "No, I don't need 2 months, let's discuss more next week with my husband". However, during that week, I went to get a 2nd opinion from Dr Phillip Ho and he said to give myself another 6-9 months. It was his advise + my husband's reluctance to do the lap right away that made me wait (a case of two against one). If not, I think I would have pushed for it too. I really understand how you feel. I'm waiting until next year and this wait is also killing me because I feel like I'm not doing anything to help us get pregnant. I find that some hubbies (like mine) tend to think, "Hey, just relax and stop thinking you need this and that". They are never ever ready to take another step forward in treatments. And because we think differently, it's frustrating and confusing. Most of the time we don't even know whether or not we're doing the right thing or that we should have just listened..... but who knows? There's really no right or wrong. If you wait and things are not happening, you'll say to hubby, "I told you so" which is what I'm doing now. If you go ahead and do the treatment earlier, you may think, "Maybe I should have waited because I'm not ready". TTC isn't easy and it's soooooo difficult on us emotionally.
Maybe give yourself some time to think things through before deciding. Perhaps getting a second opinion may help... or maybe talk to your dr about why he/she thinks you should do IUI right away....
I've done so many crazy things in regards to TTC over the past year but I tell myself that at least I'm doing something so I will never have to regret that I have not tried.
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Espresso, MayC, thanks. Praying it sticks. When am I ever going to stop worrying...
Espresso, 3 follicles is great. Don't think you need to worry about the timing. I was only worried because I thought i might have ovulated before the hcg shot. Otherwise, ovulation happens more or less 36 hours after the hcg shot. Kelly said it does not matter if the egg is waiting for the sperm or the sperm is waiting for the egg. Fingers crossed for you!!!
Babydreamer, if you have time on your side, could you try naturally for a while first, or no meds IUI. We were also told that there is a risk of twins with meds as the whole point of the IUI was for the sperm to have more than one target, and for the sperm to be closer to the eggs.
MayC, babydust to you and hoping it all works out before you have to consider any treatments.
Congrats Cipherelle!
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May C - I don't know yet whether the cramps have been eased by the lap. My last one was only a few days after surgery and was very painful however I think that may be because of the surgery. I won't know until my next cycle. In all honestly I did do it sooner because of my cramps and not for fertility. Dr said he doesn't get many patients suffering like I was, plus my symptoms got worse and worse the longer I was off the pill and I wasn't functioning well. He thought I would have worse endo than I actually had (which is good news) - there's no correlation between pain and the severity of the endo so I guess I'm just unlucky. I don't regret doing it earlier because I am much much less stressed than I was before, my husband noticed it immediately and I've realised how hormonal and grumpy I was. Also it's eased the pressure on TTCing for a month and that's been nice. Oh and also it was covered by insurance because it was endometriosis treatment and not fertility treatment so I didn't have to worry about the cost.
I actually did the opposite to you, I left the dr saying I'll come back in 3 months, went home and changed my mind almost instantly, called back the next day and booked an appointment! I had 2 very different opinions from Dr's too but for me I'm much happier with my Dr now and I trust his advice.
Espresso - seems like such a low stat and yet I hear more and more stories of people being successful following IUI...
I'm 34, don't have loads of time.. but some..., my doc says I can try naturally for 6 months and see what happens but he feels that I don't have a very high chance because of the pcos and he doesn't want to waste the benefit of the lap. I didn't realise you could do no meds IUI - I'll have to ask about that.
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babydreamer - if it makes you feel any better, i am as old as you.
babybemine - when did you start feeling the bloating?
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Espresso, I started feeling bloated 11 days after the IUI. I also felt very hot and suddenly developed a very bad leg-ache and lower back/hip ache at night, and felt a little sick. This lasted around 3-4 days.
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17 yrs ago
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Babybemine, that is such wonderful news! i am so happy for you. I t is so nice to get some good news on here; it makes us realise we are going through all this for a reason!
Well, i had the IUI on Monday, been feeling a few cramps since so am trying to take it easy. Espresso, thank you so much for your kind words, they really meant a lot. It is lovely to know there is someone else going through the same thing at the same time.
I read that multiples are 30% likely for IUI, but I figure, the more the better (then I won't have to go through all this again for a while!).
MayC, I know what you mean about the low chances of success for IUI and the temptation of just going straight to IVF. I am just trying to put all my trust in the Dr and assuming he knows the correct path. 15% is miserably low though, isn't it?
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I am so sorry for not able to sending you the book. My husband told me it is illegal to print the whole book so I have to order from S'pore but did not get a chance to come around doing so. And this site was upgrade and now i lost all the mails.... please give me your address and phone again, I will send to you my book or drop it to your office one of this day. It is stroller friendly to go to your office from HK Station?
I am really, really so sorry for not able to send you the book asap, pls forgive me.
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petie - my IUI of this month is 2 days before you so we are around the same time. i am on day 6 today. no signs! how are you feeling? is this your first attempt?
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Thank you for your offer. It sounds like a lot of trouble. I just started my new job - so it is probably going to be a waste of your effort because it will be a while before I will get around to reading it. If you have already ordered it - I would like to pay for it. Otherwise, let's leave it for now.
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17 yrs ago
Espresso, yes, this is my first IUI so I am trying not to get my hopes up too much. it is difficult not to feel hopeful about it all when you are doing so much though!
I have been getting very, very mild period pains for a few minutes now and then. I did some sport a few days ago and then gave me some twinging.
Are you with Dr Ho? How are you doing? I am just trying not to think about it too much.
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yes i am with dr ho as well. this is my2nd iui with him. also getting mild pains from time to time as well. other than that i don't feel any different. hopefully this will be it for the both of us!!!
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Hi Espresso and Petie
I have just been to see Dr Ho as well and have to have my tubes xrayed on Tuesday and then next month will possibly do the IUI. I don't really know much about it and would love some feedback from you about the process and the drugs etc. We have been trying for 15 months now and had an early miscarriage in Feb - it is all so frustrating! Have had all the blood tests under the sun and hubby has been checked out and there is no reason as to why we are not preggers now. Everyone tells you to just relax, but it really isnt that easy!
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Hi babymine,
What a great news! I've been reading this forum and it's so great to know that you finally got it! Please take care yourself and give us your updates.
Hi Havefaith, long time no chat. How are you doing recently?
No good news from me so far. My forth IUI in July failed again. And because of the drugs, my cycle is now very irregular. I went to see another dr and she just told me to take couple more months off before seeing her again. One of the reason was because of the recent ultrasound scan showed my ovaries are now weaker than before, only 5 eggs showed up in day 3... I was furious and sad after seeing my scanning. So the dr told me to go home and just wait to see if the result could be better in next cycle.
Well, nothing else I can do, just try to eat well and wait for my luck again.
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I am sorry to hear what you are going thru. Are you seeing any TCM doctor? My friend conceived on her 10th IUI - so please dont lose faith.
Keep well! Chin up! I will be praying for you and keeping my fingers crossed that we will soon meet with our LOL's.
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17 yrs ago
Hi Kiwi Chick,
Sorry to hear that you are part of our club now! How was the HSG? It isn't very nice but it only takes about 10 minutes. You might feel a bit achey today but it isn't as bad as it sounds!
IUI is ok, not very invasive but be prepared to be going to Dr Ho's office a lot next month! He will do an internal ultrasound to check your follicles about 3 times in the first week and then will give you some pills. You will need to have an injection at the hospital 36 hours before you ovulate (we went at midnight!) and then on the Big Day, your husband will need to produce his, ahem, effort which will be washed and prepared. You go and pick it up (from the Prince's building) and then take it back to Dr Ho's. He puts it in (very mild pain, about 3 minutes in total) and then you can wait there for about half an hour. A couple more injections in the following weeks and all you have to do then is keep your fingers crossed!
That seems a bit rambling but I hope it helps a bit. It really isn't so bad and it is a nice feeling that you are taking things into your own hands a bit more.
I still have 5 days to go but am preparing myself for the worst as I haven't felt any different at all.
Espresso, I am sending you positive thoughts for these last few days!
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hi kiwichick- i think petie pretty much summed it up for you. i am also with dr ho doing iui. the only thing that i have to add is that post iui you will also be prescribed some medicine which you will be taking for the next two weeks. other than that, it will just be the two week wait. good luck with it and welcome to the club!
petie- DH and i were discussing christmas plans. we always celebrate xmas with his family but the problem is everytime we go back there is so much pressure to have kids as all his siblings are married and have at least 2. augh, really dreading it and not wanting to go back at all :(
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Thanks so much Petie & Expresso. Had the HSG today was very very painful and pleased it is over!!! Not sure of the outcome - the doctor said he could see the left side was fine but not sure about the right but will send on to Dr Ho.
Thank you for giving me the info - a lot clearer now on the process. Just hope that DH is here on 36 hours before. What hospital did you have to go?
Thanks once again girls for your help and hope that it happens for you both soon! I will keep you up to date with whats going on with me. So nice to have people to talk to who are going through the same thing at the same time!
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17 yrs ago
Girls, IUI sounds tough. I thought it only gets tough with IVF but it seems IUI with drugs isn't so easy either. If I need it, I don't even know how I'm going to get to Dr Ho's office a few times per month from NT. I wouldn't know what kind of outrageous excuses I'm going to have to come up with to get leave from work.
I hope that it'll happen soon for all of us.
I've been quite sad lately. I spent a week pursuading hubby to get a sperms test. He procrastinated for a long time, then I snapped last Friday. He then got a referral from our GP who tells us that he needs to travel 50 minutes to Mongkok to have it done. The Union Hospital, we felt was nearer so I called them only to be told, "Your appointment with our dr isn't until Jan 2nd, you can just get your hubby to do a sperms test then". So great.... that leaves us 3 months with nothing...
I'll be seeing a Chinese dr this Friday but that's about it.
It's just weird how everything I do requires a lot of "waiting". I wonder if God's telling me that it isn't time yet......
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Hi MayC
My husband had the sperm test done but in central and was all rather easy. You can do it in the comfort of your own home (!) and then as long as you are at the lab within an hour and it is kept warm (put in trouser pocket) it is ok. But I guess that getting there is a bit of a pain in the neck getting to Mongkok.
How long have you been trying. It is good that your husband is getting the sperm test done - so many friends of mine did not get this done until they had been trying for 2 years and then found out that there was a problem with the sperm and are now about to pop out number 1 with the help of IVF. It is a waiting game but as I try and keep telling myself - good things come to those who wait!
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17 yrs ago
Hi all,
MayC, it doesn't sound like things are very easy for you! I am really lucky that Dh and i have no problems getting away from work when we need to. It certainly is very time consuming. Well done for getting Dh to agree to the tests though.
Kiwi chick, I went to the Canossa hospital so it wasn't a huge trek. The injection was painful though! Sorry to hear the HSG was bad. I just felt really sorry for myself during the whole thing - a sense of 'why me?'.
Espresso - any symptoms yet? I am feeling nothing so am preparing for the worst. We are having xmas here in HK this year. There are quite a few people my age in the family so the pressure isn't too bad at home. I do get a bit sick of friends and colleagues asking when i am going to start a family though. Why don't people realise it is a personal thing?!
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MayC - sorry to know that things are kinda rough for you right now. but at least DH has made a first step. men are sometimes sensitive towards issues like fertility so can't really blame him i guess. i remember there was a time when i actually felt awkward to have to leave work so frequent and so often. but guess what - i am kinda numb now! whenever i need to go see dr ho - i just tell ppl at work that i need to goto the drs!
petie - things aren't looking up this month so i have a feeling nothing may happen this month. although i am still trying to second guess myself every other minute whether a certain (minor) ache could mean anything. just like this afternoon, i mistakenly thought that i was feeling "bloated" when the ache actually came from my stomach when i ate something wrong earlier!! thats how silly i have become!
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Espresso/Petie, hang in there. Just a few days now before you find out. In the meantime, I'm going crazy waiting for my 1st scan next week. Kiwichick, you are so right - this is such a waiting game. And boy is it difficult!
Linlin, hope you get to do another IUI soon. I had no idea they counted the eggs on day 3 when they do the scan.
MayC, when we did our tests, the gynae was the central point-person so he commisioned the tests for both me and hubby and then the results went back to him and he interpreted them and advised what to do next. So if hubby does his tests at the same time as you, and when you are ready to take action, that may still be ok.
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What a roller coaster ride!
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17 yrs ago
Oh Havefaith, I am so very sorry to hear your news. Please be strong when I am sure its the hardest thing to do. But this time, you lost the baby later, perhaps something right did happen for a longer period. Do keep hope and faith! Hugs to you.
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Havefaith, oh my heart goes out to you! I am so sorry to hear about your lost. It's taken me 3 days to wright you this message as I've not stopped thinking about you and the pain you must be going through.
Take care and don't give up hope. It will happen!
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Hi Havefaith, please hang in there and relief all the stress you have had someway.
It's not easy to handle such stress every month and feeling so helpless by not able to control the situation. I have been thinking a lot these days that I really have to get out such nightmare by continuing building up possitive thinkings, in the meantime finding something else to do, or I will just be crazy pretty soon.
Please be strong as you are, as you are always the one giving me lovely supports. You keep yourself well and chin-up too! I really believe you will be there pretty soon!
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I feel much better about things now. I will have to accept that the whole TTC and pregnancy is a roller coaster ride that is very testing on us. Thanks for your encouraging words! I will be fine + I will see you soon on the next flight out!
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17 yrs ago
Havefaith, i can't find your message but I am assuming the worst. I am so, so sorry. Glad to hear you are feeling better, it must have been awful. Stay strong.
Espresso, any news for us?
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17 yrs ago
Girls, it's good to hear that all of you are holding up well.
I haven't got much to report. I finally went to see a Chinese dr at the Baptist Uni. I thought it was the Chinese Uni that I was going to. My friend came along with me for moral support (bless her!!!) and thank goodness she was there because the dr could only speak Mandarin. She checked my pulse and my tongue, asked to see my charts, asked a few questions and that was it. I wonder if the meds are pretty standard and the dr really didn't need to know anything except that I was having trouble conceiving and that was enough for her to prescribe. I'm skeptical but I'm going to give it a try. I'm cooking it tonight.
If all goes according to plan, I should ovulate tomorrow. We've been BD-ing daily since late last week. We must have depleted hubby's sperms because there weren't many last night. We're taking a break tonight and will try again tomorrow night, if I haven't ovulated.
I've reached a stage where I feel indifferent.... and not expecting much. I spoke to a distant relative last night at a wedding and she said that she's trying. I didn't ask how long but her daughter is now 7 1/2 years old.
I have another 2 more cycles of natural trying before I see my gynae for surgery. I better start saving....
Baby dust to all.....
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Not sure what happened to my posting. I think I must have deleted it when I was trying to edit. You did right in assuming the worst - here is the story.
My TTC history to date: blighted ovum last Sept. Then we did a IVF and a IUI with meds - both without any success. In June, we did IUI without meds and I fell pregnant - 4 days after my period was due my beta started falling - that was the end of that cycle - was pregnant but not long.
In July, we decided to try naturally, I got pregnant. Everything looked good - the first two scans at 6 weeks and then 7 weeks. Then last Friday we went in for our scan at 9 weeks, our baby's heart had stopped. My heart almost stopped when I realised what the scan was showing.
I was in a bad way this weekend. I lost faith in the last couple of days but I know I can do this and gain the faith back. I am not sure why this has happened to me but it must be a test of faith or something.
Wishing you all lots and lots of baby dust! and keep the faith - we can do this together!
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Havefaith, I am so sorry to hear that you have had to go through so much. I can only imagine it not being easy. I hope nothing but the best for you, and that somehow, in life, all this was meant to happen for a purpose.
Petie, I have something to update you all. A chain of random events yesterday set me off to getting a bloodtest at the dr's office, and there it is - I got a seat onto the plane! I was thrilled for about 3 seconds and have now started to worry. This is going to be a long long road. Wish me luck girls. Babydust to all.
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Way to go, Espresso!!!! I just knew you'd be on the plane this month. Just fantastic news!
Oh Havefaith -- I am so sorry to hear this. It must be so hard. Getting pregnant two months in a row has got to be a good sign though. I'm sure its all going to work out for you soon. Lots of hugs.
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17 yrs ago
Havefaith, please forgive me for completely missing the boat earlier on in regards to your situation. I'm really sorry to hear what you have gone through. Here's sending you lots and lots of baby dust and blessings that you will soon get on the plane and enjoy the ride until you finally land in paradise. You so deserve it.
Espresso, if I'm hearing it correctly, here's a BIG congratulations to you. All the signs that you experienced earlier on aren't imaginary signs after all :-) I'm praying that all goes well with your pregnancy. We're sending lots of luck down your way.....
Babybemine, have you had your first scan yet? How did it go? It's exciting news for us and we can't wait for your update.
Petie, how's it going? Have you tested yet? Good luck, okay?
Kiwichick, thank you for all your tips earlier on and I'm so sorry that the HSG was so painful for you. Hopefully this cycle will be it for you.
Babydreamer, how have you been? Have you been able to discuss with your DH yet whether to go for IUI or try naturally? A lap is good in that it cleans out your system. I have two friends who have had laps done and have gone on to have 2 children. Good luck. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll have the same luck too as my friends.
As for me, I've tried my first taste of Chinese meds last night. I'm still skeptical but I'm willing to try anything if it means a possibility of avoiding surgery.
To everyone else, good luck in your journey.
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17 yrs ago
Espresso, that is wonderful, wonderful news!!!! I am so happy for you! I thought about you all weekend and i haven't even met you! ha ha! Don't be worried, enjoy everything.
Havefaith, what an awful time you have been going through. You poor thing, it must be terrible. I am glad to hear you are feeling stronger. We will all get on that plane, it just takes some of us longer than others. it WILL happen, it will just take time.
Mayc, what TCm are you taking? What is it for?
As for me, I am still waiting...Dr said i was due yesterday but still no sign of AF. Not trying to get my hopes up though. Will keep you all posted.
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Havefaith - I am so sorry to hear your sad news. I had also missed your post but had assumed that you had received some very bad news. Having been there too I know that there is not much anyone can say to make you feel better but for us, it helped to name our wee baby and light a candle to say goodbye. Not sure if this will help for you too. When I feel sad still I light the candle again and think about her. The good part (if there is one) is that your body clearly knows what to do, you were just unlucky this time. I am sure that it will happen again for you soon.
Espresso fantastic news for you - congratulations and all the best.
Good luck for the other ladies TTC'ing on this thread.
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17 yrs ago
Petie, I didn't ask what the meds were for. We had a communication problem. She could only speak in Mandarin and my friend was kind enough to translate. I only told her I had fertility issues, painful periods and placenta previa with my first pregnancy. She then asked for my age, checked my pulse and my tongue... and the next minute, I was out with 3 days worth of meds. I'm still skeptical when it comes to Chinese medicine but a lot of my Chinese colleagues swear by it.
Havefaith, I have a friend who had 2 miscarriages and spotted in her last pregnancy. In desperation, her husband took her to see a Chinese dr at the Baptist Uni and they were able to save that pregnancy. Her little boy is now 2 years old. I will see her Chinese dr this Saturday.
I'm starting to have some succcess taking chinese meds. I can now manage spoonfuls of it every half an hour without throwing up. I don't know what works or won't work, but I'm not ready to give up.
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Dear All,
Thanks for your very warm and kind thoughts. I will be OK. I will concentrate on the positive side - the fact that I have now been pregnant 3 times in the past 12 months.
Espresso, that's great news! I am so happy for you!
Lots of baby dust to you all! I am looking forward to catching the next flight out with all of you! Take care!
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Espresso - YAY! that is fantastic news! I am only new to this posting and have been popping in to see what was happening with you and Petie! So happy for you! Petie - fingers crossed for you too!
MayC - I agree with you about the chinese meds - they are foul - some of mine taste like dirt!
Not sure what is going on with this Dr Ho - rang them last week re the xrays and the nurse had a quick look and said they were fine but the doctor will ring me. DH did his next sperm test today so should have results of whats happening with his boys tomorrow. Was nice to take a month off (dr ho said not to try as the dye form the HCG was harmful to a baby) and just relax and not take my temp every day and do the old pee test! Off on holiday next week so you never know....!
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17 yrs ago
Starting new IUI cycle tomorrow :(
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17 yrs ago
Chin up, Petie. With every IUI, there's a chance!
HK, keep that faith. As you've said, you could conceive 3 times! I've gone a whole year without even one positive pregnancy test :-(
My temps are going haywire now. 36.5 is meant to be my base line. It was 36.51 yesterday so I assumed I had already ovulated and today it was 36.48. On my 5th day of my period it was 36.5... so have I ovulated or not? Hmmm.... I don't really know. We stopped BD-ing the day before yesterday. We were supposed to have a go last night but we were soooo tired that we both fell asleep. Oh well... que sera, sera.
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Lots and lots of babydust to you!
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I am new to this site and have just been reading your story. I am sorry to hear what you have been going through. But like you, I have had an issue with early miscarriage. Getting pregnant naturally has not been an issue with me, but staying pregnant has been. In the last 12 months, I've had 2 blighted ovums and one pregnancy with a heartbeat at 6 1/2 weeks only to miscarry at 8 weeks. May I ask what your doctor is prescibing to you for your miscarriages? My doctor believes my progesterone levels may be to low to sustain a pregnancy. I am curious to know whether your doctor has made a similar observation and if so, what he may be prescribing as a treatment for your recurrent miscarriages. Thank you in advance for your thoughts.
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I am so sorry to hear what you have gone thru. I hope we can both live up to our respective handles "have faith" and "keep on trying".
I just had a sauction and evacuation procedure done a couple of days ago. Our doc thinks its is related to the chromosomes - my age. I will turn 40 next month. Progesterone is not likely to be my problem. I have had the progestorone level checked everytime I have been pregnant to find the level to be good enough - 141 or something last time. Doc was of the vew I did not need the supportories that he sometimes prescibe for insertion every night.
We are getting the embryo from the procedure examined for chromosome defects. We will know more in a couple of weeks' time.
Did you miscarry naturally at 8 weeks without any warning? How old are you? Can your experiences be related to age - like mine seem to be.
If you are new to the site - you have probably not heard about someone once descibing TTC to be like a plane full of people stranded at a certain airport and everyone is waiting to be called for boarding onto the next flight out. We keep on hoping we will be next - not knowing when it will be our turn. I hope we both get on the next flight out - and have seats next to each other with everyone else on this thread - Linlin, Petie, MayC, Trying, 788, longing, etc.
Take care of yourself and lots and lots of babydust to you!
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I think my issue is related to age as I am 40. My doctor does not feel blood testing for progesterone levels is accurate since blood progesterone can be very different from tissue progesterone and it's the tissue progesterone that counts with regards to sustaining a pregnancy. Therefore, he uses the scans to determine whether he feels I have enough progesterone or not. It's interesting to see different doctor's points of view as I have never had a progesterone test taken.
Yes, I miscarried naturally at 8 weeks. We saw the heartbeat at 6 1/2 weeks and then soon after, I had some spotting. I went back in for another scan and the heartbeat was gone. I opted to see the miscarriage through naturally rather than go for an evacuation.
Yes, I have read the description about the flight. I hope all those waiting will get on it soon.
Given that your doctor thinks your issue is chromosome related, is your doctor not prescribing any medication to you?
Thank you for your support. Lots and lots of babydust to you too!
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I did ask about whether it was my progesterone level when our baby's heart beat stopped at 9 weeks - and his response was "No". I also had spotting - but doctor felt that was OK because it was only a few drops a few days a week. We had a good heart beat at 61/2 weeks and then 71/2 weeks - so we were so shocked to see the heart had stopped at 9 weeks.
The chromosome test will come back in a weeks' time or so. I will hear from him then. I am not sure what he can do if it is just a matter of chromosome defects. Our doctor did not actually think it was worth the money to send the embryo to the lab for the chromosome test but DH and I were quite keen on spending the money.
When do you go back to see the doc? Did you ask when you can start trying again? I have to go back once I get my period - which is supposed to be in about 4 weeks' time.
I am thinking of spending the next 4 weeks getting in shape again - both mentally and physically. I was advised not to do any exercise for the first trimester - so I have literally not done any exercise for 3 months.
Are you taking any TCM? doing accupuncture? It's good to have someone with similar experiences go thru the same thing as me - although in my heart I wish no one else was going thru this very trying time as well.
I have a date with Linlin with our LOLs once we get there - would you like to join us?
Take care! Lots and lots of babydust to you!
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It's amazing how our experiences are so similar. I did not mention this earlier because I did not want to jinx my luck, but believe it or not, I just got back from my 9 1/2 week scan to only find that once again the heartbeat had stopped. I saw my doctor at 6 weeks, saw a heartbeat, then back again at 7 1/2 weeks at which time the embryo had grown to a healthy level and again with a healthy heartbeat. I went back at 9 1/2 weeks just now and again the heartbeat was gone. I kind of feel numb at the moment, although, given my past failures, this should not have been totally unexpected. My doctor too says that the embryo test will not tell us much because if the results are abnormal, that does not mean that any subsequent embryo will be abnormal. And if the test comes out normal, that does not mean that a subsequent embryo will be normal. Anyways, I too have decided to do the test this time around.
I am not sure when I will go back to see my doctor. I am going to try to let the fetal tissue pass naturally as I have in the past. I will give it a couple of weeks to see. If the bleeding doesn't start then I suppose I will revisit my doctor to explore options.
I totally understand about exercise. During my in between stages, I immediately exercise whenever I can because during the critical early pregnancy stages I have become so careful about not exerting myself.
No, I have not tried TCM or acupuncture, although I have read about many success stories on a separate thread here. I have read separately that you are thinking of giving it a try. Good luck!
Yes, once I get there, I would love to join you and Linlin. All the best to both of you.
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I am so sorry to hear what you are going thru. It is heartbreaking - I know what you mean by feeling dumb. Please do stay strong and keep the faith.
I have tried TCM with someone else - but have decided to try Troy Sing for a change. I will let you know how it goes.
How long did you wait after your last m/c before you tried again? Did you just m/c at 6 weeks? and got pregnant right away?
My heart goes out for you and your DH. It is a truly difficult time - the ups and downs - but try to treat it like a test which we will all pass provided we keep the faith.
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17 yrs ago
Keepontrying, I've been following this thread daily and my heart goes out to you... I'm so sorry that you've had to go throug this heartache again....
I've only recently started trying chinese meds but many of my Chinese friends swear by it. One has had repeated miscarriages and when she started to spot with her son, her DH took her to see a Chinese dr. She ended up carrying her pregnancy to term.
Two of my friends who don't know each other recommended a Dr called Wang Ling.
Here's the contact:-
Dr Wang Ling
4/F, Albion Plaza,
2-6 Granville Road,
(3 minutes walk from Exit B1)
Opens Monday - Saturday
Tel: 3114 9898
Dr Wang can speak English which helps A LOT. If you know Canto, then she's fluent at it. She was orignally from Guangzhou so she prescribes meds that are suitable for our weather. She used to teach at the Baptist U and was seeing patients there but recently resigned. I heard that she's still teaching but I didn't ask where.
Chinese meds are meant to improve your overall health and this may help in preparing your body for pregnancy.
Good luck, I know this is hard... it's been hard for all of us but I'm keeping my chin up. My DH has finally agreed to go for a sperms test this Saturday.
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Yes, I am trying to stay positive. My view is that I do have to keep trying otherwise there is nothing.
As for how long I wait to try again after a miscarriage, I try immediately. So far, for each of my miscarriages, once the bleeding starts, it's taken from 7 to 10 days for the bleeding and all the tissue to pass. About 5-7 days after the bleeding stops, I ovulate (I know this because my doctor tracks my follicles), so I have always given it a go without waiting for my first period. However, I have never conceived immediately post the miscarriage, but have conceived the cycle after that.
MayC, thank you for your kind words. My doctor has told me that pregnancy is such a complicated phenomenon in that everything has to be in sync in order for it to happen. It's just human nature that with age, your body goes out of sync. I don't know much about Chinese medicine, but it is all about putting your body back into balance, so perhaps it may be worthwhile looking into this. Thank you for your recommendation of Wang Ling. I will give this some thought and let you know how it goes. Glad to hear your DH has agreed to go for a sperms test. Good luck with that!
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Thanks for the information. I will probably try again after my first period - not sure if I am physically or mentally ready for another pregnancy right now. After the E & S procedure last Thursday, the bleeding is supposed to last for one week. Then I am supposed to get my period within 4 weeks or so.
The time before this - was it the blighted ovum? I was just wondering if even our sequence of pregnancies is the same...My went like this: blighted ovum in Sept 07, only 4 days of beta count in June 08 before beta started falling and then at 9 weeks in Sept 08 - the heartbeat had stopped.
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Firstly to Havefaith and Keepontrying I'm so sorry to read your news. Every time I hear someone with a piece of news like that I feel so sad, but I wish you all the best for the future.
I have been away on holiday, did a world of good to get away from the continuous counting and stressing and I really did switch off - it was my 2 week wait and it was nice to be able to completely relax and not wonder what was happening inside. Also gave me and DH time to discuss our options and decide what to do next.. anyway a couple of days ago I had a phone call from the Dr and it seems I may have a seat on the plane. Am really surprised because my DH was away for my most fertile days so I really didn't think it would happen.
I have a long way to go but it's taken me a long time to get here and although it's hard to say why it happened now, I can only think that my lap cleared away all the endo and gave me some respite from the PCOS.
I have another blood test tomorrow to check my HCG levels and then a scan next week - feels weird even saying that. Not sure whether to be excited or just really really scared about the next few weeks.
Just one question my DH says I should do more exercise to keep myself strong but I'm worried that I might cause damage, does anyone have a recommendation?
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In vitro fertilization literally means fertilization outside the body. Assisted conception is any form of infertility treatment by a specialist that increases the chance that you will become pregnant. Some relate assisted conception specifically to artificial insemination and IVF.
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