Posted by
18 yrs ago
I just read this article from the Daily Telegraph online which talks about nutrition for couples trying to conceive. It seems that this may help where IVF cannot...just thought I'd share it with you all.
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18 yrs ago
sguiggles, thank you for this. I think there's an element of truth in this.
Eversince the birth of my baby (my first), I haven't been looking after myself to the extent that about a year ago, my wedding ring slipped off my finger. I was getting thinner ever after birth!!!
Why? Because I've been trying to do too much for her. I get sick so easily too. My daughter was always sick at school - this is natural, given that kids who have just started school would get sick, but what's not normal is that mummy gets sick too and my immunity is supposed to be better than hers. She was sick last week and I caught it off her too.
I believe that I have a very weak immune system. I haven't been taking my prenatal vitamins either which my sister told me to take three months before trying to conceive.
My parents are here and my mum, being a nurse, sat me down and told me that I should start looking after myself. She tells me that I'm too thin and babies will thrive without too much fuss. I know that my "fussing" over my daughter is due to guilt - guilt that she came early and guilt that I couldn't make it up to her by spending 24 hours with her because I have to work to make ends meet. I've been eating better, my stomach aches have improved and this article you've sent is giving me an extra boost to start looking after myself!!
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Thanks for the article. It was really helpful and informative.
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you really have to start looking after yourself! aas for losing too much weight, that can quite a big issue in conceiving too. i know that when i was trying for no2 I was running over 50k a week (being a fitness weirdo), but when it wasn't happening, i stopped running so much, put on some weight and took vitamins! i do believe that with today's modern farming methods, people's hectic lifestyle and bad diets that food does not contain enough nutrients as they used to so I'm a big proponent of vitamins. So please please take some vitamins, eat some healthy food and start to rest a bit more.
thanks for the feedback. wishing you lots of luck!
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