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19 yrs ago
Hi, hope someone can help me as I'm a little confused with regards to the process of IVF! I have started IVF on day 6 of my cycle and have been injecting to supress for 8 days. (drug : Decapeptyl). Today (day 14) I went back to the docs to see if everything was clear so that I could start the stim drugs. But found that I have follicles and ovulating! Now need to continue the drug Decapeptyl for another week or so. Does this seem right that this should have happened and for those ladies who have been thru IVF, is this this drug you were prescribed? When I have looked on the internet seems its for Male cancer patients! Hope someone can help me! I have tried to look at a couple of UK sites but seems the process is different to here!
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Trelstar® / Decapeptyl ® (triptorelin pamoate)
The luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH or GnRH) is synthesized in the cell bodies of the hypothalamic neurons and secreted in a pulsatile fashion directly into the hypothalamic-hypophyseal circulation. LHRH selectively stimulates the synthesis and release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) from the pituitary. In turn, LH and FSH stimulate the gonadal production of sex steroid hormones and gametogenesis.
The decapeptide triptorelin was synthesized by Prof. AV Schally (who obtained the Nobel Price in 1977 for the discovery of LHRH) in an attempt to develop powerful agonists and antagonists of LHRH.
Triptorelin, synthesized by Prof. Schally at Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA, was licensed exclusively to Debiopharm in 1982.
The replacement of L-glycine at position 6 by D-tryptophan results in a molecule resistant to enzymatic degradation with a higher binding affinity for the GnRH receptors, a prolonged half-life and therefore a greater potency.
After their administration, LHRH agonists induce a short-lived stimulatory effect followed by a long-term inhibitory effect on gonadotrophin release, creating a biochemical castration. This is the basis of the therapeutic use of triptorelin in a number of sex hormone-dependent pathologies, such as prostate cancer, endometriosis and precocious puberty
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19 yrs ago
There are various ways of downregulating before an IVF cycle. One is that you start with a nasal spray (common in HK) or the birth control pills to switch off your own hormones to avoid ovulating or making any follicles about a month before stims. There is also the injection Lupron.
This puts you in a drug induced menopause.
From what I know you would get your period, have a baseline scan and blood test to ensure your hormones levels are low enough and then you would start on stimulation drugs.
I am not sure why you would be starting your stimulation IVF drugs on Day 14. Especially as you have follicles and are ovulating.
I would ask your doctor to clarify your regime.
You can find a lot of information on the Boards on
IVF is supposed to mimic your own natural cycle.
Switching off your hormones (if you need downregulating) and supplementing to increase follicle count.
All the best! I hope your doctor clarifies it uo for you.
However, I recommend that you also do some reading up on the process.
Acupuncture has very good results for those going through the very stressful process of IVF.
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Hi, to share with you the procedures that I have been through in IVF:
Hope this helps.
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19 yrs ago
Hi again
I found more info out online. It seems that you are on what is called a "antagonist' cycle. And the risk is that you can ovulate. There could be various reasons. Perhaps the dose was not high enough at first. The first cycle one does can be a trial and error cycle - seeing what works with you etc. I hope by now you are back on track and all is well.
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19 yrs ago
Thanks to all for your replies. Still injecting, trying to down regulate before I can start the stim injections! Just cant wait to move on, it's such a stressful time and I'm not even half way thru the process!
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Hi all,
What kind of injections are you gals having Gonal F penprefilled type or Multidose mix vial ?
Anxious Poseidon
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