Baby is 4 weeks already but i don't have enough milk!!!

Posted by meinbaby 16 yrs ago
baby is 4 weeks already but i don't have enough milk!!! My breast have never increased size even after i delivered my baby. Any stuff can increase my size and increase my milk supply.

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beautymama 16 yrs ago
When I was in SG, I took Goat's Rue to stimulate the development of my mammary tissue as per my doctor's advice. The best brand my doctor advised is Motherlove. I am not sure whether you can buy in HK. I am pregnant again now. I also want to know where I can buy motherlove's products because I want to breastfeed my baby for at least the first 3 years.

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UK1971 16 yrs ago
Fenugreek capsules are good. Can be purchased at a good health food store should increae supply. A daytime nap, no excercise and a good diet with protein in should also be followed.

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2009mom 16 yrs ago
Yes, Fenugreek is good for increasing milk supply. When i was in USA, I have been taking Motherlove's more milk plus for 10 months. (i never try Goat's rue because i don't need to increase my size) It is 100% organic and contains fenugreek seed, blessed thistle, nettle leaf, fennel seed to stimulate your sweat glands and more blood supply to your breast. My supply increase from 50ml to 120ml every 4 hours pumping. Worth to try!

Besides, drinking more water and eating more carbonhydrates food such as rice, potato, noodles are also very important.

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jolin35 16 yrs ago
My sister took Motherlove's more milk plus when she was pregnant. It's helpful. But you also need to drink more water before you breastfeed your baby.

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meinbaby 16 yrs ago
my baby is puting on weight but she is under average. I feed her every 3 hours but she is still crying. I did message, drink Chinese papaya fish soup or peanuts chicken feet soup every day, black bean tea,..... But all methods are no help to me.

Her wet diapers are less than 4 pcs every day. After visiting health clinic, nurse said that my posture and bb sucking method are correct. As the number of wetting diapers are less than 6pcs and baby growth is below average, she suggested me to give her formula milk at least once or twice per day. As my breast is always 32" and never has any swelling feeling after gave birth, she agreed that my mammary tissue might be not well-growth. Thanks a lot for all those information. from motherlove website, i read that she has an agent in hong kong. I will try both Goat's rue and more milk plus ASAP.

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-sa 16 yrs ago
meinbaby, first of all, you should know that the size of the breast has nothing to do with the milk supply. There are about 15-20 glands in the breast which every woman has- its a matter whether those glands can be activated or not.

Second, about being under son is and has always been under the 25% percentile- he is the happiest and most active kid on the block. He is right on the growth curve and is gaining weight consistently. Consistency is the key. At this stage, you should get the baby weighed every week to be sure. If she is still crying right after a feed, perhaps she has gas? and perhaps she wants to be fed every 2hrs. My son did when he was 4weeks, again at 6 weeks- he was having a growth spurt. The more you feed her, more your glands will get activated.

Having water before a feed is good, it doesn't increase the supply but milk flows better. And in any case, since with breast feeding you are losing a lot of water, you should religiously have 8 glasses of water anyway.

As Cara mentioned, talk to a La Leche League (LLL) leader. I have talked to is Sarah- 2548-7636. She is great. Also visit this website- It has really useful advice for everything related to breast feeding including how to increase milk supply.

Dont give up just yet. Don't be pressured by others to give formula and don't beat yourself up unnecessarily either. I can't tell you how easy it becomes very soon. Good luck!

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macaron mania 16 yrs ago
I had the same experience. It broke my heart to see a crying baby, and one day I gave her formula which was a hard decision as I was pro-breast feeding. Then, the baby stopped crying, went to sleep so peacefully. It made me cry even more as I thought I had been starving my baby and was not sure that formula was a good thing. My baby is 2.5 years old now and is very smart and healthy, so supplementing with formula didn't seem to have negative effect. Just a suggestion if you are considering the option! (by the way, japanese formula called HOHOEMI was the best. My friends from UK and Aus had problem with baby not taking UK made formula but they really liked the formula. It tastes very similar to breastmilk and the content is as close as it gets as breast milk. You can get them from the company called REON online a bit cheaper than supermarkets.)

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goldfain 16 yrs ago
if you still want to go ahead for 100% nursing mom and are not willing to give him any formula , go to buy more milk plus (content fenugreek seed & blessed thistle) + Goat rue capsules to boost your milk. Such herbs combination is the best for breastfeeding mom. You can get them in hong kong from the company called online that is more or less the same price as buying in USA. they work for me. Good luck!

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beautyma 16 yrs ago
Yes, you should 100% breastfeed your baby because healthcare professionals agree that nothing is better for babies than breast milk. Nutritionally speaking, it's tailor-made for your child. It has all the vitamins and minerals that babies need, it's easier to digest than formula, and it's less likely to cause allergic reactions. Breastfeeding lets a mother pass on antibodies from her own immune system through her breast milk, to boost her baby's defense against infections. And it naturally adapts to your baby's changing needs over weeks and months. For all these reasons, you should make every effort to breastfeed your baby.

Many experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO), recommend that women breastfeed for one year or longer; and that babies take only breast milk for the first six months of life, thereafter slowly introducing solid foods.

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