ante natal classes

Posted by Emma B 18 yrs ago
I am a first time mum and my baby is due in april. I plan to have the baby at QMH and am happy witht he ante natal care at Tseun Yuk. I wanted to know what the ante natal classes are like there, does anybody have any experience of them? Is it worth doing private ones too? I have no idea!!

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crj 18 yrs ago

I took with Annerley,

At first I was sceptical of the benefit of taking the class - but it was great!

Most people were in the third trimester.

I strongly suggest the 'package' which includes the classes and 6 home visits - they are a godsend when you get home from hospital.

BTW - We had Louise and she was wonderful.

If the schedule does not suit you, you can also do private sessions instead - the only difference is you don't get to meet other pregnant couples. And I was impressed that most people did attend as couples. And we learned a lot from their questions and comments.

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SuzieW 18 yrs ago
Tsan Yuk Hospital offers ante natal classes in English, ask for the schedule at your next check-up. I've done it for my first one, interesting but wasn't really useful to me during delivery.

For the 2nd one I had a more in-depth preparation through hypno-birthing with Carla Pahl, that was amazing.

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Well2 18 yrs ago
My baby is due in June. When should i book the class? And do they offer several different classes for you to choose or just one for everybody? Thanks.

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crj 18 yrs ago
most people go around 7 months pregnant. Which is nice b/c everyone is due around the same time then!

Each place offers a specific curriculum, the nice thing about Annerley is that if you miss the topic one week, they allow you to make it up later. They also offer a private session at the end just to address your specific concerns.

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Well2 18 yrs ago
thanks for the info. I will look at Annerley :)

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
also did ANnerly. But had to go private sessions as my husbands work schedule did not allow us to make any of the classes. I would be going myself and I preferred to have hubby with me. Private lessons were also really nice and it allowed us to ask a lot of really detailed questions - especially my husband who didn't really understand much of what was happening became very well informed and in tune with a pregnant woman's needs. (massaged me for 25 hours, accupressure since I wanted a natural birth.)

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