how accurate is determining sex at 12 weeks?

Posted by Sashimi Girl 18 yrs ago
at just 12 weeks, my doctor could already tell us the sex of our baby! but he said it would be only 80% accurate (which sounded good enough for me!!!) anyways, we are over the moon that it is a boy. has anyone been told the sex of their baby so early? and/or had an experience that what the doc said turned out to be wrong?

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
We learned first at 12 weeks--it was a qualified opinion too (especially as he said "girl"), but was accurate :-)

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Kmom 18 yrs ago
We were also told at 12 weeks - scan showed we were having a boy and we did!

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@@ 18 yrs ago
Also found out a 12 weeks during the nuchal scan - the doctor was spot on.

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CarmenL 18 yrs ago
my friend was told she was having a girl for months, then when she went for a scan at 7 months the baby uncrossed his legs and it was a boy.

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Nat_76 18 yrs ago
To the best on my knowledge, a 2-D scan shows the gender after 4th month. With me the doctor could say after the 5th. With modern 3-D scans they say you do know the gender on the 12th week. I am about to check it in a couple of weeks...

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
my doc refused to tell me at 12 weeks - don't ask me why. he said anyway nothing's going to change. found out that is'a boy at 17weeks.

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