Posted by
18 yrs ago
I have tried a few (used it for a number of years) and the best one I have found is Awakening Woman Restore Balance Natural Progesterone Cream from Alternative Medicine Network.
It comes in a pump bottle and the 'pumps' are measured. The cost of the bottles (I usually purchase 4-6 at time) plus the postage is still cheaper than the NP cream available in HK.
Fortunately we live in HK and there is no problem with importing it for personal use.
It is also one of those mentioned on the late Dr Lee's website.
If you still wish to buy in HK, I can let you know of a couple of places which sell (or did sell) Emerita.
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The New Age Shop on Old Bailey Street did sell it. But call the place first as it has been a few years since I bought it there.
The other place which you can try is Green Concepts which has places in Central and Causeway Bay. Again call first to double check.
As I recall, the cost for a tube was around $300. Alternative Medicine Network charges around $171 a bottle, cheaper if you buy more, which is one of the reasons I buy from them.
If you are TTC, I believe the dose is 20mg from ovulation to menses. No real side effects - did have some lightheadedness but reduced the dosage and it stopped. This website also has a lot of useful information, including possible side effects. It should answer many of your questions.
I don't know of a doctor in HK who is familiar with NP. A few years back when I decided to try it, my GP was supportive but knew nothing about it. Hardly surprising as NP is not made or plugged by the big pharm companies (cannot patent it) - although Wyeth is trying to make it prescription only in the US so it make money from it.
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18 yrs ago
Claire - most useful indeed. Newage carries Femgest; Greenconcept Emerita pro-gest (2oz). Why do you think Awakening is best? Have you tried Pro-gest and what do you think? There are so many competing products (even recommended by John Lee).
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bsm> I have used Pro-gest (some years ago). I wanted to look for a more economical alternative and a friend suggested Awakening. I prefer the texture of Awakening (feels like a moisturiser and absorbs nicely), the pump bottle (pre-measured pumps opposed to the measuring from a tube) and, of course, the price. It really comes down to personal preference and I will stick with Awakening.
Which ones have you tried? Any preference?
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18 yrs ago
Claire - my first time and trying to research as much as possible. The most recognized brands seem to be Femgest and Emerita but not all comments positive. Unfortunately, they both contain paraben and are kept in plastic bottles/tubes. Problem is every person has different symptoms and therefore react differently to the cream - the key is to find the right dose overtime. Aftersales service is another issue (non of them seem to have it). One brand called Progestelle has a MD who seems to be very knowlegeable on the subject but his oil is not on John Lee's list.
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That's why I like Awakening Woman. It used to be in plastic bottles but now is in a metal one. Ok, the pump bit is plastic but it keeps the cream from outside contamination. Plus no xenoestrogens. It does have a touch of Vitamin E. I recall that my first order arrived with a video featuring Dr Lee. The woman who started Alt Med wanted to produce a cream that matched the dosages and ingredients specified by Dr. John Lee, plus felt good and absorbed well. I've not had to contact the company, other than to place an order, but reading the testimonials it is clear many women do so it appears there is some after-sales service. I do get regular emails on NP news (not a sales push).
I have posted on NP a number of times as I believe it's one of those products which can benefit so many women with PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, osteoporosis, breast cancer and those who are TTC.
It can take time to get the dosage right. Mine has gone up and now down over the years as my oestrogen levels change. It's not about immediate results but it is so beneficial in the long run. So please do me a favour. Pass on your research/results to other women so that they too may know about this "miracle" cream because their doctors won't.
Good luck with your research and everything else.
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