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17 yrs ago
I just had a Combined First Trimester Screening of Fetal Down's Syndrome in SZ at a private hospital. The results came back very bad for me. I'm 31, and my risk factor was 1:85, compared to normal minimum 1:250.
I can't understand why at all, other than really bad luck, but obviously I want a second opinion as I don't necessarily trust this Chinese hospital. So I was recommended Beijing University hospital and I went today. It was a madhouse and finally I found an English speaker who would help me. She spoke to a doctor who REFUSED to re-test me because I'm not ASIAN (i'm white), and maintained that the tests were different for asians and caucasians.
I never heard of this before and I think it's a load of &%*# actually.
Has anyone heard of this?
Also, I'm really upset at these numbers and this risk factor I was given. Has anyone had similarly poor numbers and if so, what did you do? I'm really stuck here in this country (on a tourist visa so can't hop and skip to HK whenever I want), and I feel so trapped and helpless.
I really wish I lived in HK now, more than every other day...
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I have not been in the same situation but I would have thought that you could have an amniocentesis to test conclusively for Downs. You cn google for more information but I have included a bit below. That would give you more certainty of the Downs test than the nuchal fold and blood test which is the first stage test. The amniocentesis does have a small risk of miscarriage. In New Zealand, it is almost standard for all women over 35 to have an amniocentesis but that does not seem to be the case here. When I discussed amniocentesis with my specialist in HK he thought that it was not necessary unless a nuchal fold test results in a high chance of Downs.
"Amniocentesis is a medical test that is carried out during pregnancy in order to assess whether the unborn baby (foetus) could develop, or has developed, an abnormality, or other serious condition.
The results of amniocentesis will indicate the likelihood of the baby developing certain chromosomal conditions, such as Down's syndrome, Edward's syndrome, and Patau's syndrome, which are all conditions where the baby is born with an extra chromosome.
As diagnostic tests, such as amniocentesis, are quite invasive (involve going into the body), and carry a small risk of miscarriage, they are usually only offered to women when there is a significant risk that their baby will develop a serious condition, or abnormality
Amniocentesis is usually performed between 15-20 weeks of pregnancy. It is sometimes also carried out between 18-22 weeks to determine the risk of the foetus developing rhesus disease. It may be necessary to carry out further testing in order to monitor the foetus.
During amniocentesis, a small sample of amniotic fluid (the fluid that surrounds the foetus in the womb) is taken for testing in a laboratory. The fluid contains cells that have been shed by the foetus which can be analysed to provide information about the health of your baby."
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Race is a factor in the triple screening test, along with age, the blood test results of 3 substance, and weight. But you need to remember that a triple screen is not a diagnostic test - it is only giving you an indicator of if you are higher risk and you can have false positives and false negatives. Down Syndrome can happen at any age - it is just more likely in women over 35.
I guess the question is would you want to know if the baby is down syndrome so you can either prepare yourself or have a termination? If that isnt a factor then you can just effectively ignore this test. It is kind of like saying if you have high blood pressure you are more likely to develop certain other problems but not everyone does.
Another indicator is having a detailed scan done and there are things other than nuchal that can give you more information on if there is down syndrome - I think thigh bone length is one.
I dont think another set of blood test is going to give you the peace of mind or the information you want. So you might want to seek out info on cvs or amnio.
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I think the test you have had done is normally around 16 weeks so you are probably too late now for CVS but still within the right time frame for amnio. I had an amnio in New Zealand three years ago at 16 weeks and was absolutely terrified. My risk factor after a nuchal scan had come back at 1:250 but most of this was age induced as I was 41. Anything less than 1:300 is considered high risk in NZ. The nuchal scan itself was completely within the normal range and the scan had shown a nasal bone (another risk pointer for Down is lack of nasal bone).
To give yourself some comfort do some research into firstly the amnio test and secondly where you can get it done near to where you live. I was very nervous getting it done in NZ as it was a small, provincial hospital and being from the UK I am used to very large hospitals. However in NZ the procedure is carried out by radiologists not Ob/Gyns too (not sure if that is peculiar to that country) and he assured me he had never had a miscarriage in all the years he had been doing them. It was painless and I went home and relaxed for two days and the worst thing was waiting the three weeks for the result but then it was over Xmas and NZ shuts down at that time of year.
I realise it may not be easy if you are in SZ but if there is any chance you can hop across to HK it would be worthwhile if you decide to do the amnio.
Best of luck whatever route you choose.
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Thanks to everyone for their advice and concerns. I was retested and yesterday I got the results back - 1:1430. All of my numbers are different. They are being analysed and translated at the moment at another hospital.
Regarding an amnio, I was never really in favour of having one. It sounds uncomfortable, frightening and too risky. But if I were to have one, I would most certainly go to HK for this. It would be the same as abortion to have it here in China, hehe.
Another reason I don't want an amnio is that I wouldn't terminate the pregnancy. We already made this baby, so I want to see it through.
Thanks again for sharing all your experiences and advice.
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Jallore, do send me an sms or something whenever u can....
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