excuses why you arent drinking!

Posted by qwerty123 18 yrs ago
am only 8 weeks and already running out of excuses why im not drinking....any inventive ideas...dont want to tell that we are preg till 12 weeks but also dont want ot lock myself away!!

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mrsl 18 yrs ago
My usuals:

- driving home

- on antibiotics

- headache etc.

- children not sleeping very well, know that I will be awake all night (obviously no use for 1st pregnancy)

- always make sure that one of us is sober in case there an emergency with children etc.

- detoxing (ever tried that because could not carry it off, but worked for friends)

- early meeting/flight/start in the morning

- too much to drink last night

Alternatively, I subtly keep swapping glasses with my husband, so that both of us keep getting topped up (but he ends up with one hell of a hangover next day). Or order something like a tonic water (looks like G&T) etc., when we had parties at home, I constantly supped Schloer or Appletiser, so people assumed I was on champagne.

I found it easier on my first pregnancy, when very few of my friends had children, but on subsequent ones it became trickier as people spotted the no alcohol/shellfish/raw eggs etc. combination.

I know that there are more, but cannot think right now.

Happy fibbing!

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crj 18 yrs ago
On antibiotics

Have an early morning call

Have a very upset stomach

Order a soda water with lemon (looks like vodka tonic) or virgin c*cktail

On a detox diet

pass to hubby, yup did that one too, my friends noticed I was passing my champange to him (very out of character!) and guessed, but they were polite enough not to say anything until I told them - then they said - we knew it when you passed up on champagne! ha ha

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
Upset stomach

Hangover from last night

Start off with a non-alcoholic drink, say that want to go slow...and then subsequently others will be too drunk to notice what you're drinking!!

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Claire 18 yrs ago
Lent? That takes you up to Easter.

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Sashimi Girl 18 yrs ago
sorry to say, but as soon as my friends saw i wasn't drinking, they knew i was preggers! best to lock yourself away for a couple more weeks. ;)

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adelaide 18 yrs ago
one friend just told us that they were trying, and she was on a health kick in preparation for it all. Even though they were pregnant at the time.. no one was any the wiser. I think it makes all the difference just to hold a drink in your hand and swap it as your hubby drinks his.. the odd sneaky trip to the bar helps and just order a soft drink in the same glass as everyone else. Fantastic news. Congrats

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