Obstetrician packages Hong Kong

Posted by claireaust 19 yrs ago
Does anyone know a good Obstetrician who offers packages for antenatal care/delivery if you are staying in a private room at Matilda? I am happy with my Obst. now but he only offers packages for semi-private room....which means I will exceed my insurance cap since I have to pay for all the antenatal care, and the delivery charge, separately. Thanks.

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Tica 19 yrs ago
Try Dr Christine Choy at Care for Women in New World Tower. 3112 0480. She is the best obstetrician I have come across and a wonderful doctor/surgeon.

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balloon 19 yrs ago
I saw Dr Choy last week. Most good comments about her are accurate. She is very informative, friendly, patience and have very good and comfortable clinic too. I saw her package and it is very reasonable considering the number of visits included in the package.

Dr Choy claimed that she does lots of vaginal birthing without episotomy procedure. I wonder how true is this? Do anyone of you have experience vaginal birthing without episotomy? Thank you.

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Most VBs in the UK are done without epesiotomy. Many women prefer to tear naturally than have the epesiotomy as the tear often heals better than a cut.

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balloon 19 yrs ago
Thanks for your reply Vulvic. Do all VB without undergoing episiotomy pricedure will experience tear? Dr Choy claimed that she can do VB without episiotomy and tearing. Is it possible? If it is medically possible, as in the baby is at theright size, she says it takes a lot of work and manouvering to do such procedure.

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exeter 19 yrs ago
Yes, it is possible to have a VB without tearing or episiotomy. It really helps to have a experienced birthing partner/midwife there telling you when to push and when to let up.

Most local doctors tend to do episotomies, including the ones at QM.

I had both a tear and episotomy and I have to say, my episotomy healed much more nicely. However, I heard "an expert" on Berman and Berman say that a natural tear is less traumatic for your pelvic floor than an episotomy.

If you really don't want an episotomy, tell your OB not to give you one unless absolutely necessary.

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