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17 yrs ago
Hello all
After 3 failed IUIs, hubby and I finally decided to give IVF a go. I just did my egg retrieval today - 9 eggs out of which 7 are good for fertilisation. We will have the results tomorrow and if all ok, the implantation is on Thursday.
Am pretty nervous about the whole process. Any precautions I should take? Am planning to do all I can to make it right this cycle - fish maw soup (thanks to Alijbj's recipe), acupuncture from this Thursday onwards etc.
Any other advice or good tips will be greatly appreciated.
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Hi - I also had 3 failed IUI's before turning to IVF - I now have two children from one stimulated cycle aged 4 and 2 - with the first successful attempt I did acupuncture and took natural medicines etc, etc, with my second child (a frostie) I did nothing - my doctor said I could jump on a trampoline if I wanted after transfer (though did not - I think his point was bed rest and swearing off sex wasn't necessary) - to be honest, it is probably more luck of the draw and embryo quality rather than a precise science - so just do whatever helps you to cope with it all - being on the right treatment will certainly help. Good luck, I wish you all the best - the 2ww is probably the toughest part but IVF does work for many, many people.
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17 yrs ago
Thanks Ipperry for your success story and encouragement.
The lab told me today that all 7 eggs got fertilised and tomorrow they will advise me on the embryo quality before the transfer.
Am looking forward to it and feeling very positive : 0 )
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That's very positive already - we had 12 eggs but only 6 fertilised - two are now our children, two didn't make it (I had 2x put back first time round but only one implanted, and then one frostie before our second daughter) and two didn't make the thaw. It's such a hit and miss game but you have to celebrate every "win". What clinic are you using? Am considering whether to try for a third but have only recently moved to HK (previously Australia) and not sure whether to put myself through it all again. Know I was exceptionally lucky first time around also.
Best of luck for transfer though - you can expect to drive yourself mad looking for "symptoms" during the 2ww - will have everything crossed for you.
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