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18 yrs ago
My wife and I are considering a relocation to Singapore and it comes at a time in our lives when we wish to start a family. Can anyone shed insight on their experiences and give advice on best expat hospitals to research? We originally considered Hong Kong but truned it down as pollution was much worse than expected (and we're from NYC) so Singapore is offered as alternative location
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Hi you're most welcome to Singapore !
For the Normal Fertility help will be KK Women & Children Hospital on public price; get referral from GP or Polyclinic....
For the Infertility & High Risk assessment becoz of high miscarriage risk Specialist help required DR Cheng L C (Thomson Medical Centre).
Hope this help.
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If you need help to have an IVF, please contact me at 65 9021 7996, Michael . We are helping couples who require egg donors anbd we work with your doctors or our panel of doctors.
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We are not seeking help on donors at this time but a friend of ours is - I will forward your info to him
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Hi we lived in both HK and S'pore, we moved from HK when we were pregnant and i was pleased to. We loved HK but i personaly don't find it the most child friendly city. Yes pollution is one factor and also the hills, crowds and stairs. S'pore is no where near as vibrant as HK but it's great for having kids. There are mothers rooms, less people, flat streets and somewhat less stiars. Haveing a car here is much more costly than in HK so if your going to buy one in S'pore do it straight away to get your moneys worth! We live on the East Coast which is fab get some breeze in the arvo and is so easy to get to anywhere. We don't have a car but i rarely need to go to Orchard Rd and my hubby just gets a taxi in the mornings (he starts very early) and it takes 10mins driving down the ECP expressway. There are some great hospitals here we had our little girl in Raffles and it is a lovely lovely hospital. I have joined a mothers group for the East Coast area but there are lots and lots of mothers groups and childrens centres (ie jimobree etc) around Tanglin aslo the American club is near there.If i can offer any more info please lett me know.
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Am a Singaporean and gave birth in HK but had my checks done in Singapore during my first and second trimesters. Quality of healthcare is definitely much better and the doctors pay more attention and are more willing to spend time explaining to you. I have an excellent gynae, Dr. TC Chang at WC Cheng Clinic in Thomson Hospital. Not only does he not rush you through the checks, he takes time to answer your questions and even provide additional information about pregnancy (what you shld look out for). An additional point is the air quality in Singapore. It's horribly polluted in HK and we have to invest 2 air purifiers for our home. But still, my poor one-month old baby has difficulties breathing as he always has some boogie in his nose! Bringing kids out on a pram is easier in Singapore too, unlike the steep slopes and terrible road conditions (pot holes) in HK. Shopping in Singapore is easy as there are kids mall in Suntec City, United Square, The Forum. It's a one-stop shop, unlike in HK, you really have to go to different places to get necessary stuff. One warning though about Singapore is the air pollution caused by the Indonesia forest fires...but typically, only happen like once a year around this time of the year!
Lagdamen - let me know if you wld like to find out where to get stuff and more information about hospitals...happy to share the knowledge!
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