
Posted by santasia 17 yrs ago
Yikes, I have just found out that I am having twins, my head is spinning.

any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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syed456 17 yrs ago

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Singh is King 17 yrs ago
Wow, I am really envious. Thats the best thing to happen to a family. You will probably need a good helper, if you dont have already one.

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ldsllvn 17 yrs ago
hi, i have twins and it is wonderful, PM me if you need any particular advice

on other note - there is a Mothers or Multiples Club in HK - it is lovely and we meet up at least once a month. There are playgroups, social things for mums, as well as experience sharing coffee mornings. There are quite a few pregnant ladies joining in Sep as well - seems to be quite a few twin pregnancies on at the moment.

here is the link to the club

(and muttles, you have one sick sense of humor)

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tallyscott 17 yrs ago

Twins! Lucky you and welcome to the club! Twins are fun and tiring and nothing like one baby! I would recommend getting the dvd " happiest baby on the block" by harvey Karp - it is totally low budget and it looks like it would never work BUT he system does stop newborns crying in 30 secs! I cried when it worked the first time i did it!! Also I would strongly recommend gettting your twins on a schedule from day 1 - while it is nice to be able to allow your child to work out its own schedule - with twins if one is sleeping while the other is eatting Mommy never gets sleep and that is never a good thing! Gina Ford's book contented baby is what i use and my little ones slept through the night from 3.5 months - In the beginning I mostly kept to the feeding times because my twins were pretty sleepy in the beginning but it all fell into place eventually! Lastly I would recommend getting a full time helper now if you dont have one. You will be very tired:) - Let me know if you want any advice etc. I would be more than happy to help if i could.

Congrats - it is the best adventure you can have!

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ldsllvn 17 yrs ago
I second routine from day one and Gina Ford - that's what kept us sane i think... She now also has a book specifically for twins.

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santasia 17 yrs ago
wow guys, thank you sooo much, I feel so much better, knowing that I am not alone, I will go look for that book, sounds like it will help me alot.


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sabine88 17 yrs ago

wonderful and congratulations

for the birth you will need to give small presents called Dragees

you can find them in adorable wonferful packages ideas suitable for any budget

contact :sales at

I'm based in hong kong as well.

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arubamom 17 yrs ago

It brings back memories when I found out that I was having twins, if I was not laying down i would have fainted and it didn't seem real that I was going to have 2 babies. I couldn't sleep, I would wake up and look at the ultrasound pictures just to double check if i wan't dreaming.

Once they were in my arms they brought the biggest happiness to my life!!! and i am still head over heels! and they are 2.5 years.

Yes it is a lot of work but somebody told me while pregnant " God give you the kids, the strenght and patience to deal with them" and I always remember that when I don't think I can make it through the day.

Enjoy these coming months, take extra good care of your self and be ready for that big, unique, fabulouse and lovely moment of having your babies in your arms.

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ldsllvn 17 yrs ago
well said arubamom!!

just was wondering what on earth was that point from sabine88? anything to do with having twins?

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abitnaive 17 yrs ago
hi santasia

congratulations and congratulations!

advice? (and you will get lots of it from many different people...)

1. a twin pregnancy is not the same as a singleton pregnancy. with my first, i was kickboxing until i was 36 weeks pregnant, doing sections 6, 7, 8 of the maclehose trail in one day at 35 weeks with the triplets, no way. don't compare yourself to peers who are having a singleton.

2. eat a lot of protein! twins rarely go to 40 weeks, 38 is the norm. bulk them up with protein! drink a lot of water as well.

3. i agree about getting a good helper. not necessarily with twins experience, but a good helper. if she isn't in place already, have her start before the babies come, because you are going to want to be resting.

4. don't be afraid to lean on the support system. hong kong has a great mothers of multiples club. everything from breastfeeding twins -- how do i do it do i not feel guilty if i stop?...the mums here have BTDT, benefit from their experience!

5. enjoy this amazing time in your life. being pregnant is a miracle.

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Highlander 17 yrs ago
I went into 12 weeks of pregnancy (twins). I decided to go use the public systems so hat i get double ultrasound scan and with two opinions from doctors.

When I had my first check-up at the public clinic 2 weeks ago, they have detected that I am lack of irons. So they advise me to have more vegetables and red meats. They have also given me vitamin pills.

Does anyone has any recommendation for me to build up my proteins? I realised that I hav enot put on my weight even though I am now into my 12 weeks. I have been drinking milk every day.

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ldsllvn 17 yrs ago
do you take the pregnancy vitamins? they should sort you out for iron and anything else you need really. and of course a balanced diet. low iron is very common in pregnancies (twin or not) dont worry - do take vitamins and yes, red meat and green veg is your best source

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TMP 17 yrs ago
Hi there,

I have three boys under the age of 2 - My identical twin boys were born 8 months ago and my other son is just over 2 years old - It's hectic and exhausting but as time goes on the rewards are priceless and life just gets better. The best piece of advice I can give you, but will be the most difficult for you to do, is look after yourself, both before and after your babies are born - I took and am still taking daily Omega 3, Calcium and a prenatal multi vitamin - rest when you can, especially if you are breastfeeding and eat healthily - all easier said than done of course. If any one offers to help - take it - whatever it is.

Please send me a message if you have anything else specific to ask and I'll do my best to answer,


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