Pls give me some advise?

Posted by tickledpink 17 yrs ago
I am seeing one of the (supposedly) top fertility specialists where I am living. This is my second child and my first was conceived in HK after having fertility treatment. When I was in HK I spent a lot of time with Docs who didn't do anything and came up with zero then I found one of the top specialists and went to him and he diagnosed and treated my problem ver, very quickly and resulted in my first child.

Anyway. I have since left HK and have been trying for no.2 for a year. I have been with my current OB for around 5 months. He seems to know what he is talking about but he doesn't seem to be very aggressive nor doing anything about my problem even thought he seen all my previous history. So far after 5 months I am only taking progesterone tablets to lengthen my cycle which have not done so. When I visit him he says, if X doesn't work we'll try Y next month and then the next month he says, oh no we are not going to do that now when asked. I called up on day 1 this month as he said he was going to give me clomid (which I have had before for 6 months and it did ZERO, which I told him already) and was told not to bother this month as it was CNY and just to try naturally. I told her that yes it was CNY but not for another 2 weeks so why should I skip a cycle. Plus telling me to try naturally is insulting as we all know it is not working. Anyway I got really cross and in the end he agreed to give me the clomid on the lowest dose possible.

I feel that I am seeing the top doc around but he's not doing anything. I feel like I am wasting my time and I do not have a lot of it. I wish I was still in HK and could go to my old doc. On one hand I want to move but on the other hand I do not want to up and run only to find another dud doc.

Any advise. I am so down about this. Every time I get my period I get on a downer and it is doubly painful when all my GF's around me are getting pregnant every week and calling me up to tell me their great news. I was really looking forward to moving forward with my treatment and I feel like I am going half a step forward and 2 steps back.

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Petie 17 yrs ago
I would expect your OB to use your past history as an indicator as to what to do this time round. When I was trying (using IUI) I wanted the OB to be as aggressive in the treatments as possible.

To be told to try naturally becuase of CNY is insulting and unprofessional - what difference does it make? Your OB should be making arrangments for the treatment to be carried out around the holidays, not just cancel it all.

My heart goes out for you, I know exactly how you are feeling. Get another OB, one you know has your best interests at heart and start feeling like each month is just a step closer to your next beautiful baby.

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Wheelymate 17 yrs ago
is there the option of seeking a second opinion at where you are currently based?

the top doc is not always the best doc for need to find someone you can trust.

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