I am pregnant and want to know if anyone has had any luck with skin care for stopping stretchmarks? I have heard that some are not safe to use and can harm my baby but I am so confused by which ones are ok and actually work to prevent stretchmarks, as I happily grow into my 9 month bump!
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I have never been pregnant to full term but have friends that have used Bio-oil and also palmers cocoa butte
Vitamin E I believe is the ingredient that's effective to sstretch marks
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Try argan oil or olive oil, they are very effective. Two of my friends have used the 100% organic argan oil and do not have stretchmark at all.
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i used Clarins body oil (which is very highly recommended for stretch marks) all through my pregnancy with my twins. Dont know whether by luck or it really helped but i did not get a single mark.. I believe it is also natural, so safe to use
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Congratulations on your bump!
I used pure Rosehip Oil for both my pregnancies, started applying it from about 12 weeks (long before it looked like I needed it) the idea being that it starts to moisturise the skin from early on.
I also took Omega 3 oils daily to help nourish the skin from inside out, this is also good for baby's brain development and meant to have the side effect of reducing the likelihood of Post natal depression.
Delighted to say that I was stretch-mark free after both...
Good luck and enjoy
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I slathered coco butter multiple times a day as friends had sworn by it, but for me it was to no avail...my skin always felt nice, but I gave up when they started appearing. (I have them on my breasts from a sudden growth spurt as a teen...they do go away in time and are hardly noticeable) I do know if you have a family history of them you are more likely to get them. (both my mom and maternal grandmother had them as well)
Moisturize and keep your skin supple...drink lots of water to help keep skins elasticity as well and that should help
exerpt from www.webmd.com:
Pregnancy Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are a type of scar tissue that forms when the skin's normal elasticity is not enough for the stretching required during pregnancy. They usually appear on the abdomen and can also appear on the breasts, buttocks or thighs. While they won't disappear completely, stretch marks will fade after delivery. Stretch marks affect the surface under the skin and are usually not preventable.
Be sure that your diet contains enough sources of the nutrients needed for healthy skin (especially vitamins C and E).
Apply lotion to your skin to keep it soft and reduce dryness.
Exercise daily.
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Having stretch marks depend on what type of skin you have. Some women get it and some don't.
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As Chocolatefactory said, there is a part of heredity in stretch marks, if your mum had some, there are a lot of chances you'll have some, what ever you do. But you can help... some cream 3 times a day starting as soon as possible. I used amandel oil and cocoa butter from Body Shop.... take your time to massage your belly to make sure the cream goes deep.
And by the way... congratulations ! :D
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It really depends on your gene. If your mother has it chances are you'd have it too. My mum doesn't have it so I don't have it either even though I didn't put cream on (not more then twice a week). A collegue of mine religously applied stretchmarks cream 3 time a day (caz her mum) has it and by the 5th month it started popping up.
But don't be despair you can reverse it so I read on a beauty forum. A lady applied glycolic acid cream on her body everyday and it took her two years to get rid of all her stretch marks but u can't see it in her bikini photos!!! Glycolic acid works by exfoliating the skin and thereby stimulate cell renewal. Don't ask me which brand she use, I don't have the answer as she mixes her own cream. Theoretically any thing that exfoliate the skin would work, ie vit A. But same as glycolic acid it takes time.
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As for creams that harms fetus. Usually you don't have to worry about commerical cosmetic creams harming fetus. They are too mild and topically applied cream rarely makes it into the blood stream unless it is stuff like nicotin patch. It has another chemically that brings the nicotin itself into your blood to have an effect. We know high doesage of Vit A SUPPLYMENT would harm the fetus but not vitamin A CREAM. So if I were you I won't worry about it unless it is some medical cream.
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16 yrs ago
Laser therapy is probably your best bet, before the stretch marks turn purple. This usually signals that its too late and that the dermis is permanently torn. I got them from weight training and sought treatment too late i.e. when they turned purple.
= )
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