Pls don't spoil your confinement nanny

Posted by tinghai2007 16 yrs ago
Besides taking care of the baby, traditional Chinese confinement nanny suppose to also take care of the Mom. She should do the daily grocery and cook the right food for the mom. Otherwise they are not worth 25K+ a month.

I'm so fustrated that most of the confinement nanny I talk to nowadays expects only to take care of the baby only. And for the rest of the time they just rest or watch TV.

2 years ago I only need to pay $18K a month for a 24 hrs confinement nanny and she'll take care of everything. Now they are asking 25K and only responsible for the baby and nothing else. They told me all the rich people who hire them has many domestic helper so she does not need to cook. And this has become the norm.

I have a domestic helper but she does not know how to cook the right food for the Mom nor does she know what ingredients to buy. This suppose to be the job of the confinement nanny.

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honeypie 16 yrs ago
If you are concern on food, then just order from terraform, the confinement food delivery.

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michelley 16 yrs ago
i agree with cara. when my baby was born, i didn't want anyone to take care of my baby but me.

my friends who have had a c. nanny have both experienced good and bad. they were always very helpful interms of taking care of mom's needs and the baby's needs. but sometimes, they insist on their way over the mother's which made myf riends really angry.

i've never heard of a c. nanny that doesn't cook 'mom' food. that's part of why they're tehre! i think u'll jus tneed to look for another one. but really....i just ate whateve ri wanted after giving birth. though against my parents' and in-laws' wishes. i dun care about what my in-laws want, and my parents are used to me not listening to it all worked out fine. hahaha.

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Havefaith 16 yrs ago
I personally would not hire a 24-hour c.nanny again. I had one for 2.5 weeks and fired her. She was very lazy and did not like doing the odd hour feeding. She was letting my daughter cry for 2 hours without feeding her. She was also full of BS and was giving me some of the Chinese herbs that are not meant for nursing mums.

My friend had a 24-hour c.nanny and had similar issues with hers.


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