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18 yrs ago
My sister is just under 37 weeks pregnant with her second child. She has just felt the "lightening" today; the baby dropping into the pelvis. We know that with first births, this can happen weeks before the onset of labour, but what about with second births? The information I can find on the net suggests that it may be much more of a predictor of imminent labour in second births. Would be very good to know as she lives in Perth, Western Australia, and her husband is currently working in a remote area of northern WA. He could take up to two days to reach her pending chopper transfers etc. He is due back normally on Monday but she is not sure whether she should call him back early.
Those who've had multiple births, what is your experience of the delay between "lightening" and labour.
Please note that I already realise there is up to a four week delay with first births. I'm specifically hoping for info on subsequent births.
Thanks in advance for your replies.
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18 yrs ago
To quote What to Expect When You're Expecting..."Dropping also called lightening occurs when the foetus descends into the pelvic cavity. In first pregnancies, this lightening generally takes place two to four weeks before delivery. In women who have had children previously, it RARELY occurs until they GO INTO LABOUR. But as with almost every aspect of pregnancy, exceptions to the rules are the rule." Reading the above it sounds like it could be imminent. Can she go and see a midwife/nurse/obs and get a gauge of where she is at (eg station, have effacement and dilation begun)? I know that they can't be relied upon as a definite predictor but it might give her peace of mind.
I was watching House of Babies on Discovery the other night and the head Midwife said other indicators are looser stools, loss of appetite, nesting, less tired at night/more alert. I think she said if these were in play then it was only a matter of days.
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18 yrs ago
thanks for that! Have passed on yr quote to my sis. She's going to see ob tomorrow and based on that will make a decision whether to call him back. At the moment she's inclined to just in case, although she doesn't have any of the other labour symptoms.
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My helper just told me that my baby has dropped - I notice it too as my breasts don't rest on my belly any more :)))
She was a bit surprised when i told her I'm only at 35 weeks and still have some time to go.
For first pregnancies - did you guys notice the baby dropping and if yes, how long did it take between the dropping and the actual onset of labour?
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I am currently pregnant with my 3rd child. With my 2nd i had the lightening about a month early and labor through out that last month dilating throughout that last month slowly. Baby had dropped down *lightening* and it was very uncomfortable. HAHA. At my routine exam doctor saw i was 6cm dilated and within 30 mins i went into full labor and had the kid within 2 hours. Totally depends on the person. Also with my 2nd my husband was out of the country and missed the delivery. If it is important to her to have her husband there when she is going to give birth then yes have him come back home early just in case.
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