amnio on twins

Posted by newbie38 17 yrs ago
I'm pregnant with twins and considering whether or not to do an amnio. I know that it's a lot riskier on twins... Has anyone done amnio on twins? Any doctors you can recommend?

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Sharonhk2008 17 yrs ago
Hi Newbie38 - Congratulations on your twins! Amnio's are usually considered when the mother is over 35 or there's a history of chromosonal abnormalities. Of course this is a very personal decision. I don't think the risks on twins is a lot riskier. With a singleton I think the risk is around 1% - if you google, you'll find stats from 1/200 to 1/400. You need to ask your OBG re the twins stats. It also depends if your twins are identical or fraternal. I had identical twins & only had an amnio on one twin. You need to think about what you would do with the results - I guess that will help you decide if you really need the amnio. If you are worried about Downs, the risk based on age I think is around 1/200 when you are around 35/36. There are a lot of excellent OBGs in HK - have a look in the A to Z section this website or call the Matilda. Do you not already have an OBG you are happy with?

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ldsllvn 17 yrs ago
newbie, congratulations on your twins! I did not have amnio with mine - did you have the baby neck/limbs measuring test (whatever it is called?)? What were the results? If you have good results - I would not bother, the risk indeed is too high. If however you have concerns after the test, it is your decission and nobody can advise I am afraid... But having twins is just the best thing ever I promisse you!

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HK2 17 yrs ago
Hi, newbie38,

i am assuming that amnio is in the picture because you've got results of the nuchal scan and yoúr risk for Down's might be higher than most. We were going to private and government for our antenatal when were pregnant with twins. We got conflicting resultsfrom both but got the feeling that the private doctor felt something was not quite right. We got an amnio done on each twin (we had to insist) - and one did have down's.

You need to know that amnio is not as risky as it many make it sound to be especially if your doctor is good and has done many in the past. you should rest after it as there is a slight chance of miscarriage and you need to allow time for the puncture in the amniotic sac to close.

you also have to be clear as to what you would do with the results if heaven forbid, it's not favorable.

wish you luck - the doctors i know who are good at this include macor wan, milton leong, alex doo.

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lmcf 17 yrs ago
The risks are low for singletons and twins, but still "double" for the twins. Regardless of skill and experience, something can go wrong. I don't know what I would do if faced with the same question again. But we did loose one twin (fraternal) after an amnio. Actually, it is extremely rare to loose only one.... usually the miscarriage from the one will induce the other twin to miscarry. One baby did survive, but the entire pregnancy was jeopardized..... and he was born at only 28 weeks. There were several other preemies in the ward with problems originating after the amnio.

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