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19 yrs ago
We are looking for a fertility doctor in Shanghai, no luck so far. Any suggestions would be appreciated!!
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I replied to a german women several days ago who was also looking..I am doing IVF, tried in China first, but needed to be married (16 years together, but no paperwork) also I was not sure on success rates. The doctor we saw could not speak english, but her assistant could (a little, but better than my chinese). The fertility department is in Ruijin hospital in Pudong. Only few approved chinese clinic, I couldnt'find one for foreigners, so be prepared, everything is very chinese. I'm going back to the UK for a couple of months to do the treatment, if no good result good, then we do the marriage thing and try here.
Good luck
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Thanks! My Chinese is not bad, although I am sure the terms are not in most Chinese lessons. I will take a look at Ruijin. If anyone else has found a doctor on the Puxi side, please write.
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I am going to give this a try. Watch the video,have a look at the website and see what you think?
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We spent 7 years on IVF - in Australia, USA, and finally Shanghai. Thanks to the Ji Ai Clinic ( - a joint venture with the GIVF clinic in the USA ( we have happy, healthy, beautiful twin boys. Shanghai certainly worked for us - but you'll need someone who speaks Chinese with you. It caters to Chinese primarily. The doctors all trained at GIVF in Virginia, so they all speak reasonable English, but it is primarily Chinese (obviously). And cost wise its a bargain compared to the USA (ouch) - a fraction of the price. Final word - like any Chinese hospital, the staff are paid peanuts, and if you are generous in your tips with the right doctors and key staff your life will be a lot easier in dealing with this - the Chinese speaker with you should be able to guide you in that. Its really just showing your appreciation. It shouldn't happen, but its a fact of life in Chinese hospitals that the staff get paid essentially nothing and live by under the table payments from grateful patients - when in Rome... Hope this information helps.
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Thanks ex china expat! I had almost given up. We did ICSI in Tokyo, then moved here. It was successful, but no remaining embryos for baby #2! I really want a second child so I was delighted to read your mail. My husband has such low sperm count it is sometimes zero. I see from their website they may have a treatment for this. How did you find someone to translate? No one knows about our fertility problems as I want to avoid the pity party.
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Message for Flo54725 and exchinaexpat
Regarding the Ji Ai Clinic:
When you say 6 months involved with Ji Ai Clinic, what do you mean? Have you try for 6 months or did you have to wait for 6 months before the procedure?
Is the clinic approved by Chinese government?
How low did it take you to do the procedure?
Thanks for your answers...
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19 yrs ago
i am very interested in this clinic. However the web page above is not working. Can anyone tell me if it is changed. I am also very interested in knowing the approximate cost for an IVF.
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19 yrs ago
Hi there
The new site seems to be:
BUT its only in Chinese
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