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18 yrs ago
I'm going on holiday to Hua Hin over easter. This is my first pregnancy and I'm a bit worried. What precautions do I need to take if any? Looking for travel insurance, any suggestions?
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see this earlier link for insurance. I contacted Andrew at RS Insurers and he was really quick to reply and terms look good. I just went on holiday (second trimester) and everything was fine. I didn't get my act together to get insurance in time, but would do so just in case.
My tips:
1. don't forget your prenatal vitamins.
2. try and get an aisle seat closer to the loos- I normally go for a window seat as far away from the loos as possible and this is a bad idea- being pregnant makes you want to pee ten times more than the usual person and this isn't great when you have to crawl over two people then leg it down half the plane only to stand in a queue.
3. check with your doctor it's okay (not sure what trimester you're in).
4. bring LOTS of water. Those piddly glasses they give you don't help and you soon realise you have a choice of being the most annoying passenger on the plane by calling for water every two seconds or being totally parched.
5. ask for a pillow asap- some planes have limited numbers and this is a life saver for your back.
6. do some research on how far the nearest hospital/doctor is from your hotel and what it's like- JUST IN CASE (touch wood).
7. try out your bikini before you go (I only JUST managed to squeeze into mine when I got there and must have been a bit of a fright... I should really have checked before I went).
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I would also speak to a doctor about what food to avoid and read up on all the usual travel tips and be extra stringent, so you don't get any sort of food posioning, like only eating fruits that have a skin etc. I would be careful of ordering drinks too as when we were there, everying came with ice - so make sure you ask for no ice and to be on the safe side drink pre-packages juices etc unless they are being squeezed fresh. there is a lot of seafood, being a coastal town so I would stick clear of the local joints. But then again, there is never any rhyme of reason to food poisioning , you can sometimes get it in 5 star places - so just make sure everything is cooked very well. Most of all - enjoy you holiday and put your feet up.
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18 yrs ago
Just do as you would do here, you're pregnant as are thousands of other woman going on holiday.
Remember the bubs is well protected in his little 'oven' and if you do as you normally do then you'll be fine, just stay away from sky diving and bungee!
ANd no, i'm not being patronising, i've had 2 kids and been on baking hot holidays during both pregnancies and have enjoyed nothing more than lying on the beach with my rounded belly, reading a book and relaxing (which some women seem to find hard when pregnant).
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i went on a beach holiday when i was preggers - bought a tankini instead as i didn't really want to expose my belly (but this is a personal choice).
other than that, it was a trip like any other. just enjoy your trip, while staying clear of dodgy food and have all the emergency numbers ready, as you would at home!
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Thank you everyone for your reply. Now I'm really ready to go!
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18 yrs ago
hi. i'm about 6 weeks it safe to do long flights? i'm thinking fo going back to Europe for a holiday.
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Is it safe to sunbathe while pregnant? Apart from the usual precautions (sunblock, staying in the sun for short intervals) is there anything else we need to look out for?
Oh, and any recommendations for sunblock for pregnant women?
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