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17 yrs ago
Has anyone experienced particularly severe hormonal changes while pregnant in their first two months?
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Hubby says I'm really grumpy, but I think I've always been grumpy, ha ha! Seriously, I think I'm just more moody and emotional. I suppose our hormones are working overtime for our little ones so there would have to be some kind of effect outwardly.
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It is quite common and one of the "classic" pregnancy "symptoms". My wife wasn't so bad but I've heard stories of friends' wives suddenly bursting into tears for no reason or waking them up in the middle of the night because they were really angry at them for totally inconsequential things.
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I have been crying for two days for no real reason just getting angry with everything in the process and feeling sorry for myself...this usually happened to me before getting my period but now in pregnancy.
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Hello Purefit,
I am in my 8th month and this is my first pregnancy. I think firstly you should stop worrying and thinking too much. Live your pregnancy as you like , do what you feel like doing, don't pressure yourself. Your body will tell you if you go too far. Don't listen to all the ppl when they tell you DON'T DO THIS DON'T DO THAT because mostly it is bullsh*t and cultural depend of the country they are from. If you do something wrong, as I said you will feel it, your body willl tell you so just relax. You should not change your way of life, just keep the same as before and relax !. You are pregnant not sick
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Has anyone had any strong cravings such as for sweets. I just finished a box of chocolates. I have heard here before others wanting to have sweets, is it a pretty popular craving with some of you?
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Also very common. My wife would have walked barefoot over broken glass for Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream during her first pregnancy.
As I see it, your body is simply strongly telling you it needs something and part of your brain figures out this particular nutrient is in the chocolates.
I have also heard of cravings for:
- Pickles.
- Chicken Kiev. My friend was sent out at 2 in the morning for ingredients so he could make Chicken Kiev on threat of dire physical harm from his wife. When he came back an hour later she was sound asleep.
- Hard candies.
- Celery sticks dipped in peanut butter.
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Usually chocolate for me, I can eat loads, but lately, give me cheese. I want a lot of cheese!
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My wife thought her temper during pregnancy was just the same as always. I told her that she was a bit more short tempered than usual (which she was). She yelled at me. Go figure. ;)
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The first 2-4 months I was very emotional, would cry over absolutely nothing. I would just let it out and that usually made me feel a lot better.
There are so many changes your body goes thru when pregnant, so just go with it and don't worry about it too much.
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The first few months are emotional around 3-4 months and after that the weight kicks in and makes you a little more grounded maybe:)
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I just completed my sixth wk and have started to feel a little sluggish and a little bloated. Is this a sign that my condition close to 8th week is going to get a little more slow? I feel my appetite has become less as I feel full/bloated easily. Does the feeling of being bloated get worse down the road?
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"I just completed my sixth wk and have started to feel a little sluggish and a little bloated. Is this a sign that my condition close to 8th week is going to get a little more slow? I feel my appetite has become less as I feel full/bloated easily. Does the feeling of being bloated get worse down the road?"
Typically you get "better" in 2nd trimester, then go into whale-like megabloat in 3rd trimester.
Your results may vary.
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But I feel different on diff days. Some days I feel sluggish, some days I am truly blue and some days I am forgetful also some days the flavor in my mouth changes like it is when you have fever. It is strange and that PMS feeling stays on some days...anyone else feeling similar symptoms yet or earlier?
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Has anyone experienced any cramps and depression during their first trimester, does it go away after the first trimester?
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Im into my 6th week. No nausea, but extremely tired. All the time. My emotions have been up and down like a roller coaster (my poor partner!). I cry at the drop of a hat, but will recover easily. I have to go to the bathroom all the time. I also had cramps, I think mostly around weeks 4 and 5. I asked my doctor about this - she said the uterus was expanding and that it was normal. Ooh, and i'm starting to get more constipated. Boo... Let's face it, it's just not our body anymore. I'm just hoping that my little cashew will stay inside me long enough to start enjoying this pregnancy!
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My appetite has gone down because i feel quesy and feel weak but not much i can do to eat as don't really feel like eating. also feel tired and cry at the slightest of things. i am in my eighth wk and can't wait to get to get my old normal self going again, i'm worried as i look pale and feel weak...and also breaking out.
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