Giving birth in Ho Chi Minh city

Posted by mummum 19 yrs ago

I am in Ho Chi Minh City and 31 weeks pregnant. I am hoping to have some advise from mothers in Ho Chi Minh city on which hospital is recommended for delivery and is their service good? Also, where can I buy a good and cheap baby crib?

Thank you for your help.

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aseana 19 yrs ago
Afraid I can't help you about this particular topic exactly. But I can tell you where you can make contact (face to face) with many expat women in HCMC. They may help. It is the ILV (international ladies of vietnam club). Check their website. I went to the meeting for the first time last month, and the information I got was plentiful, and just about everything. I even saw some ladies who are preggers. That may be a good start.

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