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16 yrs ago
I am currently having fertility treatment for baby no.2 and have had 5 months of chlomid, 2 with IUI. I then had IUI with a very low dose of Puregon and only had one egg. This didn't work and my Doc has increased my dosage. I am having IUI on Thurs and from my day 10 scan I may have 2-4 eggs. I am happy with this and think that I have just gotten to the point where IUI may work. Oh by the way, I conceived my son on a first round of IUI, 3 years ago so of course I am a fan.
Anyway my Doc is now saying that if this round doesn't work I should move on to IVF as 4 is more than enough IUI's. However I really feel that I have only gotten started with this and that it's only now that we have gotten the dosage right. I think I'd like to go to 6 IUI's but he says this is too much.
What I want to know is - those of you who have done IUI, how many did you do before it worked or before you moved on to the next level - IVF?
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I had 3 times (all failed) then my doc says it's time to move on with IVF as the chance is higher.
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I think you are being realistic at 6 then moving on. I recently spoke to an Oby who was not treating me or knew I was having IUI myself. He said 6 is realistic before moving onto IVf but quite often people do a lot fewer. He said that you put your body through a lot and then the risks of mulitples is higher which means you are at a higher risk during pregnancy. It was an educated and honest opinion as he was not gaining anything from the advice and esp financialy. Also you must remeber this is your body and you DO have the final say on what treatment you receive. I think it is quick and easy for the Dr to recommend IVF, but if this is not for you then say so, it is your choice.
However, I do not wish to sound negative about VF as I know for some women this is the only option and I fully respect this. Also I understand that several disappointments at IUI can be too much for some people. I became pregnant on my 3rd IUI and I too felt after my second attempt that we had finally mastered the right dosage for me. However like you I would have done IVF after the 6th attempt too. At the end of the day it is different for everyone also on the fertility front too. I think you need to push for WHAT you want rather than what the Dr wants you to do.
My thoughts behind my reasoning was "Less is Best" and I wanted it to be as natural as I could make it under the circumstances. I did not want my eggs removed from my body unless it was very neccessary and for me that point would have been after the 6th IUI!
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