Private Hospitals Full?

Posted by squiggles 18 yrs ago

Wondered if any of you are also experiencing this from your doctor. I went to the docs yesterday for my 8wk scan, and so far, all ok. However, he was already asking/telling me to book my hospital now because they seem to be 'full'. The one I chose, Matilda, he said had refused his last six requests because they were full, and the Adventist was heading that way too.

With these new rules requiring mainland mothers to pay, the Gov have in effect transferred the 'burden' onto the private sector so much so that HK mothers cannot give birth in the hospitals they choose. For the mainland mothers, their thinking is that if they're going to pay, then they might as well go private....

The fact that I don't even know whether my pregancny will go full term but I still have to book my hospital now seems ridiculous....

Anyone else with the same problem or is my doctor just winding me up on this?

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crj 18 yrs ago
Your doctor is VERY GOOD to tell you this now, I have heard of some doctors that were too late to register their patients.

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mrsl 18 yrs ago
Agree, some doctors are waiting until 20 week scan to do the booking and their patients find that they cannot get their hospital of choice. Know some friends who are very unhappy with their doctors as a result of this.

I'd suggest making the booking as a precaution. I'm not sure whether some people are booking two hospitals ' just to be sure' and will end up releasing one booking closer to the date. On a separate thread (same subject), someone from the Matilda said that the private hospitals are trying to compare lists to establish the extent of double booking.

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
Your doctor was right to ask you early as we are full till the end of July for bookings so far and we are starting to get bookings for September!

This does mean, as you pointed out, that there will be a number of spaces booked that may not be needed if booked so early, and the early the bookings are made the more likely this becomes. In March for example we have just had a couple of cancellations but these are quickly filled. I suggest that if you have been unable to book but still want to come that you ask your obstetrician to call up again very close to the time you are due and see if there are infact cancellations or 'no shows'.

Obviously if ladies double book hospitals (I can understand why though) it makes it very difficult to organise bookings and another lady will have been refused a space because of this which is a little mean. Some hospitals have grouped to check on double bookings and as a result one doctor at another hospital cancelled 27 bookings straight away!

We are trying to work a fair system and actually not that many of our patients are mainland mothers it is more a roll-on effect and I guess more babies.

We have a 'Maternity New' section on the front page of our website and will keep you posted on any changes.

Lynne - 2849 0328

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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crj 18 yrs ago

Have there been cases of you turning away anyone who was booked in a private room? Or downgrading them to a shared room?

I am registered by my doctor for April, but am concerned if we are 'early' and arrive in late March.


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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Squiggles, I was also told by my doctor to book now--for September. Like you, I was surprised but it does seem to ge the general consensus that booking early is the thing to do this year.

Congratulations on your pregnancy--wonderful news. I wish you all the best for a healthy 9 months.


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squiggles 18 yrs ago

Thanks very much - still early days yet. A friend of mine had a miscarriage not long ago so I'm not really counting on anything just yet. But of course, I will do what my doc advises - think he will be trying to book the hospital for me.

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy too!


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@@ 18 yrs ago
Two friends have have been knocked back for deliveries in August and September at both the Matilda and Adventist, yikes!

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mum of 2 18 yrs ago
Understand from my doctor that the reason for the crazy booking is people wanting to have 'Year of the Golden Pig' babies. Apparently the phones of obstetricians are ringing off the hook with newly pregnant women wanting to book appointments (and subsequently hospital rooms). I've had to book all of my check-ups upto my due date so that my doctor is careful not to overbook. So, its not all the fault of 'Mainland Mothers' after all!

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Ted the Angry American 18 yrs ago
Yeah it's the fault of the poorly thought out solution to the original problem... Well ok, and golden pigs.

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ninalee 18 yrs ago
I have been told and confirmed that this year is not the year of the golden pig! It's the fire year for pigs apparently... Can someone confirm again please

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