Telling the gender of a baby

Posted by Babeez 16 yrs ago
Hi all,

I am 17 weeks pregnant and went for a scan a couple of days ago and the doc pointed out that we may be having a boy as he saw something sticking out. We have a daughter already and at around this time into our pregnancy with her, we were also told she was a boy because there was something sticking out. On both occasions, the part sticking out was not the umbilical cord as we could see that from a 4D scan. We are happy with either sex but are just dying to find out for sure. Have many people on thid forum been told they were carrying a specific gender to then find out it was wrong? I am just curious to know how often it happens.

Thanks all, and ofcourse, i am happy as long as the baby is healthy, just curious about these ultrasound gender predictions!

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ldsllvn 16 yrs ago
why dont you ask again at the next scan? maybe it will be easier to see - baby bigger, different position etc?

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Sashimi Girl 16 yrs ago
i found out i was having a boy at 12 weeks and my doctor told me that that was 80% accurate and that he has NEVER made a wrong assessment before in all his years of practising. so, that doesn't speak for all the OBs out there but based on that, it seems that it is not very common to get it wrong. although it has already happened to you before?!!

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Babeez 16 yrs ago
Hi Sashimi Girl,

Can you tell me who your doc is? I was told at my 15 week scan that i was having a boy then told i was told i was having a girl at my 20 week scan. I had a girl in the end and am blessed to have her. My doc told me 80% chance too for her, he's telling me 80% chance of boy for this one but i am holding off on the 'blue' shopping till i go for my 20 week scan! Either way, i am happy but i am just confused by the 'maybe' factor. I wish if he didn't know for sure, that he didn't say anything!

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frenchfamily 16 yrs ago
All babies have a 'sticking out bit' early in pregnancy and therefore they all look like boys if you are not an experienced sonographer (I say that because you can differentiate between boys and girls in the first trimester by the direction the bit is sticking out but you need to be experienced in scanning to correctly position the baby and then interpret the direction). The sticking out bit in a girl is actually the clitoris (maybe too much information!!) which is exactly the same size in the first trimester as the penis, but then it gradually shrinks in the second trimester. It is therefore much easier on the whole to be sure at the 20 week scan.

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cd 16 yrs ago
You should be able to tell at the detailed 20 week scan. The scans are so clear nowadays, when I was pregnant with my last 2, it was so obvious what sex they were that a 2 year old could have told you. Just wait a couple of more weeks until that one.

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supercat 16 yrs ago
Our doctor told us at the scan that she was 80% sure it was a boy. Turns out it was, but my point is that it seems common for doctors to say "80%". Maybe they don't want to commit one way or the other. Probably had irate mothers and fathers sturning up with boys dressed head to foot in pink clothes or who'd spent a fortune decorating a room with murals of pink ponies!

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Babeez 16 yrs ago
Thanks all, i guess i will just wait for my 20 week-scan. Just dying to buy some blue or pink. Thanks frenchfamily for the explanation, i had always wondered what exactly was sticking out of my daughter at 14 weeks!

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Martin Ketteridge 16 yrs ago
Whilst the scans are 70% - 80% accurate they're not 100% because they are images created using sonor equipment.

The only way to be 100% sure is to have amniocentises. Its 100%!

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christian_moore 16 yrs ago
We were told the sex at 10 weeks, even though we didn't really need to know.

baby is due in 6 weeks, so will find out soon if he was right or not

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Zorglub 16 yrs ago
I have 3 children, all three were supposed to be girls, but I do have 2 boys... :)

First boy was breach so hard to see, second boy was "diagnosed" as a girl, only to be re-diagnosed as a boy later on in the pregnancy... It's always a surprise in the end!

Definitely don't make any plans until your next scan...

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cd 16 yrs ago
Disagree with Martin Ketteridge, I was 100% sure with my last 2, they were crystal clear, must have been in a good position.

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Babeez 16 yrs ago
My scan just had the same 'sticking out' part which my daughter had so i am definitely going to wait for my 20-week scan until i stock up on blue. At my 20-week scan with my daughter, it was crystal clear too, we had the three white lines staring at us and she was in an, um, 'very co-operative' pose.

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Martin Ketteridge 16 yrs ago
cd, I am not a Dr. but understand that whilst individual cases may be clear the overall success rate is approx. 70% to 80%. If you need to be 100% certain then amniocentisis is the method to provide this but can only be undertaken after a certain period.

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