Breastfeeding: Forced feeding

Posted by Ed 14 yrs ago
Everyone agrees breastfeeding is best for babies – but vulnerable new mothers are being bullied into it. Anne Wollenberg finds some disturbing evidence

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LOJITT 14 yrs ago
I actually think this article is way off. Firstly, bf rates in the Uk are shamefully low- around 30% at 6 weeks so IMO it is right that hospitals are supportive of bf. Most women do start off wanting to bf but many are unable to overcome the initial problems and are given poor or conflicting advice or are rail roaded into getting their baby into a 4 hr routine/ supplementing infrequent feeds with formula which is incompatible with successful bf.

Secondly, if you leave hospital unable to bf (i.e. before sorting out latching problems) then you're unlikely to sort them out by yourself so it makes sense to stay in until the baby is able to latch.

Thirdly, this article seems to have taken 2 people's experiences and assumed this is the norm. I have 2 friends who ff from birth and if you tell the hospital that you're not going to bf are and committed to that decision then that's fine. They cant force you and are not going to but at the same time, you cant expect them to spend time supporting you to open a carton/ mix up a powder when there are women struggling to bf who really need support

I dont understand why the person cited needed support with ff- er- follow the instructions on tin, put in bottle, give bottle to baby. end of. If you find it that hard to add water to powder, buy cartons. I find it strange that these seemingly articulate women haven't done any research before actually giving birth.

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