So down, can't understand why!

Posted by Sarsky 17 yrs ago
I'm sure the way I'm feeling is probably very common but I guess it helps me to vocalise my frustrations with people I think might understand.

This is my story.....had a miscarriage in October. we've been trying ever since with no luck. We were given Clomid to try, even though my doctor thuinks I'm probably ovulating ok. No luck first month. Then last month, had a scan, saw 3 follicles that looked like they would release an egg. Had lots of sex when we were told we should, remained very optimistic, started noticing my breasts swelling about 4 days before my period was due....then got my period.

It's just so upsetting. We're lucky in that we haven't been diagnosed with some of the problems many people have, we've got pregnant before but just can't seem to now.

I'm sorry, I guessi just need someone to hear me.

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Aussierules 17 yrs ago
Hi Sarsky,

Pls check yr PM, thanks

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
We hear you and there's nothing wrong with you. These things can be stressful.

My prescription (as a non-expert) is to take a little vacation and forget all about kids for a while.

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Keepontrying 17 yrs ago

I was told that Clomid thins the lining and this might prevent you from getting pregnant. If you want some stimulation to produce more eggs, you may want to opt for low dose fsh. It's more natural and may work better for you. The only negative is that these will be injections. But seeing that you are ovulating regularly, you may not need a very high dose. The other thing you may want to consider is a natural IUI (seeing that you are ovulating and have been able to get pregnant before). It all depends on your age I suppose in deciding how far you want medical technology to help you.

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LA Bliss 17 yrs ago
hi sarksky, vent away! we're listening. :) we've just started ttc so i can only imagine what you must be going through... hang in there!

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Havefaith 17 yrs ago

I have sent you a PM.


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