questions on TTC (trying to conceive)

Posted by smegal 18 yrs ago
We will start TTC (trying to conceive) in the next couple of months. I am still on the pill for another month and will stop after that. In order to prepare myself for the best conception time (and learn about it) I have started to chart my temperature and register mucus patterns. Now, my gyn said that this is fairly irrelevant at this stage since I'm still on the pill and the recordings are 'artificial' with the intake of hormones.

My question is: my temperature is up and down all the time and I can't seem to register the 3 day peak time of ovulation. Will this sort itself out after stopping the pill and 'go back to normal'? I can register the 'correct mucus pattern' for conception (i.e. clear and stretchy) but it does not conform with the peak temperature(s) I have. The mucus actually rather show on the low temperatures rather the high ones. Will this sort itself out after stopping the pill?

Has anyone experienced similar things?

Yes, I know when TTC I have to relax about things and believe me I am not stressed out about conceiving. I've got all the time in the world. All I want is to learn about it and hopefully be able to conceive naturally at some stage.


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satrycon 18 yrs ago this will help

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Kikidee 18 yrs ago
There's really no point in doing the whole temp and mucous pattern thing until you've stopped taking the pill. The pill works by preventing ovulation so obviously if you're not ovulating you won't be getting any of the usual indicators for ovulation (temps, egg-white CM etc). The pill also makes the CM thicker.

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Fluery 18 yrs ago
If you recently stopped taking pills, you should wait at least 3 months before getting pregnant. Otherwise you run a higher risk of miscarriage. Some doctors even recomend 6 months waiting time or at least 3 regular menstral cycles. Good luck.

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abitnaive 18 yrs ago
smegal - while the above posters have good points, particuarly kikidee, you also have a very good point. there is nothing wrong with educating yourself about your fertility cycle and the signals your body gives during your peak fertility days. as much as the nuns and our parents tried to tell us, and as a few lucky friends have found, it can happen the first time....but for the rest of us, it can take a little effort and education. good luck to you. don't forget the folic acid.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
definitely get this book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Wexler. It will give you all the ins and outs of mucous, timing, BBT, and whatever else you want to know.

You can also start taking a good prenatal vitamin right now - this will have your daily folic acid requirement within it.

have fun learning about your body. I actually was shocked one day, when one of my friends sort of let it slip that she thought the "hole" for sex was the same one for urine. I told her "OUR PLUMBING IS FAR MORE SOPHISTICATED THAN A MAN'S!" She just had NO idea. And she was married and having regular sex! just goes to show - a little education can go a long way. (after that we joked up women having 3 holes.) HAHAHHA.

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MayC 18 yrs ago
hkcc, re holes, I didn't know that either. Yikes!!

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
well May C

we all live and learn. I am actually not surprised that more people aren't aware of 3 holes. (My friend was not the only one who wasn't aware - a friend of mine, who had already had 3 kids and was a dentist didn't know either!) Hopefully this thread will educate some more! HAHAH.


1 hole - pee

1 hole - baby

1 hole - poo

we are made in a very hygenic manner.

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espresso 18 yrs ago

can you recommend some names for good women gynaecologists? my husband and i have been TTCing for almost 2 years now. thanks.

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