Posted by
16 yrs ago
Hi all,
Does anyone have a recommendation for an RE that has a really great embryoligist on his/her staff? I have a friend that may want to have frozens shipped from the US for an FET. Since thawing, etc. is so critical, she really needs a great embryoligist.
I don't even know how common FETs are in HK and/or China but there must be a couple great REs in HK.
Any advice regarding HK and/or Guangzhou or Shenzed REs would be great. I assume HK is the place to go though.
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i can only recommend re's in hong kong: philip ho is very good, as is chris haines. beware of drs calling themselves fertility experts who aren't.
i think i mentioned on another thread, getting frozens shipped internationally can be a real hassle. good luck to your friend, infertility is frustrating enough, hope she negotiates this hoop without too many challenges.
if she does manage to get the embryos into hong kong, could she please post which company she went with? i know there are some people who read this site who would be interested in that information.
thank you and all best to your friend.
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At what stage did your friend have her embryos frozen? If it's post day 2, then I think you may want to go the the HK Sanitorium as the other good lab here (ProlIVFic) only does day 2 transfers. Therefore, I am not sure whether ProlIVFic can actually thaw your embryos in the appropriate medium since I think thawing means you actually then do a day 3 or later transfer. I am no expert on this, so best if you just call the labs and tell them your needs. I would recommend either ProlIVFic or the HK Sanitorium, although do bear in mind that HK Sanitorium offers a lot more services. Depending on the number of embryos your friend has and what she may want done (i.e., taking them to day 5 for transfer, assisted hatching - which by the way is recommended for older women), she may then want to go with the Sanitorium.
In HK, I would also recommend Philip Ho. Very experienced. As a matter of fact, he does IVF at both ProlIVFic and the Sanitorium, so you may want to call his office and see what he recommends as far as the lab goes.
Good luck to your friend.
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